Chapter 509 Interesting World

Relying on his own strength, Bai Yunfei walked for four or five days before arriving at the town mentioned by Lao Zhan.

After Bai Yunfei walked into the town, he found that everyone around him looked at him strangely, as if there was something different about him.

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said directly to an old man next to him, "Master, is there something wrong with me? Why are you all looking at me like this?"

The old man smiled and said, "Young man, you don't have to be so alarmed. Everyone is just curious about how you got here. After all, there are all kinds of dark beasts rampant outside, and not just anyone can walk in. These dark beasts are very The horror of walking outside is almost never going back, but you were able to come to our town, so they are so curious."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said, "But I haven't encountered any dark beasts in this journey?"

The old man looked at Bai Yunfei in surprise, and said, "Then you are really lucky, and you didn't encounter any dark beasts."

Bai Yunfei was a little puzzled and said, "The ones you are talking about are dark beasts. What exactly are they? I have never encountered them in my place. Why are they so powerful?"

Although the old man was a little surprised that Bai Yunfei didn't meet the dark beast, he explained very kindly, "I don't know where the dark beast was born, young man. I only know that they are completely black, and they are different from the previous animals. Few, the most important thing is that they are all very powerful and only need a few to completely destroy a town, but fortunately our town has Master Chen Xueka, so we have not encountered such a crisis."

"What is Kawuzhe?" Bai Yunfei continued to ask.

The old man smiled slightly, and said, "This [-]% discount is to rely on the energy of the mysterious card to fight against these dark beasts, so we will fight against them."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "So that's the case, but will those dark beasts really come to attack the city?"

The old man shook his head, and said bitterly, "If it's just an ordinary dark beast, it shouldn't attack the city, but those dark beasts that attack the city, it means that there may be dark demons behind them."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said, "What is this dark demon?"

The old man patted himself on the head and said, "Look at my memory, I forgot that you don't know these things at all. These dark demons evolved from dark beasts, and all of these dark demons appeared in humanoid form. Listen Speaking of the existence of the Dark King, they are absolutely the same as humans, and no one can tell whether they are hiding among us humans or not."

After Bai Yunfei thanked the uncle, he left here, but Bai Yunfei said to Lao Zhan as he walked, "The more I listen, the more I feel, these dark beasts are like monsters?"

Lao Zhan also agreed and said, "It is the master. No matter how you listen to it, they are like the legendary monster clan, but they are not monster clan. I suspect that this world evolved by itself. It should be the function of those energies, so you now We must hurry up and take away those reverse energies, otherwise, this world will usher in true destruction, and then it will spread to other worlds like a plague."

Bai Yunfei smiled wryly, and said, "But now there is no way to get in touch with the origin, and there is no way to extract those energies, and now we can be said to be ignorant here, and we don't know what to do at all." Proceed to the next step."

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of panic, and everyone in the former town quickly ran into the house and locked the house tightly. Just like that, Bai Yunfei was the only one left on the whole street. Standing there stupidly.

Lao Zhan quickly checked and said immediately, "Master has dark beasts attacking, you can take this opportunity to observe these dark beasts."

Not yet, when Bai Yunfei took some action, a woman quickly appeared on the path that the dark beast must pass.

Bai Yunfei heard the people around him say happily, "It's great, Master Chen Xue has appeared, and Miss Zhen is here, those dark beasts will definitely come and go, we are finally safe."

Bai Yunfei looked at the woman named Chen Xue, frowned slightly, and said, "It's really interesting, it's just that an ordinary person can display the strength of a general. It seems that it should be the function of those inverse energies."

After checking it, Lao Zhan nodded slightly, and said, "This woman named Chen Xue, if she didn't use cards, her strength should be at the martial arts level, but after using these cards full of inverse energy After using the cards, they can instantly increase their strength to the level of generals, and the span is very large, but the physical damage to them is also very large."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "It's like some martial arts. You can overdraw your potential and improve your strength, but in the end, you may even risk your life."

Chen Xue directly took out a card, which instantly fused with her.

Two knives appeared in Chen Xue's hands, just like the mantis's.

Chen Xue quickly attacked the attacking dark beast.

Chen Xue brandished two knives with both hands, quickly and non-stop towards the dark beast's vital points, and slashed frantically. In such a moment, dozens of knives were seen, and the dark beast just raised its claws, Then he fell to the ground.

That's when Chen Xue put her hands on the dark beast, and saw a mysterious energy directly entering Chen Xue's body, directly erasing the damage caused by her transformation just now.And there was another card in her hand again.

Bai Yunfei was a little surprised and said, "This is strange, there is actually life energy, this is something unheard of, your energy can be fused with life energy, it is really worthy of people's careful investigation of its origin .”

Lao Zhan also said excitedly, "Master, this is a very good opportunity. As long as we can analyze their origin, I think it will be easy for you to improve your strength, and it may even make your body stronger again." fear."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "It looks like we should go find a dark beast to practice, to see if we can absorb life energy and inverse energy like him."

(End of this chapter)

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