Chapter 455 Sisters Recognize
Heisha's crying made Lang Niu a little puzzled for a while, but it also made Lang Niu have some inexplicable emotions and quickly comforted her and said, "Sister, don't cry. If you have something to say, don't worry, I won't worry about it." I will resent you, because my life in Tianlang Village is also very good."

Heisha shook his head and said, "That's not the case. You were not abandoned, but abducted. I have been looking for you for many years. I am your own sister. Look at my The left arm has the same birthmark as you."

Heisha raised her left arm, and sure enough there was a crescent-shaped imprint. Langniu revealed the crescent-shaped imprint on her right hand in disbelief. After comparing it, she found that it was exactly the same.

Heisha sighed slightly, and said to the wolf girl, "Your sister is not what my parents thought you would abandon, but because the enemy suddenly killed me, my mother, in order to cover the two of us from escaping, I tried my best to stop the enemy, But I didn't expect my sister to lose you accidentally, and when I wanted to look for you again, I couldn't find you no matter what."

Wolf girl looked at Heisha tremblingly, and said, "Sister, are our parents still alive?"

Heisha shook his head in pain, and said, "They are all dead, and I have been looking for your whereabouts all these years, but don't worry, I have avenged my father and mother."

Everyone left here and left it to this sister. The two continued their good stories there, while the others went to rest in other places.

All the people under Heisha bowed to Shen Ruyue, and said, "From now on, you are our benefactor. You must know that our eldest sister has been looking for her younger sister, and this is almost becoming His inner demons have finally come true, and now we are here, thank you."

Shen Ruyue shook her head slightly, and said, "Where are you talking about? We just traded fairly. Next, you need to complete the tasks I entrusted to you."

Those few people all patted their chests and said, "Don't worry, as long as we can do it, we will definitely be able to do it for you even if we risk our lives."

Shen Ruyue smiled faintly, and said, "Don't worry, what I asked you to do is very simple, that is, to ask you to investigate the whereabouts of a person for me, as long as you can find the whereabouts of this person, that's fine."

One of the thin men said directly, "You just need to tell us his name and some other clues, and I think I can find it with you."

"His name is Cyclops. I don't know his real name. I only know that his right eye is blind, leaving only one left eye, and his martial arts are also very strong. He is good at using a big axe at the level of a general." Shen Ruyue Said lightly.

The thin man's heart moved, he was slightly stunned, and said, "The one-eyed you mentioned, I know where he is, he is now living in the Grand Marshal's mansion, but he has always been there as a nurse, so few people can I know his whereabouts, but I saw him by accident, but I didn't dare to think too much about it at the time, after all, his vicious name is very frightening, and I was afraid that his whereabouts would be leaked and they would silence him."

Shen Rule smiled lightly, and said, "So that's it, all of this makes sense. You have done what you promised me. If that's the case, we've settled the dispute."

Those people looked at each other and shook their heads, and said to Shen Ruyue, "Is your matter such a simple matter?"

"It's such a simple matter. I have other things to do so I won't stay here any longer." Shen Ruyue and Tie Lang left here directly.

Iron Wolf looked at Shen Ruyue with some puzzlement, and said, "Brother Shen, I can tell that you should have practiced some martial arts now, but even so, you can't be careless. I know you are in trouble now. It can be said to be a deadly game, although I don't know what cards you have, but I still advise you, leave this country as soon as possible, you will be absolutely safe if you leave here."

"Leave this country, even if you leave, is it really safe? Is there a safe place in this world?" Shen Ruyue said mockingly.

Iron Wolf opened his mouth slightly, and finally didn't know what to say, so he could only sigh helplessly.

Suddenly, Shen Ruyue's heart moved, she looked into the distance, smiled faintly, and said, "But I didn't expect them to be so eager to come here to die."

Shen Ruyue left here directly and quickly, came to the outside of Tianlang Village, walked 500 meters ahead, then stopped and waited quietly.

After a while, there was a sound of horseshoes, and hundreds of soldiers rushed towards this side quickly.

Iron Wolf also came outside at this time, stood by Shen Ruyue, saw those soldiers by the side, immediately frowned, and said, "Damn it, why did these soldiers come so fast, brother Shen immediately returned to the village, we can use the Some dangers to delay the time, that's good, let everyone evacuate here quickly."

Shen Ruyue shook her head slightly, and said, "You can go in by yourself for other songs, and I can deal with these brats. Although I don't want to cause any killings, they asked for it, so I can't blame anyone .”

Iron Wolf said very anxiously, "This brother is not the time to joke, you should leave here quickly. You alone are no match for them at all. These people are all warrior-level strengths."

Shen Ruyue smiled lightly, and said, "I see, Brother Tie, you should go back to the village quickly, there is no business for you here, so there is no need to take this muddy water, for the safety of the village, you still Go back quickly, I can deal with it here, as long as you have confidence in me, these people can't take me."

Iron Wolf sighed helplessly, and quickly ran back to the village. He planned to go back and get his weapons, and after calling everyone to fight these soldiers to the death, he left here and found another place to live.

Shen Ruyue didn't understand it very well, and sighed slightly in consideration of their loyalty. To put it bluntly, he really didn't want to drag them down here, but they had to be used in this matter, so Shen Ruyue came here , but he did not expect these pursuers to come so fast.

(End of this chapter)

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