Chapter 748 Siege Again
After Bai Yunfei finished eating the food and wine prepared by Xiaoyu, he nodded slightly, and said to him, "It's not bad. In view of your sincerity, I will teach you a set of swordsmanship temporarily. As for your ability to practice To what extent, it is up to you.”

Bai Yunfei picked up a sword beside him, and began to evolve continuously.

Xiao Yu focused all his attention on Bai Yunfei's swordplay, gesticulating back and forth in his hands unconsciously to learn.

As time slowly passed, Xiaoyu was able to master all the sword techniques that Bai Yunfei gave him now.

Bai Yunfei nodded in satisfaction, and said with a slight smile, "It's not bad. It seems that you are really suitable for this set of swordsmanship. My vision is really good."

Xiaoyu accepted the sword technique curiously, looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "I don't know what the name of the sword technique you just taught me, sir, why do I feel that it seems to be very suitable for me, as if it was tailored for me?" As created."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "The moment you learn it, he already belongs to you. This set of swordsmanship is called Yulong Swordsmanship, which can be said to be very deceiving. I hope you don't let me Disappointed."

Xiaoyu nodded slightly, and said with a slight smile, "Don't worry, I will never let you down, I will definitely carry forward this set of swordsmanship, and let everyone know that I, Xiaoyu, will definitely be able to save everyone." people."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, looked at Xiaoyu who was about to stop talking, and said softly, "I know what you want to ask, don't you just want to know why I don't agree to your city lord helping your city, but I just taught you martial arts, doesn't that make you feel very embarrassed."

Xiaoyu nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Mr. Bai really made me feel very embarrassed, because I really don't know what to do next. If they let me teach this kind of swordsmanship, I will not There are ways to teach them privately, but I also have no way not to teach them, so now I am really in a bit of a dilemma."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "If you want to hand it over to them, it's not a big deal at all, but you have to bear it. After handing it over to them, some bad consequences have appeared."

Xiao Yu looked at Bai Yunfei with some puzzlement and said, "Could it be that they can still use the sword skills I taught them to do evil?"

"What do you think? Do you think that all people are as innocent as you? You must know that some people only want to climb up and become famous. If they want to be famous, they will do some things that harm others and benefit themselves. What do you say? How would you deal with such a thing?" Bai Yunfei pointed out sharply.

Xiaoyu suddenly felt a little bit embarrassed, but after a long time, he made a very difficult decision.

That is, when his own strength has not reached the highest level, he will not easily teach the swordsmanship to anyone, except those who are kind-hearted like him and will not fight for power and profit.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and quickly continued to pick up the wine next to him, drank it happily, and lay down on the bed to rest.

Early the next morning, people from the City Lord's Mansion came to Xiaoyu's shop again, and quickly handed many things to Bai Yunfei to show their goodwill.

Bai Yunfei shook his head lightly, and said to Xiaoyu who was in a hurry, "These things are for you. You can dispose of them however you want, and you can return them if you don't want to."

However, Xiaoyu said to Bai Yunfei curiously, "Mr. Bai, do you really want to test everyone? If this is the case, there must be more people who will die, right? Is something unfair?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, looked at Xiaoyu seriously and said, "There is no real fairness or unfairness in this world. If you really want to pursue the so-called fairness, then you have to become Be even stronger, so that you can truly enjoy this fair treatment."

Xiaoyu frowned tightly. What happened in the past few days made him completely change his previous thinking. At this time, he is no longer as serious as before. He simply thinks that he just needs to do well.

The alarm on the city wall sounded again, and all the people put down the things in their hands again and rushed to the city wall.

Bai Yunfei also appeared on the city wall at this time, looking at the endless beasts below, he thought for a while and said, "It seems that these beasts are all directed at your city lord Ouyang Hao, but in fact, this is also yours. With a chance, if you can kill all these beasts, the strength of your entire city will increase several times, but it is also easy for you to directly kill all the people and die in the mouths of these beasts."

Xiaoyu picked up the sword next to him, and said to Bai Yunfei with a serious face, "Although I agree with many of your words, Mr. Bai, I can't just sit and watch my compatriots die among these damned beasts." , I must kill them all and protect everyone."

I saw that Xiaoyu jumped down very bravely, and the moment he jumped down again, he swung the sword in his hand quickly and the few beasts blocking him were directly dealt with by him.

When he landed, many ferocious beasts rushed towards him quickly, waving their claws to make him tear it alive.

Ouyang Hao was a little anxious on the city wall, watching all this happen, but he didn't directly go down to rescue the little fish, and he didn't let all the soldiers attack, he just watched from above.

Ouyang Chun wanted to go down to fight side by side with Xiaoyu several times, but was stopped by Ouyang Hao.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, looked at Ouyang Hao, then at Ouyang Chun at the side, made a decision, and then slowly walked towards the two of them.

"Actually, this is a real test for you. If you can get through it safely, then I can help you and make it easier for you to survive in this world."

Ouyang Chun frowned slightly, looked down at the little fish who was still killing fierce beasts and said, "The one below is your friend, can't you see your friend's face announcing like these fierce beasts?" Repelling you, do you want to see your friends die in the mouth of those fierce beasts?"

(End of this chapter)

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