Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 627 Beginning to Lord the Chicken Eating Battlefield

Chapter 627 Beginning to Lord the Chicken Eating Battlefield

Mo Yun shook his head slightly and said, "You are doing pretty well now, at least now you are standing on the same position as us, although your strength is indeed weaker than ours, but you are an improvement of freedom, and It’s not like we have to pay a price to get where we are now.”

Bai Yunfei looked at the somewhat sad Mo Yun, and said slightly puzzled, "Don't you think you need to pay a price if you want to improve your own strength?"

Mo Yun nodded slightly and said, "If you want to absorb those reverse energies, you have to endure the pain of those energies entering your body. This is simply not something anyone can bear, but those who can't bear it will be wiped out, only one time after another Only by struggling can we get the strength we have now.”

Bai Yunfei was a little sad, he was indeed much happier than them, at least he didn't need to absorb a little energy like them, and he would be in great pain.

Mo Yun continued, "You think that although Luo Feng and the others are called Daoist protectors, they also want to improve their strength, and they have to pay a heavy price, and it is also the price that they will be wiped out if they can't bear it."

Bai Yunfei said thoughtfully, "This is the reason why the two of you never make things difficult for each other. Although you both pinch each other when you meet, you have never made a serious move because you understand each other's difficulties and want to I have to find a partner for myself, so I just play tricks on the occasion."

Mo Yun nodded slightly and said, "You're right. That's the reason why we were able to support us to achieve our current achievements. But even so, we still have to continue to bear the pain that we should bear. No one can change us at all. fate."

Bai Yunfei sighed softly, and said, "Everyone has their own difficulties. I really don't know how to walk the road ahead."

Luo Feng suddenly appeared at the side at this time and said coldly, "Everyone has their own path to walk, and everyone has their own choice, but if you insist on choosing to destroy the Dao, then blame me and you for the crisis."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Then you can rest assured, I have no intention of destroying the world."

Mo Yun rolled his eyes, and said lightly, "Do you think I'm the kind of person who wants to mess with you? I just want to improve my strength, and the rest has nothing to do with me."

Luo Feng came and went in a hurry, and after hearing the answer from the two, he left here quickly.

Mo Yun sighed slightly and said, "All the things here have been completed. I don't have anything to do here. I should go find something interesting now. Goodbye."

Bai Yunfei looked at Mo Yun who had disappeared, shook his head slightly, and directly returned to this world again.

Bai Yunfei looked at the whole world, the peace before had been restored again, he breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to live his ordinary life in this world.

Bai Yunfei has stayed in this world for ten years. During these ten years, all the aura in him has been smoothed out and restrained. However, this does not mean that his strength has decreased, but that his strength has actually decreased. more powerful.

Bai Yunfei returned to the chicken-eating space, smiled slightly and said, "It's been a long time since I played the ordinary chicken-eating battlefield, so today I can play it again."

Lao Zhan smiled slightly and said, "Do you need to notify your friends now?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "But don't tell them yet, I'll just play a game of Lord's Chicken Battlefield by myself."

Lao Zhan nodded slightly, and sent Bai Yunfei all in.

Bai Yunfei quickly led his 100 soldiers. After searching the surrounding houses, he searched the surrounding environment again. After confirming the location of the safe zone, he quickly controlled the 100 soldiers to continue to move towards the surrounding buildings. house search.

After searching for a while, almost all soldiers have been equipped with secondary equipment.It's just that February's luck is not so good, and the equipment he searched is all kinds of everything, so his 100 soldiers can almost be said to be very mixed.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of very complicated footsteps, and dozens of soldiers rushed towards this side quickly.

Bai Yunfei immediately dispersed the 100 soldiers and asked them to pay in a surrounded manner. Dozens of soldiers surrounded them together and quickly killed them all.

But at this moment, many soldiers suddenly appeared again, killing a few of Bai Yunfei's soldiers in an instant, but they were soon killed by the rest of Bai Yunfei's soldiers.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly at the beginning when only 80 soldiers were left. This is really a big loss for him. Losing 20 soldiers in the next battle is really not too good. things.

Bai Yunfei said with a wry smile, "I really didn't expect to stop playing for such a long time, I really feel a little rusty."

Bai Yunfei also took a little seriously at this time, and quickly controlled 80 soldiers to collect all the things dropped by all the soldiers around him, and then quickly left here, but luck was pretty good, Bai Yunfei The strength of these 80 soldiers has increased a lot again.

At this moment, a very huge box slowly fell not far from Bai Yunfei, and thick red smoke rose from the box.

Bai Yunfei quickly controlled 80 soldiers, and quickly chased after the airdrop box.

But very fortunately, there were no soldiers or people around at all. Obviously this was a relatively desolate place. Bai Yunfei quickly controlled 80 soldiers. After collecting all the materials in the box, he quickly left here.

A huge box directly filled Bai Yunfei's 80 soldiers with three-level suits.

After Bai Yunfei thought for a while, he directly controlled 80 soldiers, and quickly rushed towards the center of the safety zone.

Bai Yunfei hadn't run very far when he found hundreds of people fighting non-stop in front of him.

Bai Yunfei immediately controlled 80 soldiers to hide their tracks, and slowly moved towards the two sides fighting.

I saw that at this time, the two sides were fighting in full swing, almost all their housekeeping skills were used, and both sides were perfect controllers. The soldiers fought a one-on-one decisive battle. Obviously, both sides are masters, otherwise The words will never operate so perfectly.

(End of this chapter)

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