Chapter 487
Bai Yunfei was a little curious, and quickly searched for the last remaining person, but unfortunately, he never found any trace of that person.

All the wild wolves around raised their heads to the sky and howled, Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, because the other person didn't show up at all, which proves that his hiding position is very ingenious now, if he is not found again, Bai Yunfei himself was a little worried about whether he could escape the search of these wild wolves.

Bai Yunfei carefully avoided these wolves, and slowly walked in other directions. He was very careful now, because he didn't know when danger would come.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei kept using props with hidden effects. With the help of their effects, he quickly left the most dangerous place and temporarily hid in a place where no animals would bother him.

But what I didn't expect was the shipping fee. In the current situation, searching for props can actually find more weird props, and they are all so powerful that Bai Yunfei didn't want to find that person again for a while. Instead, he quickly searched for these powerful props.

However, such a good mood did not last for too long, but after Bai Yunfei looked around vigilantly, he realized that he was surrounded by the wolves at some point, but those wild wolves were not in a hurry. Bai Yunfei launched an attack, but slowly surrounded the place where Bai Yunfei was, intending to trap Bai Yunfei little by little.

Bai Yunfei didn't have any worries, but directly took out a flying prop, activated the flying prop and flew away quickly, but halfway through the flight, Bai Yunfei found that he was actually being attacked by many people again. Surrounded by eagles, these eagles quickly launched an attack on Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei quickly controlled the flying props, and after falling into a mountain peak, Bai Yunfei quickly dug a very huge hole with the help of other tools, and got in.

But what made Bai Yunfei dumbfounded was that he had just entered the battlefield, and he had already been reminded to eat chicken tonight.

Bai Yunfei teleported back to the eating chicken space and said to the old man with a wry smile, "It's really hard to get the first place in this place, even I almost died in it, why does the setting here feel so pitiful? ?”

The old man smiled softly and said, "Master, you have used those props just now, and you can appreciate the power of those props. Although many of them have no lethal power, they can help you escape quickly, and they can also help you escape quickly." You punish those who are not guilty of death, but are very hateful."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "It's true that I have gained a lot, and I never thought that some humble props can play so many roles. I'm afraid it will be even more powerful when I set up traps in the future."

The old man smiled slightly, and said, "Then I will attack the master. I am afraid that if anyone fights against the master again in the future, I am afraid that you will be suspicious of life by you, the master."

Bai Yunfei coughed lightly, and said, "Don't spray me here, by the way, do you have anything new to gain from the previous dagger?"

The old man nodded slightly, and said, "I have some new memories, but these memories are all about the memories of some great battles, but I can't recognize what forces the two sides are at all. But I can be sure of one thing, That is, they are all very powerful, the soldiers on the battlefield, the lowest level is the level of Martial Immortals."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said in disbelief, "The lowest ones are at the level of Martial Immortals, so shouldn't the highest ones be above Martial Saints? What kind of battle is this that can use such a powerful lineup?" What kind of strength can have so many masters?"

"I don't know about it. The main reason is that this dagger gives me too little information. If I can get other things, I should be able to know some things, but it's a pity that there is only this one. The dagger, as for other things, I don’t even know about it.” The old man also said a little depressed.

Bai Yunfei sighed and said, "This incident is mainly because I didn't expect so many things to happen. If I found it, I would never experience it there. I will definitely do my best in life, as long as you find what you need."

The old man smiled wryly and said, "Master, you don't have to be like this. After all, who really did that matter didn't expect such a big accident, but it doesn't count. There is no gain. At least I know that my previous identity is definitely not so simple." That's it, and I found some interesting things."

"An interesting thing, but if something interesting comes out of your mouth, it must be very interesting." Bai Yunfei looked at the old man curiously.

"Master, that's because I have actually improved my strength now. I can now gather entities and help the master do some small things." The old man said happily.

Bai Yunfei also looked at the old man with a smile and said, "That's really great, but what I'm more suspicious about now is, don't you remember your previous name? You can already condense your own body now, you must have A name of your own, otherwise I would be embarrassed to call you outside."

After thinking for a while, the old man shook his head and said, "Sure enough, I still don't have any impression or memory of my name, or you can give me a name."

Bai Yunfei thought carefully for a while and smiled slightly, "I'm not very good at naming names, but I do have a name. I don't know if you like it or not. I will call you Old Zhan from now on."

After being silent for a while, Lao Zhan nodded and said, "Thank you, Master, for giving me this name. I like this name very much."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "I didn't give you a name before, and I've been thinking about that all the time, waiting for you to recover your memory and restore your own name, but now it seems that I can only give you a name in advance. I just hope that when you recover your memory in the future, you can just stop blaming me."

Old Zhan said silently, "Master, do you know what you mean when you give me this name? Don't you worry that I will harm you after I recover my memory?"

(End of this chapter)

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