Chapter 584
Long Ah San slightly sighed and said, "With our current strength, I am afraid it will be very difficult to deal with the evil king, and can we really deal with him?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "If you really want to deal with the evil king, it's up to you. This is your world's business, not mine. I'm just helping you a little bit from it." , but the rest of the road is up to you to walk on your own.”

Everyone chatted and laughed and continued to walk in front of the supermarket quickly, but when the day gradually darkened, Bai Yunfei and the others found a place to stay, after all, they couldn't walk overnight because they had a baby.

Just after everyone was full of wine and food, they suddenly heard a rustling sound from outside, obviously an unexpected guest had arrived.

Bai Yunfei stood up directly, and said calmly, "You guys take care of this little guy, I'll go out and deal with those sneaky guys outside."

Bai Yunfei walked out with a broken sword in his hand. Bai Yunfei stood directly in front of the door, looked at the darkness around him and said coldly, "Did I ask you to come out, or did you come out by yourself?"

In an instant, dozens of evil thorns appeared and quickly surrounded Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that there would be so many evil thorns, all of them rushed towards Bai Yunfei with daggers in their hands.

Bai Yunfei's figure was like a ghost, he quickly walked past these sides and then returned to the house as if nothing had happened.

And those evil thorns all fell to the ground and died completely. Obviously, they died very aggrieved. They belonged to the assassin type, but they didn't expect Bai Yunfei to be faster than them. It was as if everything in front of Bai Yunfei was paper, and he had no strength to resist.

Long Ahsan looked outside worriedly, and said to Bai Yunfei, "Brother Bai, what's going on outside? Why does it feel like you're fighting someone?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "I don't know how these evil thorns found our place and wanted to attack us, but now I have killed them all, don't worry, everyone can continue to rest."

Dongfang Qiang stood up, stretched his waist and said, "I'm going outside to make some traps."

Bai Yunfei nodded, and said calmly, "Be careful outside, don't get too far away from here, otherwise, even if something happens, I can't help you."

Dongfang Qiang nodded and quickly left here. He set up some simple traps outside. After working hard, he walked back contentedly. Seeing that everyone was asleep, he shook his head slightly and sat down directly. When he got to the side, he closed his eyes and rested.

Bai Yunfei opened his eyes slightly, looked at the position of Dongfang Gun, smiled slightly, and continued to close his eyes to rest, but Bai Yunfei's ears kept listening to the movement outside.

Although Bai Yunfei seemed to be sleeping, he was actually communicating with Lao Zhan secretly.

"Old Zhan, it seems that these guys are ready to perform again, so you can check the secret technique of our location."

Lao Zhan shook his head slightly and said, "Master, I don't think so. I feel that they should not be checking your location, but checking the locations of several of them, because they can easily find your location. They don't know your location." There is no way to find it."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said helplessly, "It seems that they are a little anxious now, otherwise they wouldn't be so anxious to shoot so many assassins to assassinate."

Lao Zhan nodded in agreement and said, "I'm afraid the road ahead won't be so easy, master, you must be more careful, I'm afraid they have stronger ways to deal with you, because they still have a lot of chassis, so you now We must speed up and improve their strength."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, but finally said helplessly, "Although it is difficult to improve their strength, it can still be done, but it is very difficult to improve my strength, and I haven't found it yet." It is really powerless for any Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure to improve its strength."

Lao Zhan thought for a while and said, "Master, you can go to some remote places. There should be some heaven and earth treasures there. Even if there are no treasures, there should be some good things. At least you can avoid harassment by evil soldiers and generals. "

Bai Yunfei nodded and said, "This is the only way to do it now. I really don't know when I will be able to break through and become a warrior at the level of a warrior. Then I can leave here at will."

Lao Zhan shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "Master, if you had chosen to leave here directly, I'm afraid you would have broken through and become a warrior at the level of a Valkyrie by now, instead of being trapped in this world."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a light smile, "After all, this can be regarded as a kind of training, but what is the highest strength in the space right now?"

After checking it out, Lao Zhan smiled and said, "Now the strongest person in the space is Liu Xian'er, and his current strength has broken through to become a strong person at the martial spirit level."

Bai Yunfei said somewhat differently, "She is able to improve so quickly now, it seems that my sister is quite good. But haven't Sun Ziyun and the others worked hard recently?"

Old Zhan laughed and said, "The most important thing is that they are not as desperate as Liu Xian'er."

Bai Yunfei said thoughtfully, "It seems that everyone is trying to improve their strength quickly, and I have to speed up my pace. I'm taking them around for a while, and looking for something that can resist the evil king." potential stocks, and then take them to find a safe place, where they can practice with peace of mind."

Old Zhan nodded slightly and said, "As long as you can concentrate on finding those and listen to them, I believe that your strength should improve as quickly as a rocket. As long as you break through and become a warrior at the level of a warrior, you will be able to do so in this world." The world will be completely safe, and you can leave if you want to, but you will not be subject to any restrictions."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and then said curiously, "If I break through and become a warrior at the level of a warrior, then if Mo Yunluofeng and I compete in martial arts, what is the chance of winning?"

After thinking for a while, Lao Zhan shook his head and said, "You don't have any confidence in defeating them, the most you can do is escape from their hands."

(End of this chapter)

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