Chapter 662 Defending the Town
After Bai Yunfei sold all the goods, he came to their resting place, and found that the two little guys were so tired that they collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. They didn't even notice that Bai Fei came back.

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and sighed softly, "Sure enough, they are all children. Even if they have more memories, it will not change the characteristics of children."

Early the next morning, the two little guys got up quickly, but they were surprised to find that Bai Yunfei's strength was actually stronger than what they had worked on all day.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "I am luckier than you guys. After I got a sword and a set of martial arts, I went outside to kill some wild beasts. I got a lot of things, and I also got a lot of things. money."

The two little guys looked at each other, and suddenly said speechlessly, "Sure enough, killing people and setting fires is fast. I really didn't expect that we could only buy a book of the most basic martial arts after a day's work, and we couldn't even buy weapons. Big brother You are good, now there are so many more weapons and martial arts, it really makes us so envious."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, bought two weapons directly, and said to the two little guys, "We don't know when we will face the first wave of attacks, so we must improve our strength as soon as possible before that. So now we go to the field to farm more wild beasts, drop some martial arts cheats, and after picking them up, we should be able to improve our strength a lot, at least to restore our previous strength, so that we can truly cope with the battlefield here."

Bai Yunfei took the two little fellows and left the town quickly, touched the surrounding beasts, and found that the beasts killed yesterday had actually come back to life again.

Bai Yunfei took the two little guys, and after killing all the wild beasts very skillfully, he began to search for the nests one by one. When it got dark, they returned to the town again.

Bai Xiaoxiao was still a little dissatisfied and said, "Brother, are you being too cautious? Why don't we continue hunting more at night, so that we can save a lot of time."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said seriously, "Didn't you realize until now that as time goes by, the strength of those beasts outside is getting stronger and stronger. I'm afraid that in the real night, the strength of those beasts It will be even more terrifying, and there will even be some enemies that we don’t know, so the danger we will encounter will increase a lot.”

Liu Xuexing, on the other hand, said with some disapproval, "But I feel that we should give it a try, after all, if we don't take a risk, we will never know their strength, so we have no way to truly Improve your strength."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Do you feel that I have made a big fuss? When your strength improves a bit, you will be able to sense the crisis brought by the night. At that time, you will know why I am like this." Be careful."

Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly frowned and said, "If those enemies attack us at night, doesn't that mean that we have no way to resist their attacks?"

Bai Yunfei thought for a while and said, "Judging from the current situation, such a thing should not happen. Even if they sneak attack at night, it should be a long time later. Now the early stage should be to attack during the day."

Bai Xiaoxiao frowned slightly and said, "I hope so, but I always feel that this world will never allow us to be so leisurely. Brother, I feel that we still need to prepare in advance."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "Let's go back and rest for now, and we will take more protective measures tomorrow, so that we will be prepared."

When the sky lightened slightly, Bai Yunfei and the others did not continue to hunt wild animals outside the town, but started setting traps on the three necessary roads.

When they had just set up the trap, a man in hunter costume appeared in front of them. The man looked at the trap they set up very appreciatively.

"It's really good to have a trap like yours. This can make the town safer. It seems that you are really thoughtful and ingenious. If that's the case, I will give you this bow and arrow. I hope you can truly protect the town. "

Bai Yunfei directly picked up the bow and arrow, and said with a slight smile, "Can you tell us who is attacking. We can make plans for the next step."

The hunter shook his head slightly and said, "I'm afraid this will disappoint you again, because we don't know what kind of enemy it is, so there is no way to speculate on it."

After the hunter finished speaking, he left here directly. The three of Bai Yunfei looked at each other before continuing to set new traps.

Time passed slowly like this, Bai Yunwei and the others had lived in this small town for a full month, but during this month, no enemies invaded, and Bai Yunfei and the others' strength had also improved a lot Quickly, all of them have reached the level of Martial King.

The old man who gave Bai Yunfei the sword appeared again and said calmly, "The enemy will attack tomorrow, I hope you can defend the town."

After the old man finished speaking, he disappeared again.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said to the two little guys, "Tomorrow, each of us will guard our own road, and we are determined not to let them enter the town."

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry bro, our current strength is already extraordinary. Although we haven't recovered our true full strength, our current strength should be able to protect this village, no problem."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "This is the Purgatory Battlefield, it's definitely not that simple. If you have such a careless attitude, I'm afraid you will definitely face a disastrous defeat."

Liu Xuexing directly suggested, "I think we should take a look at those things in those shops, maybe there are some things that can help us defend the town."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "That's right, if we only rely on the three of us, it is indeed too difficult. I think there must be some things in this town that we haven't discovered, and these things should be able to help us. Guard this town."

(End of this chapter)

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