Chapter 490 Many Doubts
Bai Yunfei stopped not far from the village, and said to Lao Zhan with a serious expression, "Old Zhan, you found something different. Anyway, I saw something different in their village. I am afraid that the existence of these villagers is not such a simple matter."

The old man nodded slightly, and said, "There are indeed some abnormalities, but I haven't found any abnormalities, but the movements of these villagers are a little strange, maybe there are some strange things about them. "

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "That's right, that's exactly the case. That's why I'm going to look for the so-called monster they said now. I'm afraid that only by seeing that so-called monster can I solve these mysteries."

Old Zhan said curiously, "Master, haven't you discovered something different until now? Let's see how much of your strength can be displayed?"

After Bai Yunfei moved his hands and feet, he shook his head slightly, and said, "I didn't feel anything abnormal, and I should be able to display all the lost ground. Why, did something different appear?"

"If this is the case, I'm afraid this seal was not arranged by the sealing human beings." Old Zhan said firmly.

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "If it's not sealing human beings? It should be sealing some strange alien creatures. If we look at it now, human beings are probably completely extinct, and those alien creatures are still alive. , but it is also on the verge of extinction."

Lao Zhan said thoughtfully, "If you suspect that all the people in the village are not human beings, but those aliens."

Bai Yunfei nodded, and said, "Because they don't look like human beings in any way, their sitting posture, the way they eat, and their movements when they talk, they don't look like what a human can do at all. What came out looked like a group of strange creatures, because their movements were full of stiffness and unnatural, so I concluded that there was definitely something wrong with them."

Lao Zhan said with some doubts, "But no matter what they do, they are all human beings, because I have checked them several times just now, and there is nothing unusual about them, and they are all serious human beings, but according to what you said, Master They're not human, so what's going on here?"

"Old Zhan, you may not have noticed that when they were watching me, they looked very strange. Do you know what they look like? It makes me feel like watching prey. This is not how humans look at the same kind." Bai Yun Fei said lightly.

Old Zhan said with some doubts, "In this case, why don't you just take them all down, master, and you should be able to interrogate one or two by then, instead of taking risks outside now."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "Don't you feel something strange? Why does the seal here target those aliens so much, but there is no problem outside the seal?"

Old Zhan guessed, "Could it be that these types of people infiltrate bit by bit, rather than appearing directly, so all the high-strength people gathered all the people who didn't know to create such a seal, and didn't worry about such aliens on the other side. "

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "That's right, the facts should be like this, now we just need to find out the sealed heavenly way, and we can know everything about it."

Old Zhan said with some doubts, "The sealed heavenly way? The heavenly way has not been completely destroyed yet?"

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "Of course, do you think that the Dao of Heaven is so easy to be destroyed? If it is really so easy to be destroyed, then the seal here will be completely lifted."

"But master, where are we going to find the way of heaven? You know, I can't scan any traces of the way of heaven at all now."

"It's not easy. Go find the monster they are talking about before making any further plans. Maybe there will be a lot of documents left in a certain place, so this is the clue we are looking for now." Bai Yunfei He smiled slightly and said.

Bai Yunfei walked slowly in this jungle. While walking, he carefully observed the ground or the environment on both sides. When he found something abnormal, he walked towards those abnormal places.


Bai Yunfei stopped suddenly, frowned slightly and said, "Old Zhan seems to have heard some strange sounds just now, can you tell me which direction it came from?"

Old Zhan condensed his body curiously, looked around, shook his head, and said, "I didn't find any abnormal masters, did you hear something wrong before, or maybe you heard some strange sounds from far away?" ?”

Bai Yunfei listened carefully to the surrounding environment, shook his head slightly, and said, "I definitely didn't get it wrong, there must be something around us, but it's not there yet, just ask them to find it out, carefully Let’s look for it, and I’m sure we can find some traces.”

Following the voice he heard, Bai Yunfei walked over slowly. After walking for a short time, he found a bowl made of wood dropped on the ground.

Bai Yunfei carefully looked at the traces left by the bowl when it fell on the ground, and said with a slight smile, "Old Zhan is really around here. According to the heat here, he should be nearby, and he just left not long ago."

Bai Yunfei quickly left here, and chased forward, but unfortunately he was lost after chasing for a long time, and now he has come to a very strange place.

Lao Zhan also looked around curiously, and said, "It's just strange, what is this place? Why are there so many decorations? And all of them are handmade?"

After thinking carefully, Bai Yunfei said, "It seems that we really may have encountered the sealed Dao of Heaven."

Old Zhan said with some doubts, "Master, don't you mean that Tiandao has become the monster they talked about?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "It's very possible, because only this kind of explanation can prove why it can live for so long, and it can also trap those aliens in the village and dare not come out."

"But didn't you hear that it should not have its own body? Then according to their description, the monster has a human body. Is this something that doesn't make sense at all?"

(End of this chapter)

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