Chapter 737
Both Bai Yunfei and Li Mingyue quietly waited for the opportunity to be investigated by the soldiers. After returning for a month, all the soldiers quickly ran back and reported their investigation results. As Bai Yunfei expected, every city lord's mansion There really are such wells.

Li Mingyue said with an ugly face, "Sure enough, it's really a formation, but even so, why do these beasts want to destroy it?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "It's not easy, it must be that there must be something very important sealed in the center of the formation, even a very terrifying beast."

Li Mingyue took a breath, and said in a puzzled way, "If this is the case, it would be really bad, but who the hell is this person who dares to commit such a big mistake?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "That depends on how he chooses. No one knows whether he has a bigger conspiracy, so now the truth of all this can only be known if he is caught. He has been silent for a long, long time, and he should come out again soon."

As Bai Yunfei said, when the night slowly fell, a black shadow quickly came to the vicinity of the City Lord's Mansion, but he did not go in hastily, but carefully checked the situation, but his most important The target is still looking for one thing in the City Lord's Mansion, the ancient well.

"Come in and sit down, what's the use there?" Bai Yunfei said with a slight smile.

The black figure was startled and wanted to run away, but was suddenly surprised to find that he couldn't move at all, standing there like a wooden man.

Li Mingyue looked at the black figure with some disparity, shook her head slightly and said, "I've never seen this person before, and he shouldn't be from our Qingfeng City. It's really strange. Why on earth does he want to destroy Qingfeng City?"

Bai Yun smiled slightly, and directly and quickly tapped on the top of the black figure's head, only to see that the black figure's eyes instantly became confused.

"Tell me, what is your origin? Why do you have to destroy all the cities?"

"Damn ants, do you think you can know everything about me like this? You just want to wait, I will definitely come again."

I saw that black shadow completely died in an instant.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said quietly, "It seems that you planned everything, right? Do you think that this can be maintained forever? Do you think that this can truly bring about the extinction of human beings?" Is it? You really underestimate me, let us have a good time and see if it is the end of human beings or your complete death."

But everything around was quiet, and there was no response to Bai Yunfei's words. Although Li Mingyue was a little curious, she obviously didn't ask, because all she needed to know was that Bai Yunfei was on the side of humans.

Bai Yunfei stretched slightly, and said lightly, "It's a shame, I really didn't expect such a damned guy to exist, it's really helpless, but it's not a bad thing, it just happens to use its power to make human beings feel better." overall evolution."

Li Mingyue said curiously, "Then how can we use his power to make us truly powerful? I'm afraid there will be some difficulties."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "It's not difficult or not, it's just to see what he will do next, don't worry, he will never give up just like this."

Early the next morning, the ape quickly came to Bai Yunfei's side, hesitated for a long time and then pointed outside.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "It looks like a large number of beasts are coming outside, it's really interesting to want to attack by force, I really didn't expect so much meat to be sent so quickly, it's really a good resource. "

Li Mingyue also ran in quickly, and said worriedly, "What's going on? How come there are so many beasts, and how do we defend them? They seem to be very powerful."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "There's nothing to worry about, you can just wait here, and I'll just take him to have a look."

Bai Yunfei and Yuanhou looked at the huge beast below from the top of the city wall, and they all rushed towards this side quickly.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly at the ape next to him and said, "Then we will watch your performance."

The ape was very excited and jumped off the city wall, becoming huge, and the iron rod in his hand would also become very huge, and quickly met those ferocious beasts.

Those ferocious beasts were also very angry, obviously they wanted to return the traitor in front of them very much.

The ape didn't hesitate at all, and quickly waved the iron rod in his hand, and after knocking away the fierce beasts that attacked him one by one, the ape jumped up excitedly, and the iron rod in his hand directly smashed them into the air. A tiger smashed into meatloaf.

The other ferocious beasts all had some fear. Looking at the weapons in the hands of the apes, none of them thought how their opponents, who were able to fight evenly before, would suddenly become so powerful.

At this moment, the mountain shook suddenly, and a huge leopard ran quickly, knocking the ape out in an instant.

The ape sat up in some pain, staring at the huge leopard, because the strength of this leopard was stronger than the people he had met before, and even he felt powerless, even with the iron in his hand The stick also made him not have any confidence in defeating this mighty leopard.

Bai Yunfei jumped down lightly, smiled lightly and said, "You have worked hard too, go to the side and rest, this little leopard will be handed over to me."

The huge leopard looked at Bai Yunfei with some fear, and did not attack rashly.Because he felt a very powerful threat from Bai Yunfei, as if he would die if he took any action.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said flatly, "Since you have chosen to invade, you must be prepared to die. If you want to back off, that's not an option."

Bai Yunfei appeared on top of the leopard in an instant, and punched him on the head.

The very majestic leopard no longer had any majesty at this time, and died directly.

Bai Yunfei just casually threw the huge newspaper into the city, and then threw several throwing knives, killing all those huge beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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