Chapter 522 Killer Lishang

Chu Xiangxiang opened his eyes, and the aura on his body instantly subsided, but now she is really not a little girl with no strength to restrain a chicken.

Bai Yunfei nodded lightly, and said, "Cultivate well the exercises given to you. As long as you practice seriously, you will definitely be able to stand at the pinnacle of this world, and no one will be able to bully you. If you don't work hard If you don't, no one can help you."

Chu Xiangxiang nodded, and said coldly, "I see."

Bai Yunfei shrugged and looked at Chu Xiangxiang, who was already in the middle of cultivation, and said to Lao Zhan, "It seems that there are some side effects. Look at her now, she has obviously turned into a block of ice."

Lao Zhan smiled slightly, and said, "Maybe this is her true self, because didn't I already say it just now? She is very suitable for the ice attribute, and has no side effects, so that she can completely let all Her mind is used for cultivation, so in this world, I am afraid that no one can match her cultivation speed."

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said, "Although the highest force in this world is not too high, it is almost the same. Duan Feifei, the son of heaven and earth here, is probably not as simple as what we saw before."

Lao Zhan said with some doubts, "But I didn't find anything different about her. Could it be that you have misread it?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said, "I'm not mistaken, and don't you have any doubts? As the son of heaven and earth, how can you be so simple? You just look at her, and all the maids and subordinates are loyal to her." , there is almost no intention of betrayal, which can be seen."

After thinking for a while, Lao Zhan said, "It's really like what the master said, this Duan Feifei is really capable. He seems to be more capable than other sons of heaven and earth."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "We have encountered quite a few, but most of them are passionate and have no scheming of their own. Only good luck can pass it to the end, but the feeling Feifei gave me during this period is She is cunning and calculating, she doesn't seem like a passionate person at all, but she has been acting as a passionate person all the time."

Lao Zhan shook his head, and said with some disdain, "Even if such a person has any abilities, it is useless. Who told him to meet the master? You really didn't expect such a son of heaven and earth. Got confused."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "No matter what the world is like, we just need to do what we want to do, but this little girl will work hard now, so that she won't live in the same miserable life as before. lived."

Chu Xiangxiang is still working hard at this time, practicing his martial arts and improving his strength, because he understands that only when he is strong can he truly survive in this world, instead of being afraid like before , Randomly insulting people.

Time passed quickly, and half a month later, Chu Xiangxiang had completely integrated martial arts together and became his own martial arts.

Chu Xiangxiang stood up, looked at Bai Yunfei who was standing aside, and said coldly, "I have fully mastered it now, and my strength at the level of a military commander is already one of the best in the world."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, looked into the distance and said, "There will be an unexpected guest coming later, you just need to defeat her and prove yourself."

Chu Xiangxiang stood aside coldly, waiting for the arrival of the unexpected guest that Bai Yunfei mentioned.

Bai Yunfei didn't pay attention, but stood aside, waiting for the unexpected guest to arrive.

The uninvited guest didn't make the two of them wait for too long, almost a few minutes, and he stood in front of Bai Yunfei.

"Li Shang, the life-snatching swordsman, was ordered to take the lives of the two of you." The man said directly.

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "It's really interesting that someone came to take our lives. It seems that we have offended some interesting people unknowingly. If I want to ask you, the employer will never tell us."

Li Shang shook his head slightly, and said coldly, "Even if I ask, I will never tell you, and you will never know who the employer is, and you have no chance to leave here alive."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said to Chu Xiangxiang who stood coldly by the side, "It's just right for me to practice with you. Although his strength is lower than yours, he has more experience than you, so it can be said The sky is your best target, make good use of it."

Without saying a word, Chu Xiangxiang waved the sword in his hand and attacked Li Shang.

Li Shang only felt a burst of icy breath coming from Chu Xiangxiang's sword, knowing that it would be the sword of death, so he dodged immediately, drew out his weapon, and quickly fought with Chu Xiangxiang.

You come and I go, it can almost be said that they are fighting hard, but the attack methods of the two of them are all directly attacking the vital points, and they are both desperate people.

Bai Yunfei sat on a rock beside him, drinking some wine, and watched the fight between the two. He didn't have any worries, and just watched with relish.

Lao Zhan smiled softly and said, "This Li Shang's strength is really good, it's worth spending 1000 taels of gold."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "Otherwise, I would only spend such a high price to act in such a scene. If I was defeated right after I came up, it would be so meaningless."

Old Zhan said with a smile, "Actually, master, you don't need to pay such a big price at all. You just have to let your soldiers come out. The murderous aura on them is not easy. If they take action, it will be more expensive than this Li Shang." Be nice."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "Then you are wrong, those things of mine do not exist to do these boring things, they all exist to kill. Besides, these yellow and white things are not for me. Saying that it is of no use at all, anyway, you are putting it away anyway, why not take it out and do something interesting.”

Lao Zhan thought of the things in Bai Yunfei's infinite backpack, and nodded helplessly, completely agreeing with what Bai Yunfei said, after all, the yellow and white things in it can be said to be endless existence, and it is true at all. There is no use anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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