Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 496 Someone Came to Seek Death

Chapter 496 Someone Came to Seek Death
Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "Don't worry, I won't blame you, this is normal, after all, a person's memory can affect a person's character, as long as he can remember his own heart."

Lao Zhan nodded slightly, and said, "Why master, I will try my best to overcome it, and this situation will never happen again."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "That's not the case, as long as you can be your true self, there is no need to make such a guarantee, but now there are some interesting things outside, so you can go to a good show .”

No matter there are a group of gangsters outside, but these are not ordinary goods, all of them are martial artist-level juniors, obviously another powerful person is here to make trouble.

Tu Yi went directly outside, and said coldly to the gangsters, "Who asked you to make trouble here? If you are going to leave here now, I won't do anything to you, if you don't retreat I will make you regret coming here to make trouble."

A strong man with a very strong body said disdainfully, "You have a meeting here, don't let people come to kick the gymnasium at you? I want to see the people here, how about martial arts, don't come here It is shameful and deceiving the common people."

With a cold snort, Tu Yi took a step forward, and the aura on his body exploded instantly. This was only one percent of his aura, but with just such an aura, all the gangsters were blown away.

The strong man was no exception, he also flew upside down, crashed into the next house, and directly smashed the opposite house.

Tu Yi was slightly disdainful, snorted, and said, "Could this be your method? You can't even remember what happened to me, and you still want to fight us. You are really arrogant. I think you are obedient now." Just stay here for me."

The burly man crawled out of the ruins, pointed at Tu Yi and said, "No matter what demon method you used, you have already offended us, you... your martial arts school will definitely not be able to continue."

Tu Yi walked directly to the side of the burly man, lifted him up, and said flatly, "I don't know how to live or die."

With just a click, the strong man was directly killed by Tu Yi.

All the gangsters who came to make trouble were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy, Tu Yi said lightly, "Get out, if you make trouble again, you can kill whoever sees his body next time and bring me back to him to make trouble If you dare to make trouble again, you will get rid of it by the roots.”

Those gangsters quickly left here with the strong man's body, but all the people around watched Tu Yi leave here in a distance in horror.

At this moment, a student walked up to Tu Yi's side, and said in a low voice, "Do you want me to clear up the relationship, instructor? After all, there was a life here, and it's hard to explain where it is."

Tu Yi shook his head slightly, and said, "Don't worry so much, it's just some guys who can't stand on the stage, there is no need to worry so much at all, you can just practice your martial arts well, as for other things, don't worry about it." You don't need to take care of it."

Sure enough, as Tu Yi said, the guards didn't dare to take any action after learning about the situation, they just pretended not to know, and no one came to trouble the martial arts hall.

Bai Yunfei saw that Tu Yi had solved all the troubles, nodded slightly, and said, "It seems that the effect is good, at least in a short period of time, no one should come to trouble us again, but it is necessary to check, Let's see who it is, dare to set their minds on us, if we don't teach them a profound lesson, they will come to trouble us."

Tu San nodded slightly, clasped his fists directly and said, "I know the master, I will immediately find out who is the trouble that came to our martial arts school. After I find out, I will give them a profound lesson, so that they will never forget it." Live today's pain."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "Go, but don't kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Lao Zhan said with a slight smile on the side, "I really didn't expect that their wisdom is no different from ordinary people. This shows that they may continue to be strong. You must know that wisdom represents the master of evolution. You are really lucky. "

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "It's indeed a good opportunity, otherwise I wouldn't have acquired so many soldiers. The strength of these soldiers is comparable to mine, but the real combat power is also quite impressive. Others with the same realm as them are hard to be their opponents."

Right at this moment, Ouyang Xue directly and quickly came to the place where Bai Yunfei was, and walked in without knocking on the door.

Bai Yunfei looked at the furious Ouyang Xue with some headaches and said, "What wind brought you here, and you are so angry, could it be possible that someone will bully you?"

Ouyang Xue looked at Bai Yunfei and said angrily, "Can't you take care of your four subordinates? Do you have to kill them if you want to take action? Do you know how much trouble they have caused me? If I hadn't brought If the one next to you solves their troubles, I'm afraid your martial arts gym has already been sealed off."

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "Isn't this also blocked? But it's really hard work for you, but next time you encounter something, you can just tell them directly, there is no need to come to me."

Ouyang Xue rolled her eyes and said, "You said it lightly. The four of them listen to what you say and don't listen to what others say. If they don't ask you, can you ask them to control it and not do anything?" Things are all so violent, okay? Now, this dead girl Qianqian has become extremely violent, she wants to destroy everything she sees, and I can hardly control her anymore."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Little girl has good potential, and she can become a strong person in your world with just a little more training. Don't you want to control her and prevent her from becoming a strong person if you are unhappy? You know, once he becomes a strong man in this world, your position will be more stable, and no one will dare to do right with you again."

Ouyang Xue shook her head slightly, and said, "How can I, Ouyang Xue, rely on my own daughter to take my current position? But now his strength is getting stronger and stronger. I can't even discipline her now, but I want to improve myself." Strength."

(End of this chapter)

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