Chapter 472
After Bai Yunfei finished drinking the wine in his hand, he left the roof of the inn and returned to his room to rest.

Early the next morning, the whole city returned to its usual hustle and bustle. Bai Yunfei walked out of the inn directly, and recently started wandering around the whole city. He also went to the blacksmith's shop to buy some weapons.After buying a lot of supplies, I returned to the inn.

Bai Yunfei was in his room, watching the refugees outside through the window and shook his head slightly.

"Master, why didn't you remind those people? Are you willing to watch the war come?" the old man said a little puzzled.

"After all, we are all outsiders, and we are just enjoying the scenery here. As for the fighting here, it has nothing to do with us. As long as we don't mess with us, then it's none of our business. "Bai Yunfei said lightly.

The old man smiled slightly, and said, "But I really admire the person who came up with this plan, who actually thought of using soldiers to pretend to be refugees to sneak in, and finally waited slowly inside, and then took the opportunity to seize the opportunity after dispelling the attention of all the soldiers." City, this plan is indeed perfect."

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "Then you are wrong, his strategy is not perfect, but it is obvious that the soldiers in this city are careless, but this may also be because he has investigated That’s why we made such a plan.”

At this moment, there was a sudden noise from below the inn, and a soldier was seen walking quickly with a woman in one hand, and the woman kept begging for mercy.

But no matter how the woman begged for mercy, the soldier didn't even look at the woman, just carried the woman and walked quickly towards the barracks.

"This is a crime. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out after I put this child in the barracks." A middle-aged man said with some regret.

"This child is really pitiful, but who dares to resist!" A young man said angrily.

Next to the young man who spoke just now, an old woman covered his mouth and whispered, "You bastard, you are dying, don't you know! Is Ma Yan Wang powerful? If he hears you If you say something like that, your tongue must be cut off."

The young man sighed slightly, but he didn't say anything anymore, he could only watch the girl being dragged into the barracks by the soldiers.

Bai Yunfei returned to his bed and lay down on the bed, ignoring what happened just now.

"Master, don't you usually like fighting injustice? Why don't you help out today?" The old man said curiously.

Bai Yunfei said with a slight disdain, "Can't you see the simplest strategy like this? I'm afraid that within a few days, those people will start to take action. I'm afraid this city will never have peace again."

"Then master, are you going to leave here or continue to stay here?" The old man continued to ask.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "I found that you like to ask questions the most recently. You must know that you in the past didn't care about these things in the outside world at all. How can there be anything you care about in this world? Why would you Why do you care so much about everything in this world?"

The old man said with a wry smile, "Everything has not been hidden from your eyes, master. This place is indeed somewhat familiar to me, so I want to have a better understanding of this world and see if I can find my previous memories."

Bai Yunfei looked at the old man with some differences and said, "Are you sure there are things you are familiar with in this world, if so, then I will search for you and help you quickly find your true memory."

The old man just looked at Bai Yunfei with some puzzlement, and said, "Master, don't you worry that I will be unfavorable to you after taking down my own memory?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "I believe in your character, and even if you want to harm me, I'm afraid you won't have any chance."

The old man shook his head with a wry smile, and instead of answering Bai Yunfei's words, he fell silent again.

After Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, he lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep straight away.

In fact, Bai Yunfei had already noticed about the old man, but he didn't say anything, but slowly helped the old man understand the world.Because Bai Yunfei had already regarded this old man as his family in his heart, so he would wholeheartedly help her recover her memory.

In the early hours of the morning, Bai Yunfei sat up directly from the bed, looked out of the window helplessly and directly opened the window, looked at the brightly lit city gate and sighed.

"It's really rude of these guys to not even want to let people sleep peacefully, and it makes my heart too irritated."

After a while, there was a sudden loud noise from the city gate, and the last sound of killing came into the city.

The old man said curiously, "I just didn't expect that their speed was really fast enough. I thought they would have to wait a few more days before they could enter the city. It's incredible that they have already attacked after only going out for a day." gone."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Soldiers are expensive and fast, but these people have a good grasp of time. In the early morning, it is indeed the time when all soldiers are most tired, and they choose this time to charge, which obviously caught them by surprise. The man who led the army to fight is indeed a good talent."

"But these people should not make any noise after entering the city. This is equivalent to telling the enemy that we have already entered. Doesn't this give the enemy some time to prepare?" the old man asked puzzled.

However, Bai Yunfei looked at the other place curiously and said with a slight smile, "Don't you feel that it's very quiet over there? It's a bit too abnormal to be quiet."

After scanning the old man, he suddenly said in surprise, "Why are all those soldiers dead? How did they manage to kill all those soldiers silently?"

Bai Yun smiled slightly, and said, "They were killed just when the city gate was broken just now. Those who killed them were those unarmed refugees. More precisely, they were a group of killers hidden among the refugees."

The old man sighed slightly and said, "It seems that the people who want to capture this city are really powerful, and there are so many masters under their command. It seems that he is bound to win."

(End of this chapter)

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