Chapter 691
Cheng Tian shook his head slightly and said, "I'm just accepting my responsibilities all the time. As long as they don't die, I will never betray them."

Chen Jiafang shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Now I will go back and organize all the soldiers to meet with you. Now you should not have to worry, I can also promise you, and I will turn around with you to deal with Dark Mouse and those people. "

Cheng Tian smiled slightly, and said, "For the time being, there is no need to worry about those who love to talk. The most urgent thing is to go back to the palace and accept all the defenses of the palace. How can we make further plans?"

Early the next morning, Bai Yunfei took Li Mu quickly out of the barracks, heading up towards the palace.

And Cheng Tian and the others had completely merged with the Chen family's army and started walking in the direction of the palace.

After three days and two nights of traveling, Bai Yunfei and the others successfully sneaked into the imperial capital.

Li Mu looked at the prosperity inside the imperial capital curiously and said, "It's just that I didn't expect such chaos outside, but this place is so prosperous and prosperous. This is really very different."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "There is no difference here, it's just that it is more prosperous, but no one knows that it is actually full of all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, and what is more dangerous is the knives and swords here. They are all bloodless and will kill people invisibly."

Li Mu frowned slightly and said, "This is really so dangerous, so why are so many people willing to come here?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "The people who come here are usually seeking power or wealth, or they may be seeking real stability."

Li Mu was slightly puzzled and said, "How can you seek stability here? How can you really be safe in such a dangerous situation?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Because there are usually no crimes here, so if you want to live a stable life here, you can live here slowly like ordinary civilians, and you won't encounter any serious problems. If you encounter any danger, as long as you don't provoke those powerful people, you won't be in any danger."

Li Mu sighed slightly and said, "It seems that I really have to learn how to survive here, otherwise, even if I become the so-called emperor here, I'm afraid I won't be able to suppress them."

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "You just need to remember that people can carry a boat, or they can overturn it. As long as you remember these eight words, you will definitely be able to be a good emperor."

Li Mu nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, Brother Bai, I will definitely remember."

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "Remember that's useless, you have to do it, as long as you can do it, then let's go into the palace, but this palace should be their last barrier, but it's not like that." Good to go."

Li Mu frowned slightly and said, "Then how do we get in? Are we going to wait here for the arrival of General Chen and the others?"

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "There's no need to be so troublesome. Your father should still be able to control the overall situation now, so it's not as troublesome as you imagined. It's just that some small means are really needed."

Bai Yunfei yelled out of luck, "Listen up, emperor inside, your son has arrived at the gate of the palace now, if you want to see your son, send someone over to pick him up immediately!!!!"

Li Mu looked at Bai Yunfei dumbfounded and said, "Is this your idea?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Isn't it good? It saves worry and effort. I'm afraid he will send someone to pick you up in a short time. Don't worry, you should be considered safe now."

Not long after, a pair of soldiers gathered and ran out quickly, looked around, locked on to Bai Yunfei and the others, and ran over quickly.

"It was you who were talking just now, where is the prince now? Take me to see the prince immediately. I want to take him to see the emperor immediately."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, let's wait, it seems that someone hasn't come yet."

Although Li Mu didn't know what was going on, he believed in Bai Yunfei very much, so he didn't say anything, but stayed behind Bai Yunfei.

The soldiers immediately drew their weapons and said coldly, "Do you want to resist the order? Aren't you afraid of being beheaded?"

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? You are all just a group of soldiers, and none of the generals has come to step forward, so how dare I hand over the crown prince to you?"

Without saying a word, those soldiers took their weapons and quickly killed Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei snorted slightly, and slapped these soldiers directly and quickly.

All these soldiers were blown away by Bai Yunfei's palm wind, and no one could stand up again, because all the muscles and bones on their bodies were broken.

Bai Yunfei clapped his hands and said lightly, "You are really well-informed. You have arrived before the serious soldiers have come. You rats are really good. I really want to know who your rat king is. Who? To be able to see that you have cultivated such elites is really good enough."

But those Dark Mouse people didn't answer Bai Yunfei's words, and they were all wailing in constant pain, obviously their injuries had already made them lose the ability to speak.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly at this time, because he suddenly felt a different momentum erupting from the palace.

"I really didn't expect there to be such a master in such a small palace. This is really abnormal."

Li Mu looked at Bai Yunfei with some puzzlement and said, "What's the matter with Brother Bai? Could it be that there are still experts in there?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "There is indeed a master inside, a master of Martial Immortal level, for your world, it can be said to be the top master."

Li Mu frowned slightly and said, "This person is a taxi and why haven't I heard that there are such masters in this world? Based on the chats with General Cheng and the others these days, I seem to infer a The highest master may be a master of the Emperor Wu level, how come there is a master of the Martial Immortal level?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "I also feel very strange, so I also want to know what's going on, but when I see him, I should understand why he appears here."

(End of this chapter)

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