Chapter 666 Windfall
At this moment, with the scream of the last bull, it was obvious that the second round of attack was completely over. Bai Yunfei laughed and said to everyone, "What are you waiting for? Harvest the results immediately."

After everyone cleaned the battlefield, it was already dark, but at this time everyone was very happy, and they had already obtained more than 100 million yuan in money alone, and this did not include other materials that could be sold. If only these were not too much To make everyone happy, the real happiest thing is that they can improve their strength and directly raise their strength to the level of Martial Immortals. This is the best for them, because the higher their strength is improved, the more It is the best guarantee.

Bai Yunfei and the others quickly bought some strength-enhancing items, some weapons, and some special trap items, because they were newly released, and they discovered that building a city wall can completely divide the three roads, which is obviously a very good idea. choose.

The money came in quickly and was spent quickly. Before, they still had millions of dollars, but now they have completely spent it.

However, their achievements are very gratifying. I saw that three very tall city walls were built on three roads, and they could feed them to attack the enemy on top, which was safer. Moreover, there were many traps in front of them. Traps can be more effective in preventing enemy attacks.

Bai Xiaoxiao sighed slightly and said, "We still haven't developed the potential of the whole town. If we fully discover it, I'm afraid we will be more relaxed now."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Until we find nothing, why don't you hurry up and look for it to see if there are any missing things? If we can really find something useful, then we will be more confident in our next defense." And we still don't know how many people attacked, so it's better to be more careful."

At this time Liu Xuexing quickly ran back and said, "Brother, it's really strange. Although the strength of these soldiers has been improved, they are all at the peak of Emperor Wudi, and they haven't made the next breakthrough at all. What should we do?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "If they want to break through Wu Zun, I'm afraid they still need a battle, so in the next battle, let them fight as much as possible, we can just watch from the side, after all, they are in the first place behind." , we still need to rely on them.”

Bai Xiaoxiao sighed slightly and said, "If we can find a place where we can spend more money, that would be great, but it's a pity that we will always feel that the money is not enough."

Bai Yunfei's heart moved, and he said with a faint smile, "Now our strength can walk back and forth freely in the dark, so I decided to stay here with the two of you, and I will go out to explore alone, maybe there will be some unexpected gains , I believe that there will definitely be some roads arranged for us."

Bai Xiaoxiao said worriedly, "Brother, can I do this? Otherwise, the two of us will go to the town anyway, but there is not much danger, just let Xue Xing guard here by himself."

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said with a soft smile, "Don't worry, don't you worry about my strength? It's going to be even more difficult to keep me, so you two can just guard the town here .”

Liu Xuexing nodded slightly, looked at Bai Yunfei, and said seriously, "Brother Bai, you must be more careful. If you really can't beat him, then leave as soon as possible, and don't hold on."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and left here directly and quickly performed lightness kung fu, and came outside the town.

The reason why Bai Yunfei planned to leave alone was because he suddenly felt a reaction from the original scriptures in his body that had not moved for a long time, as if something had attracted his attention, and he hoped that Bai Yunfei would look for it.

Bai Yunfei quickly performed the lightness kung fu, and quickly searched according to the guidance in his heart.

Finally, after two days and two nights of searching, Bai Yunfei locked on the target. It was an iceberg. As for why the iceberg appeared here, Bai Yunfei didn't know why it appeared here. He only knew what he was looking for. It's inside this iceberg.

When Bai Yunfei stepped into the range of the iceberg, many white giant apes quickly jumped out, holding long sticks to block Bai Yunfei's path.

Bai Yunfei directly took out his weapon and killed him quickly.

It's not that Bai Yunfei is too cruel, but that they don't have any friends at all because they are all hostile, so when they meet, either you die or I die.

The strength of these giant apes is all at the level of Emperor Wu, so there is no way to block Bai Yunfei's path. After Bai Yunfei killed a few white giant apes in one fell swoop, the rest of the giant apes all moved quickly. dodged.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly approached the iceberg. When he put his hand on the iceberg, he saw that the iceberg burst instantly and melted Bai Yunfei into it.

Bai Yunfei looked at the surrounding ice with some differences, but they didn't feel any cold, instead they felt that a very mysterious power was completely absorbed by the original scriptures.

Bai Yunfei's eyes suddenly showed a trace of interest, and he quickly felt this mysterious energy, and immediately knew that it was the original power of ice.

But when Bai Yunfei broke through the ice, his strength had recovered to become a warrior at the level of a warrior.

Moreover, Bai Yunfei's body was also filled with the power of ice, causing snowflakes to continuously appear around him.

After Bai Yunfei completely absorbed this power, he left here directly, but before he left for a long time, those white giant apes blocked his way.

However, Bai Yunfei didn't launch an attack directly, but these few white giant apes all surrendered directly under Bai Yunfei's feet.

Bai Yunfei could clearly sense their loyalty to him, he nodded and put them all away, asking them to help guard the town.

Liu Xuexing looked at Bai Yunfei happily and said, "Brother, you are finally back, we thought you were in danger, but what is going on with these monkeys, how can they help us protect the town?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It's just a small chance and these white giant apes are very good helpers. They are all at the level of Emperor Wu, but as time passed, their time They will improve, so treating them well will be a good helper for us."

(End of this chapter)

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