Chapter 706

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "I gave him three cheat books, namely Mang Niu Jin, Mad Cow Fist, and Mad Cow Step."

The God of Gamblers said slightly differently, "Why did you give him these three kinds of martial arts? Could it be that you really turned him into a bull?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Because I found that these martial arts are very suitable for him, and they are also for him and his martial arts. Don't worry, these martial arts will definitely allow him to improve his strength more quickly. .”

The God of Gamblers shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "I hope so, let's just watch quietly."

Guo A Niu ran back to his home, cleaned up all the dirt on his body, and sat on his chair in a daze.

He just didn't think that he should have been a mortal person, but instead of dying, he was rescued by a mysterious strong man, and he also got the inheritance of martial arts, which gave him the opportunity to change his destiny.

Guo Aniu stood up suddenly, tidied up quickly, and left his home overnight after saluting, because he knew that he could not stay here any longer, and if he continued to live here, there would probably be A new trouble, after all, the people he offended were not ordinary people, he could offend them.

As soon as Guo Aniu left here, in less than three days, the news of them had spread throughout their town, and everyone quickly searched for his whereabouts, wanting to know why he didn't die.

But at this time, Guo Aniu has come to a new place, and this time, his body has actually changed. He is no longer a different person, but has become a soldier-level strength. The speed of strength improvement is very fast.

Guo Aniu came directly to a restaurant, ordered some food, and started to eat. Since he started practicing martial arts, his appetite has increased a lot, so he didn't dare to delay, and left after eating After leaving the restaurant, he found a hidden place to practice his newly acquired martial arts.

The God of Gamblers shook his head slightly, and said to Bai Yunfei who was also observing Guo Aniu, "I really didn't expect that the martial arts you gave her are really suitable for her. It's only three days of martial arts, and she has surpassed the martial arts." As a disciple, he directly became the strength of the armed forces."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "This is also his own hard work in the past three days. If she didn't have such a strong cultivation, I'm afraid he wouldn't have the current strength directly, but this kid is still a little too timid. Let it go, if I changed it, I would have killed those who chased and killed him long ago, so that I can find a place to practice martial arts with more peace of mind, instead of practicing martial arts secretly like now."

The God of Gamblers smiled slightly and said, "Actually, it's the safest way for him to do this, because he doesn't know the strength of the opponent. If he goes straight to kill like you, he will die directly, and this way Obscene development is the safest."

At this time, after Guo Aniu had finished practicing all his martial arts, he left here directly and quickly, and continued his escape again.

When he came to a village, he happened to catch up with a big scene, and several hooligans were molesting a woman.

Guo A Niu didn't care about hiding his figure, and strode over, without saying a word, he punched one of the hooligans flying away, and the remaining hooligans did not escape such a fate. They all flew upside down and hit the far wall before falling to the ground. All of them were seriously injured.

Guo A Niu snorted coldly, looked at the hooligans who were lying on the ground and couldn't get up, and said disdainfully, "You damned guys know how to bully these innocent people, you have the ability to call those bandits outside Kill them, then you are still a good man, people like you really deserve to die."

After Guo Aniu finished speaking, he left here directly, because he knew that he had been exposed now, and it would not take long for the chasing soldiers to catch up to her current position, but he did not regret what he had done just now. If he doesn't help, then I'm afraid he really won't be able to get over his conscience.

Guo A Niu had just left here, before he had gone far, he was blocked by seven or eight bandits.

I saw these seven or eight bandits looking at Guo A Niu with cold eyes, as if they were looking at a dead person.

Although Guo Aniu didn't know why he provoked these bandits, he also knew that he had no way to compromise. Only when he met the brave and won on a narrow road could he truly leave here.

Guo Aniu directly unleashed the Mad Bull Fist, and quickly rushed towards the seven or eight bandits.

I saw that the seven or eight bandits did not expect the speed of inertia to be so fast, and their fists were so weird, but it was too late when they drew their weapons and wanted to attack. Guo Aniu's mad cow fist had already hit them. All of them seemed to be knocked into the air by a cow.

Guo Aniu stopped its attack. He looked at the bandits who were all lying on the ground and howling, and touched his head slightly. He didn't expect his boxing skills to be so powerful. The eight bandits were defeated by him so easily.

He didn't think much about it before, he just wanted to fight desperately, but he didn't expect that his strength had become so powerful, and he was no longer the ordinary person who had no power to restrain a chicken. The bandits are stronger than the pursuers behind them, and they were defeated so easily by themselves, which proves that they don't have to care about the pursuers behind them at all.

Guo Aniu turned his horse's head directly, and quickly chased the pursuers in the direction they came from, wanting to deal with them quickly, because only after they were dealt with could he find a place to live in peace.

Those people met Guo Aniu soon, but they didn't expect Guo Aniu to dare to come back, and they looked at Guo Aniu who was a little cowardly, but now he became a little tough and slightly I was a little startled.

One of the very thin men said to Guo A Niu with slight disdain, "You damn bull, you dare to escape, I think you really don't want to live, I advise you to go back with us obediently, It can also make you suffer less, if you resist, then we will take your body back directly."

(End of this chapter)

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