Chapter 778 The War Begins

Seeing that everyone was ready, Long Zhan nodded slightly, and quickly said, "Now everyone is ready, let's start now, I hope everyone can come back alive."

I saw 100 commandos transforming quickly and rushing over, attracting the attention of all the orcs. All the orcs rioted and rushed to meet them.

And the other 100 commandos have quickly gone around from behind, taking advantage of the disturbance caused by the 100 commandos, and entered the living area where these orcs rest.

But at this moment, many orcs ran out from all the houses again, and they all attacked the 100 commandos.

And these are all members of the fox tribe, obviously they are all waiting here, and they really don't have the same title as them.

After the 100 commandos found out that they had been hit by the plane, they quickly ran outside and joined the [-] commandos outside.

As people died continuously, the bombs on their bodies began to be triggered continuously, and the sound of rumbling and rumbling continued to ring out.

All the orcs have all quickly seen the wounded behind the drawings, or continued to besiege and kill the remaining commandos.

Long Zhan and others quickly sneaked in, buried all the bombs in their hands in the house where they were resting, and then all quickly evacuated.

When the sound of the last explosion ended, everything returned to calm again, but at this time only the orcs were left there, wailing incessantly.

I saw a fox orc, quickly commanding all the orcs, and healed all the wounded in the nearby houses. After that, all the orcs were exhausted and returned to their houses to rest.

Long Zhan looked at those orcs with a bit of hatred, and said loudly to the commandos behind, "Now is the time for these damn bastards to enjoy the gift we gave them."

When the night slowly fell, the orcs who had been busy for a day were all exhausted, and they all lay down in their own rooms and rested. The battles that took place during the day did not have much impact on them, although some people would be killed or injured. people, but there is nothing to care about.

At this moment, Long Zhan and the others all pressed the button, and the flames soaring into the sky instantly came out from these orc tribes, and countless orcs all died in the explosion.

After Long Zhan and the others looked at each other, they all quickly evacuated towards the place where humans lived.

But they suffered endless attacks in the following time, and all the orcs hated them to the bone, so they would not be allowed to escape so safely.

When everything fell silent again.There are more than 100 commandos left alive, but everyone is seriously injured.

But finally they are about to reach the place where human beings live, which is a very happy thing for them.

Bai Yunfei stood up straight away, and said loudly to everyone, "Immediately send a large army to welcome them back. They are all heroes of our mankind. We must not let them suffer any more losses."

Without further ado, Long Kuang ran out quickly, because he was very satisfied with his son Long Zhan's performance this time, and he was able to come back alive to let her know more, so he couldn't wait to welcome his son .

But when all the people returned to the fortress again, the orcs outside had all gone mad, and they launched an attack directly and quickly regardless of what happened.

Mo Yun looked coldly into the distance and said, "The war is finally coming, and everything will change completely. I really hope it can end soon. I have enough time in this world."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "This is the end of not being strong enough. If we were strong enough, we would never be in such an embarrassing state."

Mo Ziyan frowned slightly and said, "Don't you have anything to worry about? You must know that the orcs have launched an attack on us now, and their endlessness is a big threat to us. If they break through Defense, I am afraid that many people will be killed or injured."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "I've already done everything that needs to be done for them. Now if they can't win, no one can change it. It's all up to them themselves."

Mo Yun was a little surprised, looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "I said, why do you have to let all these elites go out? It turns out that it is to accelerate their growth and let them be more independent, so as to lay the foundation for the victory of mankind."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You're right, that's why I insisted on their attack. Now they've all come back alive, and after going through the baptism of the battlefield, they've all become very mature now. It’s ready to take on the big responsibility.”

Mo Ziyan looked at Bai Yunfei with some sighs and said, "Aren't you tired? You have been separated from the beginning, don't you feel any fatigue after all this? Is there any fun in your life like this?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head helplessly and said, "Although this kind of life does not have any fun, it can guarantee that many, many people will survive. Human life is not a trifling matter."

Mo Yun nodded slightly and said, "Yes, before anyone can treat human life as a trifling matter, I'm just destroying those who don't care about it, but I will definitely not easily destroy an innocent person's life."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said softly, "Whenever you can understand, you will also unconsciously do what we did before, because this is a person's nature, and no one can do it." changed."

Mo Yun frowned slightly and said, "However, how much confidence do you have now that we can really win, anyway, from my perspective on the current war, the probability of our failure is still very high."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I think our chances of winning are still very high, because we have almost finished fighting for them, and the rest depends on their own development, but I believe they will be able to overcome all difficulties." Difficulties, lead mankind to real victory."

(End of this chapter)

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