Chapter 622 The Final Battle
The third day had just dawned, Bai Yunfei sat up quickly, and after preparing all the weapons in his hands, he carefully looked at the situation outside, because today he did not plan to leave here, he planned to take care of himself Spend your last day in this hidden place.

But it was obviously impossible for Bai Yunfei to spend the last day safely. After a noisy sound, the lines he arranged far away were all triggered.

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly, he could only stand up and open all the traps, waiting for the enemy to arrive.

I saw many enemies coming to him quickly, all of them were used after being caught in the traps and died, but now the enemies came again, and when all the traps were useless, Bai Yunfei was surrounded by Surrounded by thousands of enemies just now.

Bai Yunfei walked out quickly without any fear, looked at the people around with a little sneer and said, "You people are really slow to react, it took so long to find out that I'm here, you really make me happy I guess you, and you have killed a lot of people."

All the people around became angry, but those people did not dare to step forward, because the previous trap taught them a profound lesson.

The old man from the Kuangfeng tribe walked forward slowly and said to Bai Yunfei with a smile, "You should have found out by now, you will definitely not be able to escape now, if you can hand over the ancestral artifact you stole from us If so, we can propose to save your life, what do you think of this deal?"

Bai Yunfei sat on the side, and said with some disdain, "You think I'm stupid, if I give you the iron whip, I'm afraid you will be cut into pieces after the money is handed over to you, do you really think I'm easy to deceive? ?”

The old man shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "I can swear to you, the people of our Storm Tribe will never use any force against you, this is feasible."

Bai Yunfei looked at the people around him, snorted slightly and said, "People from your official tribe are just a small part of them, and most of the rest are not from your Kuangfeng tribe, I'm afraid. You promised us, but the rest of us will never agree, you are really a bitch, if you won't be in front of me, you should put away all your useless schemes."

The old man from the Storm Tribe frowned slightly and said, "You don't have any chance to negotiate terms with us now, we can still get you even if we kill you, but we don't want to cause too many casualties, That's why I'm just negotiating terms with you, don't you know what's good or bad?"

Bai Yunfei stood up and said lightly, "If you want to fight, just come up, if you are timid, just stand still and don't move. What's the use of talking so much nonsense, after all, you are still afraid, I am here Is there still a trap, so you dare not come up?"

The people around looked at each other, but no one took any action, because Bai Yunfei's self-confidence made them more convinced that there must be more dangerous traps around Bai Yunfei, so they all stood where they were, not going forward. .

Bai Yunfei snorted faintly and sat down where he was, and began to eat and drink quickly, and he didn't pay attention to the more than 1000 people at all, just eating and drinking here.

Bai Yunfei's eating and drinking immediately made the more than 1000 people around him furious, but they were even more afraid to approach Bai Yunfei, because they were afraid that there would be a more powerful trap that would kill them all here, so They could only watch Bai Yunfei eating and drinking there from a distance, feeling very annoyed in their hearts.

Bai Yunfei saw that none of those people dared to go forward, he sneered and continued to rest there, now it is good for him to delay for some time, and as long as he can delay until the afternoon, he will You can be sure that even if you fall out with the other party, you can leave safely.

But obviously there are many smart people. Although they don't know that Bai Yunfei can leave here today, they also know that Liu Yong, who is so blind to Bai Yunfei, can get out of here, so they don't plan to follow Bai Yunfei here. Dry consumption, because the longer it takes, the more prone to various accidents.

The old man from the Storm Tribe yelled at the weak tribes around him.

The people in those weak tribes came forward with some reluctance, and slowly approached Bai Yunfei.

When they were less than 40 meters away from Bai Yunfei, the trap set off again, and all the people who came to explore the way fell into the trap in an instant.

There were bursts of screams in the mood, and finally stopped slowly, heralding the death of these people, and making the people around even more hesitant.

Bai Yunfei just glanced at it casually, then sat on the spot and continued to concentrate on waiting for the real battle to come.

Regarding Bai Yunfei's attitude, the people around were all very angry, but they couldn't do anything about it. However, at this time, many tribesmen with bows and arrows had already rushed over, and they shot directly at Bai Yunfei. Lots and lots of arrows.

Seeing the overwhelming crowd of swordsmen, Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and quickly whipped the iron whip in his hand back and forth into the sky, and at the same time, his aura exploded.

All those arrows before were blown away by Bai Yunfei's aura, and even if there were some minor accidents, they were all knocked to the ground by Bai Yunfei's handmade iron whip.

Bai Yunfei directly took out a bow and arrow beside him, aiming at those who still wanted to shoot with the bow and arrow, Bai Yunfei quickly pulled the arrow with the bow in his hand and flew out quickly, while Those who held bows and arrows and tried to shoot were all killed by arrows.

Bai Yunfei snorted slightly, and directly and quickly shot and killed those who wanted to continue picking up bows and arrows to attack.

The people around didn't dare to take those spaces anymore, they could only continue to stare at Bai Yunfei there, but at this time, there were also some unwilling people who slowly touched up from places Bai Yunfei couldn't see, wanting to come from behind. Sneak attack on Bai Yunfei.

But it's a pity that those people stepped on the trap when they were 100 meters away from Bai Yunfei and fell into the trap.

(End of this chapter)

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