Chapter 449
Bai Yunfei walked directly off the ring and said to the two little guys, "Now you should be able to see how dangerous it was just now. Once you encounter a battle, you must go all out. You must know when there will be some Unknown risks are waiting for you, and if you accidentally touch it, you will die directly."

"It's really very dangerous. This is simply the extreme use of conspiracy and tricks. I have to learn from him."

Bai Xiaoxiao's face was all over the side, burst into light, and said.

"It was really dangerous just now, master, but if the weapon is used on the battlefield recently, it should be even more terrifying. If it is in your hands, master, with your calculations, I believe it will be even more difficult for the opponent to dodge. Even if you are an opponent of the same level, it may not necessarily be your opponent, Master."

After careful analysis, Liu Xuexing said to Bai Yunfei affirmatively.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, "That's natural. Now that this weapon is in my hands, I can exert its more powerful power. I believe that I will definitely not disappoint everyone. I really have some expectations now. Hold it When the gentle Grim Reaper fights with the opponent, the opponent is stunned by this strange style of play, which really makes me look forward to it."

After thinking about it seriously, Bai Xiaoxiao reminded Bai Yunfei, "Master, I don't think your gentle Death is really powerful. You should set up some organs inside and rearrange it again." , can add some new changes, which will make him even stronger, and I can feel that it still has great potential? Master, you can study it carefully."

"That's right, there is still room for improvement, and I can teach more changes to add to it, and it will become more powerful by then, but this is after all a foreign thing that cannot be passed. Too much relying on him, everything You have to rely on yourself, you know!"

Bai Yunfei was afraid that Bai Xiaoxiao would go astray, so he reminded her.

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded slightly, and said, "Don't worry, master, I know I have my own measure, and I won't give up my way because of these foreign things, I just use some small means when necessary , but I will not let them become obstacles to my martial arts."

"It's fine if you know it yourself. I need to take a good rest now and then go up to challenge the two of you. If you want to challenge the following, you can go up and try."

Bai Yunfei nodded, then sat aside, and began to recover his physical strength.

Bai Xiaoxiao and Liu Xuexing persuaded him not to go up to continue the challenge, because he knew his limit, so he had no chance of winning at all.

After a while, Bai Yunfei stood up from the ground, his physical strength had already recovered to the best state at this time, Bai Yunfei directly took out a Fang Tian painting halberd and quickly walked onto the ring.

A soldier holding Qinglong Yanyue Knife came out directly, and nodded slightly to Bai Yunfei.

"Your strength has been recognized by all of us, so as long as you can defeat me, we will give you a chance to go to the battlefield of chance, which is different from here, there will not be any duel place there, you just You need to quietly comprehend it there, you can get unexpected rewards, and you may even see your strength increase again, but it all depends on whether you have this opportunity."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, looked at the soldier seriously and said, "Why did you give me such a chance? I believe it's not because I can get your approval. I want to know the real reason."

The soldier smiled lightly and said, "There is no real reason, it is because you defeated the god of death that you have such an opportunity, if you cannot defeat something, you will not have such an opportunity at all. I didn't expect that someone would come to challenge him so soon, but I didn't expect that you would actually find him and succeed."

Bai Yunfei nodded thoughtfully, looked at the soldier and said, "I can sense that you are much stronger than those present, may I know your name?"

"We don't have any real names here. If you really want to distinguish, then you can call me Kuang Zhan."

There was a different look in Kuang Zhan's eyes, and he looked into the distance lightly, obviously he was recalling his previous things again.

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "It seems that you are all warriors with stories, didn't you think of going out?"

"We don't have any chance to go out at all. We can sleep peacefully here and wait for challengers to help them. It's a very good entertainment for us." Kuang Zhan shrugged helplessly.

Bai Yunfei nodded, and said seriously to Kuang Zhan, "Although I can't show my real strength now, I can only use this body to exert my strongest power. I believe that I will never let you down. "

Kuang Zhan snorted softly, "Okay, take my knife!"

The Qinglong Yanyue knife in Kuang Zhan's fast hand slashed towards Bai Yunfei. His knife was so fast that it was faster than the lightning, so strong winds began to fly around.

"Good come!"

At the same time, Bai Yunfei yelled violently, and quickly waved Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand to meet him.

All the weapons in the hands of the two people collided, and there was a shocking sound.

And the originally very solid arena immediately began to tremble.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei and Kuang Zhan both had veins bulging, and they kept trying to overwhelm each other.

Then as time passed slowly, Bai Yunfei gradually backed up a few steps, obviously Bai Yunfei was no longer physically strong enough to keep up with Kuang Slash.

Bai Yunfei quickly spun Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand and slashed towards Kuang Zhan like a big knife.

Crazy Slash also quickly waved the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand to block Bai Yunfei's strike, and then slashed at Bai Yunfei again.

But at this time, Bai Yunfei directly and quickly stabbed at Kuang Zhan with the handle of Fang Tian's painted halberd, forcing Kuang Zhan to quickly return to defense with the Qinglong Yanyue Saber.

But at the moment when he slashed back to the defense, Bai Yunfei brandished Fang Tian's painted halberd, and quickly stabbed at him.

Although he was a little surprised by Bai Yunfei's sudden change of attack, his reaction was also very fast, and the Qinglong Yanyue knife directly blocked Bai Yunfei's Fang Tian's painting halberd.

(End of this chapter)

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