Chapter 775 Casualties Appear
Mo Ziyan smiled slightly and said, "I'm afraid the other party is still in the dark, and they are still waiting for our natural death. If they see this, I'm afraid they will go crazy."

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "They are still immersed in the dream that we will die naturally. But fortunately, our children are confused by the illusion that they can continue to grow up. If they were not like this, they would have died a long time ago. We have already noticed something is wrong, now we just need to use this period of time to strengthen our strength."

Mo Yun sneered and said, "I think we should make good use of it, let all the older wars, let them all attack the opponent quickly and crazily, so that the opponent can be caught off guard, and it can also be dispelled." The doubts of the other party, can this buy more time for us young children?"

Long Kuang frowned slightly, and said worriedly, "Isn't this too unfair to those old people?"

Bai Yunfei said coldly, "There is no fairness or injustice here at all. No one can decide their own life or death, because this is a war between us humans, so everyone has to pay for the victory of the war." The price, even if it is sacrificing one's own life, is worth it, and no one can change it."

Long Kuang sighed slightly and said, "I know what to do. I will inform all the old people now, so that they are ready to fight bravely for mankind at any time."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said softly, "Although I don't know when the battle will start, you must always be prepared. It's best to raise their strength again, so that you can eliminate the local forces." Doubts or doubts, as long as they give up any doubts, we will truly take the lead."

Long Kuang patted himself on the chest and said, "I'm already an old man now, so don't worry, I will lead the team myself, and I will definitely deal a heavy blow to those damn orcs, and even make them lose more than us." There are even more people, I can definitely do it.”

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said softly, "Then I will wait for you veterans to fight the enemy bravely, and then I must set a very good example for us young children."

Long Kuang nodded slightly, then left here directly, and went back to prepare for the actions of all the old people.

Bai Yunfei looked again at the actions of the commandos on the screen.

Long Zhan led his team members to a water source quickly, but he did not act in a hurry, but observed around, and she immediately discovered some very different places around this observation, there are many Many orcs are good at camouflage.

Xia Houyuan also sensed such a crisis, so he didn't dare to act rashly, but quietly waited for the opportunity before acting.

But not all commandos are as careful as the two of them.

After discovering the water source, one of the commandos ran over in a daze without observing the surrounding environment, but before they got close to the water source, they were surrounded by the surrounding orcs.

The face of the team leader of this group of players changed slightly, and then he quickly activated the transformation, and the two sides began to fight directly and quickly.

But although their strength is very strong, there are really too many orcs around. After beheading a few orcs, a few commandos ran and were directly thrown down by the surrounding orcs, killing them instantly.

The remaining team members and the team leader over there looked at the dead team members with some grief and indignation, and killed the surrounding orcs even harder, but it was a pity that the strength of these orcs around them was comparable to them, so after a fight After coming down, only a few orcs were injured, but they were not killed.

The commando leader yelled directly, "Cover me, you must not let these damn bastards hinder the completion of the mission like this."

The rest of the commandos all nodded, and immediately exploded with all their strength, and quickly attacked the orcs as if they had experienced growth, directly protruding a hole for the team leader, allowing him to quickly get out of this place. Kouzi broke out.

But the team leader had just escaped from the encirclement and was not close to the water source, and was intercepted by several orcs again.

The team leader gritted his teeth, quickly adjusted the energy of his armor to the maximum, and rushed forward. Immediately, all the orcs were rushed back a few steps, and then quickly jumped into the water source.

But the orcs on the shore were not in any hurry. Instead, they looked at the team leader in the water triumphantly.

The team leader obviously felt that there were a few currents in the water swimming towards him quickly, and there must be a sea orc coming to make a surprise attack, so he quickly threw all the poison out of his body.

After completing the task, the team leader quickly waved the weapon in his hand to greet the sea orc in his hand, but it was a pity that his water skills were not very good, and his chest was directly pierced by a tentacles.

The team leader didn't feel any pain. Instead, he looked at the sky with a smile on his face. Obviously, he could have a complete rest now.

The other team leaders are almost very similar, but they all completed the task desperately and stayed here completely.

Bai Yunfei quietly looked at the dead commandos and sighed slightly. He knew that this was fate, and no one could escape from it. If he really wanted to survive, he had to win this battle. victory.

Long Kuang looked at the sacrificed commandos with tears on his face, gritted his teeth and said, "These damned orcs, when I go to the battlefield, I will kill them all."

Obviously, Long Zhan and the others had all received the news of the deaths of their team members, and they all fell silent.

Long Zhan sighed slightly, and said to his team members, "Many of our compatriots have all died now, but they have all completed their tasks. We must not let them compare, but we cannot Acting recklessly, I observed it just now, we can poison quietly, and after poisoning, we will take revenge for our comrades in arms."

All the team members are filled with righteous indignation, but everyone knows that they can't act rashly, if they act rashly, all previous efforts will be wasted.

(End of this chapter)

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