Chapter 740 Old Zhu
I saw that the general's face suddenly became a little angry, but he didn't dare to get angry, so he had to run away with the soldiers.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, sat aside, patted the table and said to the shopkeeper inside, "There is nothing else to do, come out quickly, I still have something to ask you."

The shopkeeper came out tremblingly, gave Bai Yunfei a thumbs up with some admiration and said, "Guest officer, you are really good, but just a few bones can knock all those videos to the ground. Just like a god, you are really powerful."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "It's just some small tricks, it's not a big deal, but I have some questions to ask you now."

The shopkeeper nodded slightly, smiled slightly and said, "From your performance just now, if you have any questions, just ask, and I will definitely tell you."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "The question I want to ask you is very simple, that is, tell me truthfully, when will your city become what it is now."

The shopkeeper thought about it carefully and said, "It seems that it has changed from ten years ago to what it is now."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "You mean that it wasn't like this ten years ago, but such a change happened suddenly, so why were you able to pass such a proposal then?"

The shopkeeper shook his head and said, "We really don't know, because we didn't really experience what happened ten years ago, it's just what we heard after we came, but what happened ten years ago?" , We really don’t have anyone to know.”

Bai Yunfei asked curiously, "How is this possible? Could it be that you are all new to this city?"

The shopkeeper said with a wry smile, "My store has been here for a long time, but it's only been eight years. As for the people who survived ten years ago, it seems that the only one from Shilipo outside the city is."

Bai Yunfei frowned and said, "You mean, the people in your city came here a few years ago?"

The shopkeeper nodded slightly and said, "That's right, we are the latest to move in. It is said that all the old people in this city have been moved out, and we have never seen any of them, and the person from Shilipo never said anything. What the hell happened here."

Bai Yunfei asked curiously, "What's the name of the person you mentioned? Why didn't you mention his name?"

The shopkeeper shook his head slightly, and said softly, "His name is Lao Zhu, but no one is willing to mention his name, because anyone who mentions his name in this city is easy to be troubled by others, and we don't know." This is why, so gradually I developed the current habit.”

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Thank you very much, bring me some more good wine, I'll drink it on the way."

While drinking some wine, Bai Yunfei quickly came to the City Lord's Mansion. He didn't go in hastily, but directly and quickly listened to the movement inside.

Gradually, Bai Yunfei's face became serious. Although he didn't hear anything useful, he did know a very big secret, that is, there is a very terrifying beast locked in the City Lord's Mansion.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, he went straight to the town without anyone noticing, and came directly to the place where the very terrifying beast was imprisoned, and when he was allowed to walk in, he discovered that the huge beast was The beast was actually asleep.

But what made him even more curious was that this beast didn't have any protective measures, and it just fell asleep here without any protection, and there was no one guarding it. Aren't they afraid that this beast would hurt them?
Hearing the sound of this gigantic beast snoring non-stop, Bai Yunfei was forced to shake his head, and left the place quickly. He didn't kill the beast rashly, because he still wanted to investigate Clearly, what the hell is going on here.

Bai Yunfei left the City Lord's Mansion at this time and quickly came to Shilipo to find the old Zhu they were talking about.

Bai Yunfei narrowed his eyes slightly, because he found something different about this old pig, and it was these different things that made him more suspicious of this old pig.

Bai Yunfei walked over quickly, and said with a smile, "This is where you can sell braised pigs. I want to buy a large number of braised pigs. I don't know how many things you can do for me in a day?"

Old Zhu said hoarsely, "Then how many sticks do you need? If you want a large quantity, there is no way to guarantee that all of them are very delicious, so you make your own choice."

Bai Yunfei carefully looked at the braised pigs he was cooking, and said with a slight smile, "Don't worry, I want all of yours, is this okay? But you must ensure that all of them are very delicious and the price is very reasonable." It’s easy to say, as long as it makes me feel delicious.”

Lao Zhu nodded his head slightly, directly and quickly took out a board and put it in front of Bai Yunfei, and said lightly, "No more, no less, just give me 100 taels of gold."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "Are you taking me for a fool? Even if you add one piece to everything in the world, I'm afraid it's more than the 100 taels of gold."

Lao Zhu smiled lightly and said, "Because you have caused me trouble, I have to help you clean up the trouble behind, so 100 taels of gold is not expensive at all. If you are in trouble, you will die directly, so it is equal to 100 taels of gold, buying these meats plus your life, it should be very good, right?"

Bai Yunfei glanced at the few secret whistles behind, hehe sneered and said, "It's not impossible to give you 100 taels of gold, but I need to ask you some questions, and if you answer them, I can give you all of them. I don't need your help at all, I can handle them all by myself, you just need to answer my questions."

After being slightly stunned for a moment, Lao Zhu looked at Bai Yunfei and said lightly, "I want to know what you want to ask, but I have to tell you in advance that there are some things I don't know, after all, I am just a A butcher is not someone who asks for news, so whether you can get useful information from me depends on your luck."

(End of this chapter)

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