Chapter 464
Bai Yunfei frowned, and said, "It's really helpless. Even in the eyes of various rules, someone will always find his loopholes. It's really hard to guard against, but they probably won't win too much. Bar."

The man next to Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "You are right, they are indeed rarely able to win, but relatively speaking, their chances of winning are still very high, because after they met each other After not fighting, attack other people, even two people, three people attack one person at the same time, but once this happens, they will face clearing the battlefield directly."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "That is to say, they can only attack one-on-one, but they cannot bully the few with more. This is a restriction for them."

The man smiled smugly, and said, "Because of this, it is more beneficial to us, because we don't have any alliances at all, so we can unite with each other to deal with these alliances without being cleared by the space." The battlefield, so this is the only way we can win in the end."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a slight smile, "So that's the case, but there are indeed some unavoidable ways, but I believe that the space will undergo further changes, and by then the current situation will never appear again." The situation."

The man said with a little melancholy, "I hope so. If the current state can really be changed, it will be good news for all players."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, looked at the constant fighting going on there, shook his head slightly, and said, "I'm afraid this battle will take a long time, but I'm a little curious, are you all so quiet? Quietly wait for their two major alliances to kill each other before attacking them? And don't they know this?"

The man nodded slightly and said, "Of course they know about this situation, but even if they knew, they still have to choose the way they are doing now, because only in this way will the strongest people be born, which will be harmful to all of us ordinary players." hunt."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Since this is the case, it is even more impossible to let them succeed. Are you interested in playing with them with me?"

The man smiled slightly and said, "Of course I'm interested, how can we have a good time with them?"

Bai Yunfei smiled, pulled out a dagger, and quickly pierced the man's heart, taking his life.

The man pointed at Bai Yunfei in disbelief and said, "Why? Why did you attack me? Didn't we agree to deal with them together?"

Bai Yunfei sneered, and said, "That's because you are with them, do you think I don't know? Your expression has already betrayed you."

After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, he lit up all the things that the man had dropped, then directly drew his bow and arrow, and launched an attack towards the side that was fighting.

Neither of the two sides who were fighting each other at this time thought that someone would directly attack them from a distance, and lost a lot of people at once.

Why did they all stop fighting with each other, and they all looked towards Bai Yunfei, but they didn't find any trace of Bai Yunfei, and immediately knew that Bai Yunfei had left, and everyone quickly moved towards Bai Yunfei. The flying direction caught up.

Bai Yunfei also noticed that those people had already rushed over, and smiled slightly. They quickly climbed up a big tree, sat on a branch, and waited quietly for their arrival.

After these people quickly chased to Bai Yunfei's side, they found that Bai Yunfei's things had disappeared. These people scattered around, trying to find where Bai Yunfei was, but the most surprising discovery was that there was no one at all. The clue is gone.

Bai Yunfei smiled, and directly pulled an orange next to him. Recently, these people began to be attacked by traps, and among the thousands of people, half of them were lost in an instant.

Bai Yunfei didn't take any action, but quietly watched them struggle in the trap. At this moment, the remaining 1000 people also rushed towards this side. Obviously not yet, when the decisive battle comes, they will It's all gathered.

When everyone is fighting in chaos, no one can care about whether the person they kill is their own alliance or their friend. They only know how to kill the enemy in front of them and strengthen their own strength.

It was very interesting for Bai Yunfei to watch all these fights quietly on the branch, but Bai Yunfei didn't pay too much attention to them now, but thought carefully about how to prevent malicious team formation.

Just as Bai Yunfei was thinking, the mountain road on the battlefield gradually stopped. At this time, there were only ten people left, and they were still in a stalemate with each other. However, these were individuals, and they did not attack each other, but all looked at each other. He went to Bai Yunfei who was thinking.

Under the watchful eyes of these people, Bai Yunfei slowly reacted, jumped down quickly, walked towards these ten people slowly, smiled faintly, and said, "Congratulations to you guys who can now be said to be It’s one step closer to being number one, but the ten of you probably haven’t joined any alliance, if you joined, I’m afraid you won’t be looking at me as rationally as you are now.”

One of the men gave a slight disdainful snort, and said, "The people who join the so-called alliance are all off-duty brats who think that if they join the alliance, they can act recklessly if there are too many people. It is really a tragedy for a group of weak people."

Bai Yunfei nodded in agreement, and said, "You're right, I also think so. The so-called alliances are a bunch of cowards, but they are also poor people. Only the leaders of the so-called alliances are the real ones. Those who benefit, only these people are the ones who fool all living beings."

A woman smiled slightly and said, "It's a pity that those so-called alliance leaders never thought that the battlefield has been constantly weakening them, but they still don't know it. I really feel for them." It's sad, if they can become stronger at any time as they think, then you can say that the entire space is almost becoming their private property."

(End of this chapter)

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