Chapter 513 Nangong Wentian
I saw those dark beasts around, as expected, as Bai Yunfei said, all of them looked at the person caught in the huge trap with hostility, and then directly attacked it.

The man was very angry, and suddenly his aura burst out. The aura that never belonged to the king was scattered all around, and the huge trap under his feet was instantly torn apart.

But the dark beasts around were not frightened by his aura, instead they attacked it even more crazily, and even the dark beasts that had gone a long way came back and surrounded this person , biting towards him vigorously.

This person obviously didn't expect that his control would fail, and it also aroused their disgust, and they all attacked him regardless of their own safety.

I saw that this person drew a circle directly and quickly, and the few dark beasts that were close to him turned into meat slags.

Seeing the person who kept killing and killing there, Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "This person is really weird. His melee combat doesn't seem to be too powerful. The reason why he can suppress these dark beasts now is just Just rely on a strong body."

Lao Zhan quickly explored the situation in that person's body, but after a long time, he shook his head and said, "This person is too mysterious, I only know that his strength is at the martial spirit level, but everything else is I don’t know anything, and even if he did it, he didn’t find anything, which can be said to be inconceivable.”

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "I also arranged a lot of big surprises for them, enough for them to play for a while. I will take advantage of this time to absorb the inverse energy and life energy, which can be used to lift the seal."

Bai Yunfei quickly converted all the corpses of the surrounding dark beasts into cards, and absorbed their life energy and reverse energy.

As time slowly passed, Bai Yunfei's body began to explode continuously. After a new momentum emerged, only a crackling sound was heard, and Bai Yunfei moved his hands and feet.

"I really didn't expect that not only recovered my full strength, but also took a step closer. Now I only need one opportunity to break through and become a Martial Immortal level existence."

Lao Zhan also said very happily, "Master, there is another good news. The dark demon who was detected far away in advance is almost approaching here, but he has been completely detected by me. There is actually [-]% of his body. The energy of the opposite source."

Bai Yunfei was slightly surprised and said, "Are you sure you have [-]% of the reverse energy?"

Old Zhan nodded slightly, and said, "Well, I'm sure, and I also found something strange, that is, there is a slight connection between this person who is currently under siege and that dark demon."

At this moment, the besieged man exploded his aura to the extreme. He knocked down all the dark beasts around him, and some even died directly, but all the dark beasts that survived expressed their anger to him. Surrender.

Bai Yunfei obviously also noticed this situation, smiled slightly, and said, "He has now discovered that we can just confront him head-on and see how he is doing. But before we deal with him, there are still some small Give her something as a gift."

This person stopped before he got close to Bai Yunfei, because many poisonous bees appeared in front of him, and all these poisonous bees circled around him, waiting for orders to attack him at any time.

This person suddenly said loudly, "Friends who are hiding in the dark, come out and see yourself, I have already found you, besides, this world is so weird, I am afraid you have already realized it, so there is no need for us to fight It's up to you."

Bai Yunfei stood on the top of the tree, and said calmly to the person below, "There are indeed some weird things in this world, but this world is not created by you, right? But what I'm curious about is, what are you guys? Power, why do you do this? Don’t you know that this is a big taboo?”

The man shrugged helplessly, and said, "Then you are wrong, we didn't make this place at all, besides, look at me now, like the person who made these things Is it just an unlucky person who accidentally entered the space-time crack and fell here. At nine o'clock, my clothes were all hung up by the surrounding trees. I just want to leave here, but the surrounding They are all sealed, I have no way to leave here, so I can only stay here temporarily."

Bai Yunfei curled his lips and said, "It's really easy to say, you think this is your back garden, you can come and go whenever you want, and can you really believe what you say? It's okay to enter the space-time rift." It is simply incredible to be transferred here, if you are transferred to another ordinary world, then I still believe that it is impossible for you to enter this world full of seals."

The man shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I am really different from these dark beasts. Although I am not a professional, I can tell you very responsibly that my research on these dark beasts is definitely better than yours." Powerful, so if the two of us work together, we will definitely be able to leave this world."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "The trust between each other should start with your own name. You haven't even told me your own name now, how can I believe your words?"

The person quickly said, "My name is Nangong Wentian, and I'm really not from this world, and I'm not the one who made this world what it is."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Then what's the matter with that dark demon? Don't tell me that he has nothing to do with you. I can clearly feel that she has something to do with you, and you can even say that she has something to do with you." Very similar to you."

Nangong Wentian shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I signed a master-servant contract with him, so there will be some involvement. But I have no real way to control him. If you really listen to me, we can only maintain the contract now." energy."

Bai Yunfei rubbed his chin and said, "I signed a master-servant contract with you, but he can still refuse to listen to you. This is really interesting. Do you think I will believe what you say? You are contradicting yourself. It’s up to you to tell your true purpose.”

(End of this chapter)

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