Chapter 638: Poison God
The men in white shook their heads slightly and said, "We have nothing to do. It's good that we arrived in time. Their speed is faster than ours, and we don't know what they are going to do." Which world can only come to save them when they really get a world to do it slightly, but it is relatively late, and they all hate us more and more, and there is no way to prevent it in advance.”

Bai Yunfei snorted slightly, because he knew the personality of this medicine god space very well.Spaces like them are all very hypocritical.If they were really compassionate, they would definitely not watch the people in the Poison God Space commit crimes.

Bai Yunfei didn't continue to talk to these people, but directly broke through the space, left this world, and followed that trace directly into the Poison God's space.

When Bai Yunfei entered the space of the God of Poison, he immediately frowned, because this space was full of all kinds of toxins.

It is really hard to imagine how these people survived these various poisons.

Bai Yunfei's sudden invasion has already attracted the attention of the experts in this world, and I saw that many of them did not complete the task.All the masters in the Poison God's space rushed towards Baiyun Feicui's position quickly.

One of the blue-faced men directly said to Bai Yunfei coldly, "Who are you? You dare to trespass into our Poison God's space. I think you are really impatient."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "I am your reminder, and what you have done has completely touched my bottom line, so I am here to save you now, so that you will not suffer the crime of the living dead here. .”

The blue-faced man moved towards Bai Yunfei with no expression on his face, waved a lot of black powder, and quickly rushed towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei just burst out the aura of his body in an instant, and all the black powder flew out, and the blue-faced man also flew upside down, and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

The Poison God just slowly appeared in the distance of Bai Yunfei, and said coldly, "Isn't your doing too much? We are all gods, can't we be considerate of each other?"

Bai Yunfei said coldly, "There's nothing to talk about with bastards like you, you'd better court your death obediently."

Poison God said with a gloomy face, "Boy, you are asking for your own death. Don't think that breaking through to become a Valkyrie is a great thing. You must know that Valkyrie is also divided into high and low."

Bai Yunfei snorted disdainfully and said, "Do you think you are the only ones who think that they are all remnants of souls, or old and weak remnants who have no fighting power at all, yet dare to act presumptuously here? Harmful people are not worthy of living here, I am here today, so that you can never harm anyone again."

Bai Yunfei directly took out Fang Tian's painting halberd, looked into the distance lightly, and said with a soft smile, "Don't worry, I will definitely give you a good time, and I will definitely not let you suffer any pain. This is a treat for you." A little bonus."

The Poison God was furious immediately, but he was jealous of Bai Yunfei.Because the aura on Bai Yunfei's body had already told him that even if he really wanted to fight him, he would lose both sides, so now he doesn't dare to fight too directly.

But those people in the Poison God Space did not have such good experience as the Poison God. They all took out their own poisons, or poison weapons, and launched an attack on Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei waved it directly and quickly, and Fang Tian Huaji took them all back. Those people were all rolling back and forth on the ground in pain, obviously they had already suffered the consequences.

Bai Yunfei snorted slightly, and quickly swung Fang Tian's painted halberd towards the Poison God.

Their faces changed slightly, and they directly and quickly performed lightness kung fu to avoid Bai Yunfei's attack. Several green darts appeared in their hands, and they all shot towards Bai Yunfei.

However, Bai Yunfei snorted slightly and waved the Fang Tian painting knife in his hand, quickly blocked all the hidden weapons, and then quickly moved forward once, and in an instant, a very powerful force flew directly towards the Poison God. past.

The Poison God's expression changed, and he dodged quickly, but he did not expect Bai Yunfei's attack to be so fast, stabbing his right arm in an instant.

Bai Yunfei was so powerful that he directly and quickly continued to launch a frenzied attack towards the Poison God, and the Poison God was immediately overwhelmed.

It is estimated that Bai Yunfei is really the nemesis of the God of Poison, because none of the poisons of the God of Poison have any effect, so the biggest means for the God of Poison have all been abolished, and he only has no backup at this time.

Bai Yunfei snorted softly and said, "Now is the time for your real scene. There is really no need for you to exist in this space. Now let's get rid of these first, and I believe that I will kill you for the rest. People will solve it completely."

The Poison God suddenly became angry, and he quickly took out his weapon. The two claws on his two claws were emitting black light, which was obviously very extraordinary.

However, Bai Yunfei directly put Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand aside, took out a pair of gloves and said lightly, "You like melee combat, so I'll play with you and see who the two of us are." Even more powerful, I hope you can make a few tricks in my hands, otherwise I will really be disappointed."

The Poison God became even more angry, and quickly grabbed Bai Yunfei's face.

"It's really insidious, but you also take my trick!"

Bai Yunfei's fists were swiftly punched towards the poisonous god like a shooting star. In an instant, countless fists surrounded the poisonous god, and he beat him up violently.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "How is it? My Meteor Fist is not bad, and I have Meteor Feet here. Do you want to try it too? It will definitely make you feel good."

The God of Poison became even more angry, pointing at Bai Yunfei and said coldly, "My boy, you dare to play tricks on me like this, I will never let you go."

But it's a pity that before he could really show his housekeeping skills, Bai Yunfei punched him indiscriminately. At this time, the Poison God was already like a pig's head, and he no longer had the same air as before.

(End of this chapter)

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