Chapter 636 End
Bai Yunfei slightly sighed and said, "I only made a real breakthrough after a narrow escape, so if I want to make a real breakthrough, I'm afraid I have to pay a very high price. It's not something you can do if you want to break through. After all, gods and immortals are different. the same."

Liu Xian'er said seriously, "No matter how difficult it is, I will definitely succeed in breaking through, and I will definitely break into other worlds with you."

Sun Ziyun asked curiously, "Could it be that everything is really different after becoming a Valkyrie?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "When you really understand it, you will know what I am saying now. No matter how much I explain now, it will be of no use to you."

At this moment, Liu Xian'er frowned and said, "Those bandits are about to lose their hold. Shall we do it now?"

After Bai Yunfei looked at it, he nodded and said, "Do it!"

The four of Bai Yunfei rushed out quickly, and killed those officers and soldiers in an instant. Suddenly, several officers and soldiers were directly killed by them, and the officers and soldiers behind them also quickly killed them.

After Sun Ziyun quickly waved the spear in his hand, he repelled all the officers and soldiers around him for several steps. The robbers seemed to have seen the opportunity, and after killing the officers and soldiers quickly, they didn't say anything. He fled in good spirits.

But all of this was within Bai Yunfei's expectation, Bai Yunfei shouted loudly, "Stop leaving the dart behind!"

Although the robbers didn't know who he was shouting at before, they broke out towards the periphery even more frantically, and the officers and soldiers frantically rushed towards the robbers and killed them.

The pressure on Bai Yunfei and the others instantly decreased, because there were not many officers and soldiers on their side, and most of the officers and soldiers had already gone after the robbers.

After a few people looked at each other, they showed all their strength directly, and the officers and soldiers were shocked in just such a split second.

But it's a pity that before they could warn them, Bai Yunfei cut off their throats with the sword in his hand.

Bai Yunfei and the others looked at each other, quickly harvested the supplies on the battlefield, and then quickly left here, because when the robbers couldn't hold on anymore, the officers and soldiers would come back to look for them.

However, there was one thing that was unexpected. Bai Yunfei had expected that the other people who danced with them actually ran with them, and there were hundreds of people who ran with them, and some of them also had dart.

Liu Xian'er said anxiously, "What can we do? They have been following us. If we don't get rid of them, I'm afraid we will be trapped by the army, and we will really be doomed."

Sun Ziyun was also a little puzzled and said, "Where did these damned guys come from? Why did they have to run with us? Couldn't they find a place to escape by themselves? This is really killing us."

Long Yaoyao shook the sword in his hand, and said coldly, "Do you want me to kill them all or a few of them now, to scare them?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "If you can really scare them, then they will never follow us. There is a person here who is fishing in troubled waters. They all have marks on them, and they deliberately fight with the people of the large army. We are together to blame them, and the few of us should have been discovered by them when we were in those troops."

Sun Ziyun and the three of them ran while watching Bai Yunfei waiting for Bai Yunfei. In the future, we also need to see how Bai Yunfei can get rid of these damned guys.

Bai Yunfei thought while running and said, "Actually, the method is very simple. When we encounter officers and soldiers, I believe it will definitely allow us to escape quickly."

With the constant waiting, a large number of officers and soldiers surrounded their records. If they wanted to pass through their encirclement, they had to kill them. However, these officers and soldiers were all well-equipped and not ordinary people could beat them.

Bai Yunfei shouted loudly, "Someone of us here is a material from the Escort Bureau. He is still carrying a dart on his body. You must not keep it in it, otherwise we will really be killed by these officers and soldiers. There is absolutely no one. People can escape."

This is called Bai Yunfei's voice, and the faces of several people inside changed drastically, and they wanted to escape the same way, but they didn't expect that they were really completely surrounded by those officers and soldiers just after they left the team.

Bai Yunfei took the opportunity to say loudly, "Now all the officers and soldiers are focusing on them. Let's break through quickly, otherwise we will really die here. Everyone listen to my orders and rush together!"

I saw that all the people frantically went out in one direction, and the weapons in their hands quickly harvested the lives of those soldiers, and after killing all the soldiers, all the people swarmed up and fled quickly , but they didn't realize that the four of Bai Yunfei were slowly leaving the team.

After looking at the time with some excitement, Long Yaoyao said happily, "This is good news. We only need to hold on for a few more hours before we can leave here, and we will never encounter any accidents again. .”

Just as Bai Yunfei expected, in the following time, no officers and soldiers really came to make trouble for them, because all the officers and soldiers were looking for trouble for other people, but Bai Yunfei's side had been left out. down.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "It looks like we should all be resting next time, and there is less than an hour left. We just need to persevere and we will succeed."

However, Bai Yunfei was so beautiful that he was very lucky. He left the space until the end, and Bai Yunfei and the others didn't encounter any enemies again.

As a ray of light fell, Bai Yunfei and the others had already returned to their respective worlds, and Bai Yunfei also returned to the chicken-eating space.

Bai Yunfei activated the compass directly and quickly, picked up a wine jug symbol, smiled slightly and said, "It's really good, it seems that there is wine to drink, but it's a pity that I still got so many things, but It doesn’t have any effect on me, I’m really not reconciled, is it true that only in the battlefield of purgatory can I improve my strength?”

Lao Zhan smiled slightly and said, "Yes, only this battlefield can improve your strength, so you should continue to work hard."

(End of this chapter)

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