Chapter 578 Changes
Long Ah San shook his head quickly, and said seriously, "What I said is absolutely true, I really didn't tell any lies, the reason why they listened to me was really because of my blood, and they Been waiting for my so-called awakening."

"Awakening?" Bai Yunfei looked at Long Ah San in surprise, but did not find anything abnormal.

Bai Yunfei directly said to Lao Zhan, "Do you know what's going on with him? Give me a thorough check?"

Old Zhan Weiwei said in disbelief, "There is indeed a mysterious energy in his body, and this mysterious energy is transforming his body, but there is a trace of evil energy in this energy, if he doesn't keep his heart If not, sooner or later he will become the type of evil general."

Bai Yunfei directly put away Fang Tian's painting halberd, and said to Long Ahsan lightly, "What you said is true, there is indeed a warm current in your body that is transforming your body, but you must make your own plans , because if you don’t have enough perseverance, you will be like them, and it is estimated that the evil king should be in exactly the same situation as you. The reason why he fell is because he couldn’t bear such a transformation.”

Long Asan shook his head quickly, and said seriously, "I don't want to become like them. People are neither human nor ghost, it's really too scary. Is there any way for me to release this energy in my body?" remove it?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "There is no other way but you can only rely on yourself, but do you know why they are willing to obey your orders? That is because they must make you self-willed, so this can make you A better awakening, what they call a better awakening is to make you fall. If you strengthen your perseverance from now on, as long as you can survive these transformations, you will also become the strongest in the world people, and they won’t be like them who are neither human nor ghost.”

"No, I will never become this kind of person who is neither human nor ghost. If I become this kind of person who is neither human nor ghost, I might as well just die. I believe that I will be able to overcome it myself." Got it."

Immediately, Long Ahsan's body had a huge burst of self-confidence, which came so suddenly that Bai Yunfei couldn't believe it.

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "Old Zhan seems to have some little secrets about this little guy, and he really underestimated him."

Old Zhan said slightly surprised, "Master, it seems that you have found the Son of Heaven and Earth in this world again."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "I didn't notice anything before, but when he burst out with his strong confidence, I already noticed that he has the qualifications to become the son of heaven and earth in this world. It seems that they are in this world. It should be that evil energy that dominates, and whoever can use it in the right way is the Son of Heaven and Earth."

Old Zhan smiled slightly and said, "If he can generate a lot of energy, it will be very rich. After all, this world is so special, I am afraid that it will definitely be more than the total amount obtained by those worlds before." many."

Bai Yun thought for a while and said, "I think there should be people like him. If we can find a few more like him, we can deal with the evil king very well."

Lao Zhan nodded slightly and said, "They are indeed qualified to challenge the evil king, but it will take some time for them to grow up successfully, and the evil king should have noticed it long ago, and will never let them do this." They grew up, otherwise, they would never let them degenerate like this."

Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "If we hadn't come to this world, his plan would have been successful, but it's a pity that we intervened, and everything has turned around, and it's beyond his control. It's gone."

Just as Bai Yunfei said, in this very dark place, a young man sat on a very gorgeous chair and held a very delicate ornament in his hand, stroking it quietly.

And below the young man stood four middle-aged men, and the momentum of the four middle-aged men was all at the level of Wuxian.

The young man looked at the four middle-aged men indifferently and said, "An unpredictable force has appeared in the world of the Four Marshals, and his strength is beyond the control. Get rid of him as quickly as possible, otherwise it is very likely that our rule will be overthrown."

One of the marshals clasped his fists and said, "Wang's matter is very difficult to handle. There is no clue to find him. I spent a lot of resources before and finally found his whereabouts, but unfortunately it failed. Now There is simply no way to track down his whereabouts."

It turns out that this young man is the evil king that everyone in this world fears.

Xie Wang still looked calm, but his eyes were full of evil spirits. After glancing at the marshal who was speaking, he looked at the other three marshals and said indifferently, "What can you do?"

After the three marshals also looked at each other, they shook their heads helplessly and said, "We have nothing to do, after all, we can't track his whereabouts, so there's no way to target them."

Just at this time, an evil general rushed in quickly, knelt on the ground and said to the evil king, "It's not good, my king, one of the sky spirit beads is broken."

The evil king immediately stood up, frowned and said, "How could such a thing happen? Whose Sky Spirit Orb is broken?"

The evil general quickly said, "It's Long Ah San's. Just now, his Sky Spirit Orb suddenly shattered. And I also contacted those who guarded her, but no one responded, maybe all of them have suffered accidents." , I have sent many people to check, but there is no reply so far."

Xie Wang sat on the chair again and said to the four marshals indifferently, "It seems that things have really exceeded our expectations, and various accidents have started to happen. I hope you should give me the fastest Speed ​​fixes it all, otherwise what happened ten years ago will happen again."

After the four marshals looked at each other, they said at the same time, "Don't worry, king, we will definitely solve all these worries as quickly as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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