Chapter 754 Random Battlefield
"Congratulations on your successful challenge. Now you have 40 seconds to quickly collect the supplies you need in this warehouse. You will be rewarded for this time as much as you receive."

Seeing a huge cornerstone appearing on it, he and the soldiers quickly entered the warehouse, quickly put all the reward materials on the small cart beside them, and frantically transported them out. It was exactly 40 seconds after they were transported. The time has come, Bai Yunfei saw that he was very satisfied with the harvest this time, although all of them did not help him in any way, he had a very good time.

When Bai Yunfei returned to the chicken-eating battlefield, he saw that Lao Zhan and Lao Mo were all looking at him curiously, and said softly, "Why are you all looking at me like this? Is there something wrong with me?" place?"

Lao Mo smiled slightly and said, "Didn't you really feel any difference in yourself? Didn't you find that you went in again and became very happy after coming out?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said softly, "It's true that I'm a little happier now, but what does it matter? Aren't I always the same?"

Bai Xiaoxiao said quickly from the side, "Brother who is different, although you usually give us the feeling of being happy, but you always have some suppressed happiness, which is always abnormal, but the feeling you give us now is very With a clean smile, you are definitely very relaxed now, without any depression or sorrow, your smile now gives us a very comfortable feeling."

Liu Xuexing also agreed, nodded and said, "Yes, big brother, you give us a very comfortable feeling now, has your current cultivation base been improved again, otherwise, how could you be like this? happy?"

Bai Yunfei thought for a while and said, "This may be my true side. There may have been some things before that made me so depressed, but now I have let go of everything. It won’t be like before, and now I have to truly experience life.”

Old Zhan smiled slightly and said, "Congratulations, Master, you have come out completely. Master, should you take a rest now, or continue to play in the battlefield, or play like other worlds?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Let's continue to play in the battlefield. I feel like there have been some new changes in it. I haven't really played enough yet."

Old Zhan nodded slightly, and suggested, "If that's the case, I suggest you, Master, choose a random battlefield. It's definitely full of all kinds of fun and it's almost the same as choosing a battlefield."

Bai Yunfei asked curiously, "What is a random battlefield? Are all the things in it random?"

Lao Zhan smiled mysteriously and said, "Then you need to go in and take a look yourself, Master."

Bai Yunfei looked at the mysterious old battle with some curiosity, and directly and quickly entered the random battlefield.

After entering the random battlefield, Bai Yunfei was thrown into a broken house.

Bai Yunfei stood up speechless, searched around, and found that there was an extra card in his hand, which was a piece of martial arts.

Although Bai Yunfei didn't know why it happened like this, he still put it away and continued to search. With the continuous searching, the cards in his hand quietly increased, but all of them were martial arts cards, nothing else.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei suddenly met an enemy, who quickly stood in front of Bai Yunfei.

I saw this person pointing at Bai Yunfei, and quickly threw out a card.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, directly and quickly took out a card from all his cards and threw it out, because although he can't figure out what the rules are now, he should do it in a decent manner It's not a big problem.

I saw that person's card instantly turned into a huge tiger, while Bai Yunfei's card directly turned into a hunter.

The huge tiger quickly attacked Bai Yunfei's hunter, and Bai Yunfei's hunter kept attacking the tiger with the bow and arrow in his hand.

The enemy on the opposite side actually took out two cards and threw them out again.

Unexpectedly, two wolves reappeared directly, quickly biting towards Bai Yunfei's hunter.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, took out three cards and threw them out.

But what was very strange was that the third card flew back again without turning into anything, and two of the cards turned into two monks.

I saw that the two monks were all holding iron bars, and quickly blocked the two hungry wolves, and the tiger had been completely killed by the hunter.

As time passed, the two hungry wolves were all killed, and the enemy in front of Bai Yunfei died in a very strange way.

Bai Yunfei really didn't understand what was going on here, what the rules here were like, how could it be like a duel of throwing cards, and he just died directly if he lost.

At this moment, an announcement came from the entire sky, "From now on, the rules have changed. All people who continue to use card duel eggs can only use at most one egg. After using it, the card in their hand will disappear directly."

Bai Yunfei was speechless for a moment, this random battlefield is too random, even the rules can be changed randomly, which really makes people wonder what to do.

Bai Yunfei understands that the next battle will consume cards very much, so he must quickly find martial arts cards, otherwise he will die at that time, and he must be more careful when using cards to match, in case the opponent finds them A card that restrains him, that's dead.

However, Bai Yunfei's luck was very good. After searching a small town, he got a lot of cards, and the level of the cards was very high. There were even three cards of the highest level three.

After Bai Yunfei saw that there was nothing left in the whole town, he left the town directly and continued to search for other places, because he hadn't encountered any enemies yet, and he could only find the cards quickly. Be able to protect yourself if you are sure to encounter the enemy.However, Bai Yunfei did have some expectations to meet the enemy to see what kind of cards the enemy could bring him.

(End of this chapter)

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