Chapter 659 Killing the Mirror Image
Bai Yunfei said with some emotion, "It turns out that I am so weak when I only use sword skills. If I don't have other martial arts assistance, I really didn't expect it. I am really weak enough."

Bai Yunfei walked directly into the forest, at this moment two mirror images blocked his way, both of them were holding swords.

Bai Yunfei didn't change any weapons, he still took a step forward with his bare hands, and the two mirror images quickly attacked him. The two generals, one on the left and the other on the right, moved towards Bai Yunfei quickly launched an attack.

When the two mirror images held swords and were about to approach Bai Yunfei, Bai Yunfei slowly spun his hands like Tai Chi, and instantly snatched the swords from the two mirror images, and chopped them both with his backhand. kill.

Bai Yunfei didn't have any accidents, because he knew the weaknesses of any martial arts very well, and he also knew how to restrain them, so beheading them was very simple.

Just as Bai Yunfei took a step forward, he quickly dodged. In his original place, many hidden weapons appeared unexpectedly.

Bai Yunfei stomped his feet lightly, all those hidden weapons were out of control and flew into his hands.

Bai Yunfei walked slowly towards the front, but his ears listened very quickly to the movements around him, as long as there was a movement of a grass, everything could reach his ears.

Bai Yunfei shot out suddenly, and all the hidden weapons in his hand flew out like a celestial girl scattered flowers, and all the mirror images around him were hit by hidden weapons and died in an instant.

Bai Yunfei didn't have any surprises when he saw those statues died. Instead, he punched his feet quickly, and saw a big hole in the ground instantly, and there was also a person in the center of the big hole. The mirror image was directly and completely killed by him.

Bai Yunfei directly picked up the spear that could only be dropped, and slowly walked towards the depths of the forest.

Ten mirror images quickly appeared from different directions, surrounded Bai Yunfei and they formed a very strange battle formation, trapping Bai Yunfei tightly.

Bai Yunfei felt a little emotional, looked at this wonderful battle formation, shook his head slightly and said, "I really didn't expect that there is such a combination, why didn't I think that such a combination is really good, I can try it in the future .”

I saw that all those mirror images were reincarnations quickly attacking Bai Yunfei, but Bai Yunfei easily blocked their attack, because after all, Bai Yunfei understood more deeply than them, they only knew something about themselves, but Don't know more things, so even if they formed this battle formation, it was still easily broken by Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei easily killed all ten generals and left here, but now he has figured out some of the rules here, that is, the stronger you go to the back, and there is even a mirror image, it may be with you. She is exactly the same now, so he has to be more careful now, the mirror image in front may be just for him to display more martial arts, so that he can copy it.

After Bai Yunfei understood the rules here, he no longer used other redundant martial arts, but kept using the martial arts he had used before to fight against people.

As time slowly passed, Bai Yunfei directly pierced through the entire forest, killing a total of 90 mirror images completely by him.

At this time, Bai Yunfei also looked at the new mirror image in front of him slightly seriously, which was the 91st mirror image.

But the aura of this mirror image is quite different from the previous ones, and its strength has also increased a lot.

I saw this mirror image quickly swinging its iron fist and punching Bai Yunfei on the head.

Bai Yunfei raised his eyebrows and transformed into a figure, and after dodging his punch, he immediately stabbed the mirror image with his carbine, but what surprised him was that the mirror image didn't suffer any damage, because At the critical moment, he actually escaped the carbine this time.

After dodging Bai Yunfei's return carbine, the mirror image jumped up quickly, and shot several hidden weapons in his hand in an instant.

Bai Yunfei was slightly taken aback, turned around quickly, dodged these hidden weapons, and instantly took out a hidden weapon from his hand and shot it out.

The refugee scene had already been prepared, quickly dodged Bai Yunfei's hidden weapon, fell to the ground, and quickly threw a series of punches at Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei quickly waved the spear in his hand to block his series of punches, but he was also repelled a few steps by his terrifying strength.

Bai Yunfei showed a slight smile, directly and quickly devoured people, and released the Overlord marksmanship, which was the first marksmanship he acquired, and he hadn't used it for a long time.

Bai Yunfei shot directly at the mirror image.

Just as the mirror image was about to raise its fist to attack, it suddenly flew upside down and hit the ground heavily. Before he could get up, Bai Yunfei completely eliminated it with a single shot.

Bai Yunfei watched indifferently the mirror images that continued to appear, and quickly swung the spear in his hand to kill them.

The remaining seven mirror images were all without any resistance, and were all dealt with one by one by Bai Yunfei with the Overlord Spear.

But Bai Yunfei has been waiting for the final mirror image to appear, and it has been a long time since any mirror image appeared, Bai Yunfei couldn't help frowning.

At this moment, a huge change took place on the entire battlefield, countless black air was constantly gathering, and the surrounding forest had completely turned into desolate dead wood.

Bai Yunfei watched all this happen, but didn't have any thoughts, but quietly waited for the final mirror image to appear, because he knew that all of this was caused by the mirror image.

At this moment, a black-clothed Bai Yunfei appeared in front of Bai Yunfei, and said with a soft smile, "I am the last mirror image you are waiting for."

Bai Yunfei looked at himself in black in front of him, smiled slightly and said, "I really didn't expect you to look exactly like me, this is more real than the previous mirror images, and you seem to have your own wisdom what."

Bai Yunfei in black smiled slightly and said, "You are right, I do have my own wisdom, and my birth is different from theirs. I am the dark side of your heart, which can be said in a certain way." , I am you."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "The dark side in my heart really surprised me, I always wanted to know if I would be born with this so-called dark side, but now seeing you appear, I feel slightly I'm relieved because I'm still a human being, not those so-called gods."

(End of this chapter)

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