Chapter 765 War Preparation
Mo Yun was silent for a while and then said, "If you want to improve their physical energy, I'm afraid you need to let them practice martial arts, but we don't have so much time for them to practice martial arts and improve their strength. , and that's the real biggest problem."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "This problem is very easy to solve, because I can use the meat of monsters to make some special energy-enhancing food, coupled with the martial arts secrets I taught them, it should be able to make them quickly. To improve our own strength, but it will take time, we must now defend the first wave of attacks as quickly as possible, so as to give us a chance to survive."

Mo Ziyan thought for a while and said, "If this is the case, that would be great, but I have a suggestion now, that is, we women can also be the real main force. Don't underestimate us women, I I can pass on the martial arts I practiced to them, as well as the meat of your monsters, and I can definitely become the strongest elite soldier."

Mo Yun nodded slightly and said, "Since this is the case, I will give them the most effective actual combat experience, so that when they kill the enemy, they don't have to pay too much damage. This is also a good move for us." Method."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a slight smile, "Then let's play with these guys now and see which universe is more powerful."

In the morning of the next day, the entire human race has received a new notice, and the thinking of all people is undergoing tremendous changes, but all people are determined, and no one dares to be afraid, because they know that they will die here It doesn't matter, because after winning the game, they can still be resurrected again. For them, they can exchange their own lives for their own future lives. This can be said to be a good deal, so there will be no greed and fear at all dead thing.

Bai Yunfei, watching everyone gathered together again, nodded slightly and said, "Today is the deadline, so I will use this privilege. If someone really disappears by then, I can't blame anyone." .”

Long Kuang nodded slightly and said, "You can use it with confidence, and absolutely no one will blame you. If they are really wiped out directly, it is just that they are looking for death, and they are also human traitors. It's not worth any pity."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and immediately activated this privilege, a white light quickly enveloped all human beings, and at this moment, people disappeared continuously in the white light.

After everything calmed down, Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "I really didn't expect that there would be such selfish people at this moment. It seems that I was too tolerant of them before."

And the whole human beings are all a little silent, because they didn't expect that the seemingly calm friends around them, looking at the very passionate friends, would actually pretend to be like this, obviously pretending to love human beings very much, but thinking of destruction in their hearts Human thinking, such a person is really terrible.

As for whether Bai Yunfei will make a misjudgment, or whether this white light will cause some manslaughter, no one has any doubts, because this white light can explore a person's deepest thoughts, absolutely not Wrong anyone.

Bai Yunfei clapped his hands, and said softly to all the managers present, "Now that all the internal crises have been resolved, we should now unite as one, start special training tomorrow, and strive to be able to do so in nine days' time." Play the strongest style of our human beings, and don't let those damn beasts underestimate us."

Everyone started to get busy. Except for some people who were taking care of the children, the rest of the people were training how to fight, including some old people who were also learning how to manipulate the armor to fight, although their reaction ability was indeed stronger than that of the younger People are weaker, but their blood is more manic than some young people.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said to Mo Yun beside him, "Under the premise of life and death crisis, all people have unleashed their potential. These people are working hard to make a living after knowing that they can be resurrected." Struggling for their own future life, this is the time when they can truly stimulate their greatest potential, and there is no civil war among human beings, all people are unanimously external, and they have condensed an unprecedented Formidable power, now they only need to get used to it, and then they can form a battle formation, and then they can have a good contest with these damn beasts."

But Mo Yun shook his head slightly, and said seriously, "I'm very worried that the other party will rush forward all at once. If we directly block the war of extermination, then I'm afraid it will be easy for us to be under-prepared." will be completely destroyed by them."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You can rest assured about this, at most they will only let some cannon fodder come to test it out, and they definitely dare not directly mobilize all the monsters to fight us, because if they really sell it, they will be afraid of it." will be destroyed immediately."

Mo Ziyan said curiously, "Although according to some information, they do have their own wisdom, but I don't think their wisdom should make them think so much. I think what my brother said should be very good. They They will all rush up."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Even if they want to rush up, it depends on whether they can come out. The walls I set up are not so easy for them to break through."

Long Kuang walked in quickly and said, "Everything has been prepared, and now I have prepared some young people to concentrate on improving their strength. They are our hope of victory in the end, but I don't know if they can win." We were not able to meet our requirements within our limited time."

Mo Yun shook his head slightly and said, "I don't dare to make too many guarantees whether I can meet the requirements, but I can guarantee that all of them can become experienced fighters, and all of them can make them break through." My current strength has made them stronger, but it all comes from whether they can persist in my training."

(End of this chapter)

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