Chapter 633 Infiltrate
Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Although what I said is so, you must be more careful. No one is guaranteed that some accidents will happen, so you must be more careful."

Long Yaoyao smiled slightly and said, "If we can't beat us, we can run away. I believe there are so many of us, can't we escape?"

Liu Xian'er frowned slightly and said, "This is a challenge for us. We have never encountered everything before, so it is very likely that we will encounter some unexpected situations, so everyone must not be careless, and We can't even trust the players around us, maybe they will become our enemies."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Shouldn't we encounter such a problem, if we do encounter such a problem, then we will really be out of luck."

Sun Ziyun smiled slightly, and said, "It will start soon, shall we do it now?"

After carefully looking at the terrain, Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "Now is not the time, we can set up some traps in front, so that we can obtain them more easily."

But Long Yaoyao shook his head slightly and said, "Now there is no way to set up any traps, because if you set up traps, everyone can easily get them, so it has been banned."

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly and said, "If this is the case, I'm afraid we have to look for supplies now. Without strong martial arts, if we want to implement the previous plan, I'm afraid there will be some difficulties."

The four left here quickly, went to some houses to find some martial arts cheats, and finally returned to the Escort Bureau again.

Seeing that the three of them hadn't come back, Bai Yunfei waited around the escort agency for their return.

Bai Yunfei looked at the escort agency in front of him curiously. Although there were escorts coming in and out, their escort cars were still there and did not set off.

After Bai Yunfei thought for a while, he quickly jumped onto the wall of the escort agency, and carefully moved towards where the escort vehicles were.

Bai Yunfei quickly opened all the photo albums in the escort cart, took away all the contents, and quickly left the escort agency. During the whole period, no one noticed, and no one issued any alarm. Bai Yunfei just like this Silently obtained the advanced equipment in the Escort.

After Bai Yunfei waited for a while, the three of them had all returned, but the harvest of the three of them was not as rich as that of Bai Yunfei, especially after seeing the high-level equipment on Bai Yunfei, they suddenly felt a little nervous. surprise.

Liu Xian'er was a little puzzled and said, "Brother, where did you get these high-level equipment? Could it be that these high-level equipment will also be refreshed in these ordinary houses?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "I got it from the Escort. In fact, we have always entered into a misunderstanding."

Long Yaoyao's eyes lit up and said, "As long as we can take advantage of those so-called bodyguards not paying attention, we can secretly steal the supplies inside without being discovered by them. This can be said to be silent. You can get high-level equipment with just one breath, why didn’t you think of such a way before?”

Sun Ziyun shook his head slightly and said, "Even if I could think of it before, it may not be a real success, because it is really difficult to avoid the patrols of the bodyguards inside."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I was very lucky to go in. If I make a wrong step, I will be discovered by them, so this road is very risky, and the success rate is very low. .”

At this moment, the first team of bodyguards was ready to go.

Sun Ziyun frowned slightly and said, "I'm afraid that everyone's eyes are now on the bodyguards of the first team, and the bodyguards in the back should not be watched by anyone for the time being. Shall we secretly try it according to the previous method? "

Liu Xian'er smiled slightly and said, "I'm looking forward to what kind of expression they will have when they open the escort agency and find that the box is empty."

Long Yaoyao also said wretchedly, "I'm afraid they will take the blame for us and be hunted down everywhere for us. I think they even want to die."

Bai Yunfei coughed and said, "Let's try it now to see if we can enter the Escort Bureau again. If we can enter the Escort Bureau and enter their warehouse, it may be more convenient."

After thinking for a while, Liu Xian'er said, "The strength of the few of us is not good enough. Only your strength can handle it. We will cover for you here and you can go in."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, agreed to Liu Xian'er's plan, and quickly sneaked in.

Bai Yunfei carefully avoided the patrols of those bodyguards, and slowly approached the warehouse, but he was surprised to find that there was no one guarding the warehouse, which was obviously not in line with common sense.

Bai Yunfei directly gave up his original plan, went to other places, and entered an ordinary house.

But when he entered this ordinary house, he was suddenly taken aback, because there were many empty wooden boxes in this house.

Bai Yunfei cautiously approached the warehouse house, listening to the movement inside.

Just as Bai Yunfei expected, there were people hidden inside, probably some bodyguards hiding inside.

Just at this time, a few people came here quickly by performing light skills, and also escaped the guards of those bodyguards, easily leaned into the warehouse, directly and quickly opened the warehouse, wanting to obtain advanced equipment.

But the moment they opened it, they were dumbfounded, because not only did it not contain any advanced equipment, but all of them were bodyguards.

I saw these bodyguards slashed out the knives in their hands extremely quickly, and hacked the intruders to death without hesitation.

When there was chaos outside, Bai Yunfei quietly sneaked in.

After searching carefully, Bai Yunfei found some advanced equipment, quickly put it away, and quickly left here, joining Liu Xian'er and the other three.

After they got together, they quickly left the bodyguard agency, because such a large-scale theft would definitely attract officers and soldiers, and the surrounding area would definitely be checked by then, and they would definitely be implicated if they stayed where they were.

(End of this chapter)

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