Chapter 470
Du Hu said a little aggrieved, "I don't know where the two of them went. They left me alone at home, and the two of them left and so did I. I'm afraid you won't find us when you come back, so I don't Dare to find them, so I don't know where they are?"

Hu Sanniang looked at Dahu in disbelief and said, "Do you think you can deceive me? The three of you are together every day, how could the two of them leave you alone and go out? Tell me quickly. Where did the two go?"

Dahu shook his head and said, "I really don't know where the two of them went? When the three of us came back, the two of them suddenly had something to do and left, leaving me here alone to watch that damn guy .”

Hu Sanniang shook her head, glared at Dahu and said, "You still haven't told the truth, do you really think I can believe the nonsense you said? Tell me quickly, where did the two of them go?"

Bai Yunfei said indifferently, "He shouldn't be lying, he should be telling the truth. I don't know where the two of them went."

Hu Sanniang looked at Bai Yunfei slightly surprised, and said, "I have lived with them for so many years, don't I know them well? You only met them a few times, don't you know them better than me?"

"Even if you live together every day, you may not really understand them. Do you know what the three of them are thinking? Do you know what they want? Do you know all of this? You What you think is what you think, not what they think." Bai Yunfei said directly to Hu Sanniang coldly.

Hu Sanniang looked at Dahu stupidly as if struck by lightning, and said, "Don't you all like the things I thought about for you?"

Dahu shook his head and said, "Sister, although you are really good for us, you have never considered our feelings at all. We don't want to live like this, and we also want to yearn for the world where those upright men live , instead of living under your protection every day."

Hu Sanniang said sadly, "Don't you know? If you are not careful, you will lose your life. I just want you to have the strength to protect yourself, so I let go. Don't you even wait for these times? Is it gone?"

Du Hu said to Hu Sanniang seriously, "Although our current strength is not too high, we already have the strength to protect ourselves. There are many strengths that are not as good as the three of us, but they can already fight outside. We have been wandering around the rivers and lakes, but the three of us can only stay in this small town, and have never even entered a nearby city, which can be said to be an insult to us."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said to Duhu, "Although I just don't agree with your sister being so strict with you, but what you said now is not too much, what does it mean to be an insult to you, have you ever thought about you?" Is my sister paying for you? Although I don't want to see your family blame each other, or break up, but many things are not as simple as you think. Do you know your sister's hard work? You really want to be in Wandering outside, but have you thought about the danger you will encounter if you break outside? Your sister is just worried that you will not be in danger."

Hu Sanniang shook her head at this moment, and said to Bai Yunfei, "Mr. Bai, don't tell me that since they have already decided on me, I have no choice but to let go. As for other things, time will tell."

After Hu Sanniang finished speaking, she went back to her room and closed the door tightly, but Bai Yunfei could hear that she was crying inside.

Dumb stood where he was, not understanding what he said before, why did it cause such a big reaction from his sister?

Bai Yunfei patted Duhu on the shoulder directly, and said, "The tone of what you said just now is not right, and your words have also become inappropriate. Although some of you are too strict in dealing with body control, he is also Thinking for you, because this world is not as simple as you imagined, it is very complicated, to be honest, if I hadn’t helped you today, your sister would probably be seriously injured or even die from an old disease.”

At this time, the two tigers and three tigers also came back from the outside and found that the big tiger was standing there, and there was Bai Yunfei's figure, and he was a little puzzled and said, "Brother, why are you standing outside? Could it be that my sister is punishing you? "

Du Hu shook his head with an ugly face, and said, "I accidentally hurt my sister when I said something just now. Today, my sister has fully agreed to let us go out and wander the rivers and lakes."

The two tigers and the three tigers were taken aback, looked at the big tiger and said, "What did you say to your sister? It is obviously incredible that he would agree with us to go out and wander the rivers and lakes. Did you say something that broke up? If you really want to say If you break up with me, it will really break my sister's heart."

Bai Yunfei was on the side, smiled slightly, and said, "Dahu didn't say anything wrong, the three of you should go back and rest quickly, your sister will let you go out to roam the rivers and lakes tomorrow morning, you should rest early Bar."

Erhu looked at Bai Yunfei in confusion, and said, "Brother, why are you in our house? Could it be that you and my sister don't know each other? If you really know my sister, then it's no wonder you would Help him solve the people who come to our town to make trouble."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "I just met your sister today, I didn't know your sister at all before, but I just stayed at your house for one night, and I will leave here tomorrow."

Hu Sanniang opened the door directly, walked out, and said to the three of them, "Since you have already decided to go out and wander the rivers and lakes, I will not stop you, but I only have one condition, That is, you must give me the Tiger Roar Jue to practice to the highest level before you can go out, otherwise I will never let you go out. As long as you three work hard, it only takes one month to reach the highest level. It depends on how patient you are."

Du Hu nodded slightly, and said, "My good sister, then let's practice Tiger Roaring Art immediately. As long as we cultivate to the highest level, you must let us go to the rivers and lakes, and we must not play tricks."

(End of this chapter)

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