Chapter 742 The Bewildering Truth

Old Zhu's eyes widened immediately, and he said in surprise, "Is what you said true? It is true that you can change your current appearance without drinking any pig blood, and you can restore my previous appearance. Don't you go crazy when you see the full moon?"

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "Of course, I will never let you have any adverse reactions, but you must promise me one thing, that is, you must protect these innocent civilians for me, and don't let them If they suffer these injuries again, I'm afraid it won't be long before those fierce beasts that can turn you into the ghosts you are now will appear again, and then you will have to rely on yourself to protect yourself."

Old Zhu asked curiously, "Could it be that those damn monsters made us look like this again?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a soft smile, "Because of your current appearance, I now have a guess that it is a branch school, that is, someone deliberately killed all of you, but he played with fire and set himself on fire, It's just turned into your ghost."

Old Zhu's eyes widened immediately, and he said in disbelief, "How is this possible? Could it be that all the truths we've brought up over the years are all false?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, looked at the braised pig on the side, and said with a slight smile, "After you cook all these delicacies for me, accompany me to the City Lord's Mansion, and the real truth will be revealed later." appear in front of you."

Lao Zhu nodded slightly, quickly controlled all the braised pigs, and placed them in front of Bai Yunfei after they were all mature.

Bai Yunfei just waved his hand, then put away all the braised pigs, threw out 100 taels of gold to Lao Zhu, and said with a soft smile, "I promised you before, now I will go with you Mansion, take you to see some really good shows."

Bai Yunfei took Lao Zhu directly to the City Lord's Mansion, and walked in very smoothly. At this time, the City Lord did not go out, but directly waited quietly in the hall.

But when the city lord saw Lao Zhu, there were some differences. He didn't expect that Lao Zhu would dare to come to the city, and he hadn't changed his original shape, so he was a little surprised.

The city lord looked at Lao Zhu indifferently and said, "You actually dare to return to the city again, aren't you afraid of any accidents? Do you want to repeat what happened ten years ago?"

Old Zhu sneered and said, "You have been in the city for ten years, why haven't you seen anything happened here? I want to know the truth back then. You don't want to hide it from me. You have to give me a clue about all of this." Tell me, otherwise, we will die here today."

The city lord sneered and said, "It seems that you haven't been idle in the past ten years, and now you have the guts to talk to me about death and destruction. Do you think you can cause any harm to me with your strength? Or say You feel that if you become stronger, you can fight against me, you are really too arrogant."

Bai Yunfei coughed lightly, and said lightly, "It seems that you should already know what happened back then, and it may even be what you did, or what your enemy did. Is it right?"

The city lord looked at Bai Yunfei with some differences and said, "I really didn't expect you to be able to guess it. Yes, it was my enemy. He did it for revenge on me, so he did such a thing, but I really want it." Thank you, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have the education I have now, and I wouldn't have the ability to live forever, I can really say that I am very grateful to him."

Old Zhu said with an ugly face, "Don't you have any guilt? The whole city is all dead because of you. Have you never felt guilty?"

The city lord sneered and said, "What can I feel guilty about? For me, I don't owe anyone any kindness. They died because they didn't persevere. They can't blame anyone at all, and this time I don't owe them any kindness. It's a great fortune, but they didn't stand up, so can anyone blame anyone?"

Old Zhu suddenly swung his fist angrily, and slammed his fist hard at the face of the city lord.

The city lord dodged his punch very calmly, and lightly slapped Lao Zhu's body, and Lao Zhu flew upside down in an instant, hitting the wall heavily.

The moment he shot, Bai Yunfei instantly saw through his strength, the overall strength should be at the level of a military commander.

The city lord clapped his hands and said lightly, "I can say that it is effortless to deal with an ant like you. If it wasn't for being able to keep this person who can talk, I would have killed you a long time ago. Do you think you can do it?" Are you still alive?"

Lao Zhu slowly got up from the ground, coughed up a mouthful of blood, looked at the city lord with some puzzlement and said, "What's going on with you in the past ten years, how did you become so powerful, I remember We have fought against each other before, and the two of us are inseparable from each other, how can you become so powerful now, and what unreasonable things have you done?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly at the side and said, "He didn't do anything harmful, but he has been using the blood of ferocious beasts to improve his strength, which is not bad, at least He didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately."

The city lord frowned immediately, stared at Bai Yunfei and said, "How do you know, who are you? Why did you know about our affairs and tell you your origin in such detail, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you .”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Actually, there is a sentence you said just now that can be used for you now. Do you want to know which sentence it is?"

The city lord looked at Bai Yunfei with a slight frown, and said coldly, "What do you mean? You are definitely not our successful person, and you are definitely not the person ten years ago. Who are you? Or are you still know what?"

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "From the moment you didn't make a move just now, I knew that you were not the person you said you are now, why did you carry everything on your back? , do you think this is what you should do as a city lord? If you really think so, don't you feel very selfish?"

(End of this chapter)

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