Chapter 708 Ziyan'er

The next morning, Gua Niu continued to sell his steamed buns as if nothing had happened, but he paid close attention to the surrounding environment, but did not find any accidents, and no one came to check the situation. Obviously everything happened yesterday It's like everything is a dream.

"Boss, bring me some steamed buns." A woman knocked on Guo Aniu's table playfully and said.

Guo Aniu smiled slightly, took out a few steamed buns and handed them to the woman, and said softly, "Just a few coins is all you need."

The woman over there quickly groped in her bosom for a while, and then said slightly embarrassed, "The boss, can I ask someone to send the money in a few days, the money I have just been stolen."

Guo A Niu chuckled and said, "It's okay, it's just that a few steamed buns are not worth much, so don't give them away, just eat them quickly, but you must be careful in the future, there are more thieves here."

The woman suddenly smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Don't worry, brother, I will never owe you money for the steamed buns. When I get home, I will send someone to come and give it to you."

Guo Aniu shook his head slightly and said, "There is no need to be so troublesome, it's just that a few steamed buns are really not worth much, you just need to be more careful, there are several tails following you behind you."

The woman looked at Guo A Niu in surprise, and said with a slight smile, "Thank you, brother, for your reminder. It's just that some small tails are not in the way, but you can find them. They are really amazing, and they can let you He's also a martial artist."

Guo Aniu smiled faintly and said, "I'm just a steamed bun seller, not a member of your martial arts. I just want to remind you to be more careful because you are a girl." .”

The woman smiled slightly and waved her fist and said, "Don't underestimate me, I am very strong, but those people are not my opponents at all, but I don't want to do it for a while, by the way , What's your name, big brother? My name is Zi Yan'er."

Guo Aniu smiled innocently, touched the back of his head and said, "My name is Guo Aniu Ziyan, don't worry, no one in this town will do you any harm, because I can Protect yours."

Zi Yan'er shook her head slightly, smiled slightly and said, "Brother Guo doesn't need to bother you so much, you are not a member of the martial arts, even at the annual meeting, even martial arts may not be their opponents, so You can still do your business here, there is no need to involve you again."

Looking at Zi Yan'er who had already left, Guo Aniu frowned slightly, and after thinking for a long time, he followed directly behind Zi Yan'er.

The God of Gamblers chuckled and said, "Sure enough, the hero is saddened by the beauty, and this idiot wants to pick up a beautiful woman. It's really interesting."

Bai Yunfei also smiled lightly and said, "My fair lady is a gentleman, so what does it matter, besides, maybe this is his heaven and earth marriage."

The God of Gamblers shook his head slightly, and after a comparison, he said lightly, "The two of them are too unworthy to be together, but if the two of them are together, it would be really interesting. One is clever and weird, and the other is simple and honest. It's really interesting."

After Zi Yan'er left Liuxi Town, she quickly walked the official road, intending to leave here on the official road.

But before he had gone too far, he was stopped by many people. These people were the hooligans who followed him, and some people with ulterior motives, but their unified purpose was to stay behind. Zi Yaner.

Zi Yan'er directly took out two daggers, looked at these people coldly and said, "Get out of the way quickly, otherwise the dagger in my aunt's hand will not have eyes, and I will chop off your dog's paws." , but I can’t blame my aunt.”

Zi Yan'er's threats didn't have any effect. Instead, all the hooligans took out their ropes, and threw all the strange things in the net towards her.Seeing that they obviously wanted to capture Zi Yan'er alive.

While dodging, Zi Yan'er scolded coquettishly, "You bloody bastards, when my aunt gets close to you, she will definitely chop off your paws."

But it's a pity that they were outnumbered, and in the end they were tied up by one of the ropes and fell to the ground. All the other hooligans rushed towards Zi Yan'er excitedly. Obviously, they can already say that victory is in sight. up.

At this critical moment, Guo Aniu rushed to roar, and everyone felt as if they heard the roar of a bull.

The faces of those hooligans all changed drastically, and they immediately backed up a few steps, opened a distance, and looked carefully at the existence of Guo Aniu.

Guo A Niu didn't say a word, and ran towards them with a mad bull step.

Those hooligans didn't even have time to resist, so they were directly knocked out by Guo Aniu. The people behind the scene obviously wanted to escape, but Guo Aniu's soldiers came back easily and threw them heavily on the ground.

Guo A Niu said to Zi Yan'er who was on the side, "Are you okay, these people should be behind the scenes of these people, you can ask who came to arrest you."

Those few people endured the physical pain, and quickly begged for mercy and said, "This is none of our business, we are also following orders, Mr. Ximen Huo arranged for us to come here."

Zi Yan'er frowned slightly and said, "It's really abominable that scum of Ximenhuo brought you here, isn't he afraid that our Zi family will make trouble for them?"

Those few people all shook their heads quickly and said, "It's none of our business. We really obey orders. We just take you home before you get caught. As for other things, we are simply beyond our control." Got it."

Guo Aniu knocked them all out with one palm, and said flatly, "What's going on, why does the so-called Ximenhuo have to arrest you?"

Zi Yan'er gritted her teeth and said, "This Ximenhuo is the only son of Ximen's family, but he is very lustful and often harms some innocent women, but I have no negotiation with him at all, I don't know why he must arrest me. "

Guo Aniu frowned slightly and said, "Is there no one to take care of such a lawless person?"

(End of this chapter)

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