Chapter 761 Dragon Crazy
Bai Yunfei smiled and said to Mo Yun, whose face was already a little ugly, "You don't have to be like this, he thinks we won't have too many problems here, it should be a very good experience to experience this world. The experience may be of better help to the future realm."

Mo Yun took a deep breath, smiled slightly and said, "You're right. It's because I suddenly lost strength, so I have some mentality imbalance. This world is indeed a very good world. You can exercise well. My heart, otherwise sooner or later I will be affected by those damn reverse energies."

Mo Ziyan looked at the brother who was already thinking about it with some differences, and said curiously, "What's going on, brother, why did you suddenly become so bad? Even if the entity suddenly disappeared, but your The power of the soul has not shortened, why are you like this?"

Bai Yunfei explained from the side, "This is the legendary inner demon. In fact, with our current strength, the external power is no longer important, and what we value is only the power in the engagement. As long as the power of the soul does not disappear, We will never die, so when your brother suddenly lost his powerful power, the energy in his body started to make trouble again, so it affected your brother."

Mo Ziyan nodded slightly, and said thoughtfully, "So that's the case. I remember that when I first saw that this world had lost its strength, I was very manic for a while, but then I slowly became more and more in this world." The world fell silent, and now I'm not as manic as before, and I don't feel anything, I feel like I'm doing okay now."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "This is because you are not affected too much. If you are like your brother, then there will be real problems."

At this moment, an unexpected visitor suddenly came outside, and a middle-aged man knocked on the door directly and quickly.

Mo Ziyan opened the door curiously, and found that the middle-aged man outside said to some differences, "Brother Long, why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

It turned out that this middle-aged man was Long Kuang, the president of the Demon Hunting Guild.

Long Kuang smiled slightly and said, "I have to come over to ask for some small matters. I don't know if you know these two people."

Mo Ziyan looked at it curiously, then frowned and said, "Why do you have a photo of my brother?"

After Long Kuang told Mo Ziyan what happened today, he smiled slightly and said, "Don't misunderstand, it's just a normal inquiry, do you know that they have transformations that can transform without us registering?" device, so we need to investigate."

Bai Yunfei came out at this moment, smiled lightly, pointed at Long Kuang and said, "So the White Horseman from before is one of yours, they shouldn't have suffered any harm, but just suffered a small injury." It's just a lesson, why can't you even bear such a little lesson?"

Long Kuang shook his head slightly, and said with a soft smile, "We just want to know where your transformation tools come from. There is no other malice, so you don't have to be so nervous."

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, and said softly, "Where do you think we look nervous, and as for the transformation device you mentioned was made by myself, why can't it work?"

Long Kuang's eyes widened immediately, and he said incredulously, "You mean that you made that transformation device, are you also a scientist? It's really disrespectful."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said earnestly, "If you have something to say, don't come to this nonsense. If you want to do something, then say it quickly. Don't play these useless things."

Long Kuang said straight to the point, "We would like to solemnly invite the two of you to join our store. If you want a trade union, you can ask us for whatever you need at that time. We can take full responsibility for it, but you also need to do more for us Such a transforming device, we use less and less transforming devices now, and I am afraid that not many people will be able to use the transforming device."

Mo Ziyan asked curiously, "What's going on? Why did our transformation device suddenly disappear? I remember that there were many, many? Why aren't they enough?"

Long Kuang sighed slightly and said, "There are at least hundreds of transformation devices that have been destroyed now, and we have lost more than a hundred elite fighters. I am afraid that this name will continue to grow, so we need some more powerful ones." Transformer, help us fight those damn monsters."

Mo Yun came out at this time, looked at Long Kuang and said, "It's not impossible to want us to join you, but I need to ask you a question now, that is, has anyone been chasing my sister all these years?" , or has anyone ever bullied her against her?"

Long Kuang quickly shook his head and said, "No one has ever seen him before. I don't know if anyone is chasing her, but I think there should be many suitors for Zhao Ziyan's beauty."

Mo Yun nodded coldly and said, "I can agree to join your eunuch hunter to help you continue to guard your city."

Although Mo Yun left after finishing speaking, the murderous aura on his body did not shrink in any way.

Long Kuang wiped the sweat from his forehead slightly, and said with a somewhat embarrassed smile, "I just didn't expect that your brother's aura is really terrifying, but this is also good, and I am more sure of dealing with those monsters."

Mo Ziyan also said with some embarrassment, "Brother Long, you must not take it to heart, my brother is just like that, but don't worry, since he has promised you, he will definitely help you, but our identity You should have already guessed something, then you need to help us set up a cover."

Long Kuang nodded slightly, smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you with all this, girl, you should continue chatting with your brother and the others, I believe you have not seen each other for a long time Well, there must be a lot to say."

Bai Yunfei once again felt Mo Yun's aura in the room, curled his lips slightly, and said softly, "I really didn't expect that the usually serious guy would be a very stingy sister-controller, because his sister felt sad, and he was put on such a table." Brother, I'm afraid his future brother-in-law will suffer."

(End of this chapter)

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