Chapter 719 The Final Battle

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "It seems that you really like him very much, but he is indeed a good apprentice. After all, he can keep his heart and not fight for it. He's a nice little guy."

The God of Gamblers said cheerfully, "Of course my eyesight will be bad. Let's continue to watch the contest between the two of them."

At this time, there were only two people left on the stage, and their fighting spirit was all ignited, but they didn't make the first move.

Qin Chi smiled softly, looked at the crazy fighting spirit on Guo Aniu, and said lightly, "You are a very good opponent, but your current strength is still not good enough. If you are given some more time, It should give me a good fight."

Guo A Niu said with a smile, "I don't think so, I think I will be able to defeat you."

Qin Chi smiled slightly, all the fighting spirit in his body erupted immediately, and said lightly, "In this case, let me see how you can defeat me. I really look forward to your performance."

Guo Aniu's momentum was maximized, a crazy momentum burst out, and he rushed towards Qin Chi like a crazy bull.

Qin Chi punched forward very flatly, and Guo Aniu immediately took several steps back.

But Guo Aniu didn't have any fear, on the contrary, his fighting spirit became even more violent, and he directly and quickly launched his attack on Qin Chi.

Qin Chi was slightly surprised, but still quickly launched his attack, collided with Guo Aniu, and the two quickly fought.

And all the people below were very shocked, because they didn't expect that in their opinion, the level of Wu Wang was already a top expert, but they didn't expect that the two people who were fighting at this time had already surpassed Wu Wang and became A strong man at the level of Emperor Wu, this has never happened in their history.

Qin Jian looked at all this with a little worry, but he should be very relieved now that he can make such a strong friend, and he is very wise to give up directly, otherwise he should be with himself now Like several of the emperor's brothers, they are all dead.

At this moment, after the two collided again, they both took several steps back, but their bodies were already covered with various injuries, but they didn't care about it. All looked at each other with smiles on their faces, obviously very satisfied with the opponent in front of them.

Guo Aniu let out a roar, and the aura on his body merged with himself, turning into a huge bull.

Qin Chi directly and quickly took out a sword, and the aura of his body was integrated into it, and a very strong sword aura burst out.

Qin Chi directly and quickly stabbed Guo A Niu with his sword.

Guo A Niu didn't have any fear, just ran into him without thinking too much, unexpectedly smashed his sword force directly, and continued to run towards Qin Chi.

Qin Chi directly and quickly performed lightness kung fu, dodged his impact, frowned slightly, and quickly shot a few sword qi to attack Guo Aniu again.

Guo Aniu swung his body directly and quickly, and immediately shattered all the sword energy, and then rushed towards Qin Chi quickly.

Qin Chi punched Guo A Niu directly and quickly.

At the same time, Guo Aniu directly kicked Qin Chi's body with a hind leg, and the two of them were injured again, and each fell to the side of the ring.

Guo A Niu immediately sat up, panted lightly and said, "It's just that I didn't expect that my mad cow boxing can only rely on this secret technique to injure you. This is really powerful."

Qin Chi rubbed his chest slightly, smiled slightly and said, "You are really good too, you are not a real Martial Emperor-level powerhouse, and you can actually hurt me, which should be considered very That's right, I'm going to use the most real ability to deal with you next."

After exercising his muscles and bones, Guo Aniu said, "In this case, let's decide the winner with one move and see who is the real strongest."

The two rushed towards each other quickly as if they had made an agreement, and the aura of the two gathered again and they collided together.

At this time, the two of them can be said to have no reservations, so what they are waiting for will be the real decisive victory, but for them, it will be very cruel in the end, because only death can make them truly happy. Liberation, only death can someone win.

The people around were all dumbfounded watching all this happen. They never expected to see such a wonderful duel. This was something that they never even dared to think about before, but because of this, all the people We all know that all of this can be said to be unique to them.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said to the God of Gamblers, "Is it me or you?"

The God of Gamblers was not in a hurry, and said calmly, "Isn't there a winner yet? Let the two of them continue to work hard. Although the two of them are already tied, I believe there will definitely be one who can win." , otherwise our gamble would be meaningless."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I think this gamble is very interesting. At least finding a good apprentice is a good harvest, and do you think the two of them can still tell the winner? If this continues, I'm afraid they will Both of them will be hurt, and it will be too late to make a move."

The God of Gamblers laughed, and said to Bai Yunfei, "You kid, don't give me a sloppy eye here, do you think I can't see it? If this goes on like this, although Qin Chi is a strong person at the Emperor Wu level, his His will is not as firm as Guo Aniu's. If you keep going on like this, you will definitely win, but what on earth are you thinking about giving him such evil martial arts? Aren't you afraid that you will become a lunatic before yourself? Has it been calculated?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said very generously, "Brother, you guessed right, this is indeed what I have calculated before, because I calculated it based on his personality, so he is definitely able to bear it, and this is also my calculation. It’s just a small skill, but it looks like I really succeeded.”

(End of this chapter)

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