Chapter 688

Cheng Tian shook his head slightly, and said with a little sigh, "If we just come here a few times, we can do it, but if we want to go all the way like Mr. Bai, I'm afraid it's not something we can do. Because Mr. Bai didn't simply let them roll, but let their weight keep pressing down to flatten all the traps, so we were able to come over so smoothly."

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "You are still young, so you don't need to think about so many things, and don't aim too high, because it's better not to know something than to know it."

"Report! A large number of troops appeared in front of the general. I don't know who it is." A soldier ran back from the front quickly.

Cheng Tian said with some doubts, "Can you see what the flags of those troops are?"

The soldier quickly said, "I can only see some flags from a distance, with a big Chen character written on them."

Cheng Tian frowned suddenly, and said with an ugly face, "Why are these guys here? These damn bastards are really disgusting."

Bai Yunfei looked at the furious Cheng Tian, ​​and said calmly, "Don't be so irritable when encountering things, is there anything that you can't solve by yourself?"

Cheng Tian shook his head slightly and said, "These guys are all members of the Chen family army. These bastards are taking advantage of the fire here to rob. I'm afraid they also want to share some credit."

Bai Yunfei looked at the dark army in front of him, sneered and said, "Then you may be wrong, but you are not planning to share some credit, but you are completely ready to make a deal with those members of the rat organization. Keep all of you here completely, because all the murderous intent on them has been exposed."

At this moment, Cheng Tian said in disbelief, "It's impossible. How could they be so rebellious when they got married? No matter how chaotic the empire is, they would never take advantage of it. At most, they just came out to share some credit. How dare they take the risk? So how can the world go against it?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Sometimes crazy benefits can make people even crazier. I'm afraid someone gave them greater benefits, so they chose to do this. If you were given the same benefits, I'm afraid you will do the same. do the same thing."

Cheng Tian shook his head and said, "No matter how big the benefits are, I will never betray the country, unless the whole country has been completely separated, or completely collapsed."

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "You just think like this, but it doesn't mean that other people in your family think the same way. You must know that everyone has their own ideas. If it's your turn to be the emperor, why don't you do it?" What? That's what all of you are thinking right now."

After Cheng Tian was silent for a while, he said lightly, "I don't care what other people think, but I will never do such a thing, at least I will never make any betrayal before they are all dead. .”

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Then I will have to wait and see, and now everything seems to be calm, but in fact it is already turbulent. I am afraid that it will not be long before the real battle will come."

Just like what Bai Yunfei said, a few people wearing general armor came here quickly, and all of them were members of the Cheng family.

I saw that all those people found Cheng Tian secretly and secretly, explaining their purpose of coming.

Cheng Tian pointed to those people and said, "Have you forgotten our Cheng family's oath? If you do this, you are going against our wishes, and you will let our Cheng family go directly into a place of eternal doom."

One of the older Cheng family members shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "We have not forgotten our oath, and we will not violate our previous wishes. We just quietly guard those innocent people. Now, as for other things, we don’t have to take care of them, whoever wants to be emperor, let them do it themselves, and then we will be the generals who protect the country.”

Cheng Tian snorted disdainfully and said, "It's really easy for you to say it. Can you protect the people? As long as they really fall into war, who can guarantee the safety of those civilians is simply ridiculous. "

The few people shook their heads slightly, and said lightly, "It's up to you to agree or not, the family has now agreed."

Cheng Tian snorted slightly and said, "What you said doesn't mean what I mean, and now all the troops are in my hands, and you don't have any right to order me at all."

I saw the aura of those people burst out instantly, and said coldly, "You can't leave here anymore, just obediently hand over the military talisman on your body."

Cheng Tian sneered and said, "Do you really think I'm unprepared? Someone will arrest them all for me."

Seeing that a large number of soldiers rushed in quickly, they quickly arrested all of these people.

Those few people didn't resist at all, they looked at Cheng Tian with a sneer and said, "You must regret what you did today, you will really bring the Cheng family into a place where there is no redemption."

Bai Yunfei walked out, and said with a faint smile, "You still don't really know the real reason of the matter. As long as the prince doesn't die, everything you have can be regarded as useless."

Cheng Tian snorted slightly and said, "Xiaoxiao doesn't need to tell them, these things no longer have any glory for them in the past, and now they are all a group of villains who are greedy for profit."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You're right, they are indeed a bunch of villains who are ungrateful for profit, but what I want to know more now is that so many people want to rebel, including the one in front of you who you are worried about. If the soldiers of the Chen family know that everything they want is useless, what kind of expression will they have?"

Cheng Tian said with a heavy heart, "Sir, you don't want to find me a step down here. Everyone doesn't want to see such a thing happen, but I, Cheng Tian, ​​will definitely remember the previous glory, absolutely I won't act like they do for profit. And I also know in my heart that even if we don't have Mr. Ping's ability, we can easily protect the prince and enter the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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