Chapter 437 The Weird White Building
Bai Yunfei and the others quickly started playing in this busy street. The two little guys were also very excited. They touched and touched, obviously very curious about everything.

At this moment, suddenly there was a loud noise from the front, and someone was crying.

Bai Yunfei said helplessly to the two little guys, "It looks like trouble is coming again, you two should protect Shen Ruyue well."

Bai Xiaoxiao stared at the front with some curiosity, and said, "Could it be that someone wants to trouble us? Or is it because they want to assassinate this nerd?"

Liu Xuexing smiled slightly, and said, "Brother, can't you see this? Someone must be here to assassinate this nerd, otherwise, Master wouldn't let us protect him."

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Bai Yunfei in confusion, and said, "Then why didn't you protect him yourself? Let us two children protect her. This is illegal employment of child labor."

Bai Yunfei patted Bai Xiaoxiao's head, and said flatly, "I have some things to go and come as soon as I need them, so you two should protect this nerd well."

After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, he left here, and Shen Ruyue turned her head at this moment, and found that Bai Yunfei had disappeared, and said to Bai Xiaoxiao curiously, "Hey, where did your master go? Wasn't he still here just now? Why did it disappear in a blink of an eye?"

Bai Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and said, "I don't have anything to do, so I'm leaving for now, let the two of us follow you."

Shen Ruyue smiled lightly, and said, "Well, anyway, your master won't get lost, now I'll take you two to see the excitement, there were a lot of people gathered there just now, it should be fun Yes."

Liu Xuexing shook his head slightly, and said, "You still want to play in other places, there are so many people there, in case something bad happens, it's too late to react, it's safer to go to other places to play .”

After Shen Ruyue thought for a while, she smiled, and said, "That's right, let's go, then let's go to see other interesting things, I remember there is a puppet show in front, it should be very interesting, let's go there Let's watch a puppet show."

Zheng Ruyue took the two little guys to the other side to watch the puppet show, and at this time Bai Yunfei appeared in a very strange white building.

"The energy I felt just now should have appeared here, but how could there be reverse energy here?" Bai Yunfei sized up this strange white building, and said curiously.

The old man also kept scanning the whole strange white building, but said with some doubts, "I don't know about this, but master, I can be very sure that this white building is very weird, and then your energy must be It's in this white building, but I don't know why I can't find any clues about him."

After thinking silently for a while, Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "No matter what's weird about this white building, it shouldn't affect us in any way. We'll just go in, and then we'll know what the reason is, what can cause it. Does inverse energy exist?"

"No matter what, Master, you still have to be more careful. Since there is reverse energy, there must be something against the sky, so you should not be careless." The old man reminded.

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "Don't worry, I will be careful."

Bai Yunfei directly knocked on the door of this strange white building, but got no response from anyone. Bai Yunfei directly performed lightness kung fu, and quickly came to the second floor of this white building, and directly opened the same window. .

But there is no human habitation in this white building at all, and there is nothing, so everything is quiet.

Bai Yunfei went, and after looking at the surrounding environment with some seriousness, he said lightly, "There is no dust around here. It is obvious that people often clean here, but when I knocked on the door just now, but no one opened it, it must be that someone has gone out."

The old man said with some doubts, "However, if there is no one inside, how can the reverse energy appear? Could it be that there are some objects attached to it?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "I always feel that there is something wrong with you. You still need to be careful, old man, go and scan it vigorously for me. Is there anything underground? My ears can't hear anything underground. any echo."

After a quick check, the old man said with some doubts, "This is strange. I also checked, but I can't see what's going on underground. It stands to reason that I should be able to scan the underground structure, but unfortunately, there is no such thing at all." When I checked it, it seemed that something was blocking my viewing."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "This is really interesting, there is still something that can block your inspection, it seems that there should be some interesting things in it, let's go and check it now, I want to see what it is Something that can actually block the inspection of the two of us."

Bai Yunfei quickly came to the first floor, searched quickly, and found the mechanism leading to the underground in a very narrow room.

Bai Yunfei quickly entered the underground, and found that there was actually a sacrificial hall for placing spirit cards inside.

After Bai Yunfei sized it up, he said with some doubts, "Old man, do you recognize this statue? Why is this statue so weird to me?"

After a careful inspection, the old man suddenly said in surprise, "How is this possible? Why is there a statue of a witch here?"

Bai Yunfei was a little puzzled and said, "What is a witch? Could it be some kind of big demon?"

The old man said to Bai Yunfei seriously, "Master really didn't expect that you can see the statue of witches and demons here. Don't worry about the things here, and leave here quickly. If the witches and demons really come, I'm afraid it will be considered a ghost." There is no way you can handle it with your current strength."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said, "What's going on? Explain to me clearly. Could it be that with my current strength, I can't intervene in such a thing? This is just a low-level world, and it's worth your worrying." ?"

The old man shook his head and said seriously, "No matter the plane, once there is a statue of a witch, it means that this plane has been targeted by him. I am afraid that it will not take long before the world will be swallowed by him. "

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said, "You're right, shouldn't it be more terrifying than destruction?"

(End of this chapter)

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