Chapter 646 Training
Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't say these things now, you go and get rid of those uninvited guests outside first."

Fan Xiaolong looked outside in some puzzlement, and suddenly found several men in black appeared outside, but they didn't immediately attack him, but kept observing his movements from a distance, obviously they Be a professional killer.

Fan Xiaolong directly picked up his sword, walked over nonchalantly, and said coldly to the killers, "Although I don't know who sent you to kill me, you really think you can kill me!" Get rid of me? I don't want to explain any more, but if you really dare to stop me, then don't blame me for killing without mercy."

Those killers looked at each other, took out all the weapons they hid, and quickly killed Fan Xiaolong.

Fan Xiaolong directly stuck the sword in his hand on the ground, and met their attack with bare hands.

I saw Fan Xiaolong directly and quickly punched their weapons, and the weapons in the hands of these killers were directly blown away by Fan Xiaolong's punch.

Fan Xiaolong took advantage of his power and quickly approached their bodies. After each of them punched them, these killers all flew out quickly, as if they were equipped with rockets.

These killers all looked at Fan Xiaolong in disbelief, and said tremblingly, "What's going on? Why did your strength improve so much? Why is your strength so different from the intelligence? "

Fan Xiaolong snorted disdainfully and said, "You three-legged cats dare to assassinate me. You are really overconfident. I think you should go back and report the situation here. A group of watchdogs really don't care." The advantage of knowing exactly where you're coming from."

After looking at each other, these killers all got up quickly, supported each other, and quickly wanted to leave here, but before they could go far, they were killed by Bai Yunfei casually throwing a throwing knife up.

Fan Xiaolong looked at Bai Yunfei with some puzzlement and said, "Brother Bai, why did you kill them all? They have all failed, can't you let them live?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "You are really too young. If you let them go, I am afraid that more people will suffer because of them, and even many innocent people will be killed by them. Who is responsible?"

Fan Xiaolong frowned, thinking secretly.But no matter how he thought about it, he felt that what Bai Yunfei said was very correct, so he had no choice but to sit aside and silently stopped talking.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Aren't you still unable to truly adapt to this kind of life? Let me tell you, as long as the world exists, fighting like this will never stop. If you really If you plan to embark on the path of Jianghu, you must adapt to your current life, and you must not show any kindness to the enemy."

Fan Xiaolong was a little silent, staring blankly at the waterfall and said, "Is this really the only way to choose? Is there no other way to choose?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "Once you set foot on the path I pointed out, you won't have any choice, so everything depends on you, and the killing will always be with you."

Fan Xiaolong said lightly, "Is there still a lot of people in this world who are full of hatred, but no one has come to justice for them?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "You are right. There are indeed many people in this world who are full of grievances, but they have no way to say it out, and they have no way to make it public."

Fan Xiaolong nodded seriously and said, "I have already decided to embark on the rivers and lakes. This path will never disappoint anyone. I want to uphold justice for those innocent people, so that they no longer believe that there is no justice." .”

Bai Yunfei looked at Fan Xiaolong, who was already full of sense of justice, and shook his head with a wry smile, but he didn't say anything. Originally, he just wanted to motivate him, but he didn't expect that it would directly turn him into a Secondary school boy.

Bai Yunfei said indifferently, "In your current world, there is no way to leave here, you still have to complete each of your tasks, and only after you have completed all the tasks, you have the right to leave here. "

Fan Xiaolong took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Don't worry, Brother Bai, no matter how difficult the training is, I will persevere, I will definitely succeed in training, and I will definitely let those who are suffering The common people are completely relieved, and they will no longer be unable to avenge their grievances, and cannot avenge their grievances."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Before all this, you should come here to train obediently. Your next training is very simple. Have you seen that mountain? Carrying these stones to the top of the mountain, slowly It’s as simple as that.”

Fan Xiaolong nodded earnestly, quickly carried those moments on his back and wanted to walk towards the top of the mountain, but he was already out of breath after walking a few steps. Only then did he realize that these stones were all very heavy. Heavy, it's not as simple as she imagined.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly at the side, did not say anything, but directly pointed to the sky and came to the top of the mountain, took out a jug of wine, drank quietly and waited for Fan Xiaolong 's arrival

When Fan Xiaolong was exhausted carrying the stones on his body to the top of the mountain, he fell to the side. When he was awake, Bai Yunfei threw him down again and continued to move the stones up.

After a whole month of training in this way, Fan Xiaolong's strength has increased a lot, and he is already very comfortable carrying those stones, but it is not as strenuous as before.

With all his strength, Fan Xiaolong finally transported the stones to the top of the mountain quickly, but at this moment the sun slowly rose, and the whole land was illuminated by the red sun.

Fan Xiaolong sighed slightly and said, "I just didn't expect it to be so spectacular. Looking at such a magnificent side, I just feel as if I am so proud that I will never let you down, Big Brother Bai."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Then I will have to wait and see. If you really can't do it, don't blame me for being rude to you."

(End of this chapter)

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