Chapter 782 Victory
Mo Yun looked at the side of the fire pit and said, "There is something wrong there, it seems that some flames fell on the 100 orcs, and they became so manic."

The dragon madness left here directly and quickly, commanding the 1 warriors, and quickly launched an attack on the 100 orcs.

But once the war started, everyone was dumbfounded. They saw that 100 orcs, like the invincible God of War, rushed directly and quickly into the camp of ten thousand soldiers.

Long Kuang frowned slightly, and directly said loudly to the remaining fighters, "Everyone, turn on the energy to the maximum, and die together with these damned beasts."

All the people adjusted the energy of their armor to the maximum at the same time, and quickly rushed towards the remaining hundred orcs.

In the eyes of everyone, a very huge mushroom cloud appeared in the center of the battlefield.

At this time, only the orc in the fire pit was left, and the hundred orcs outside had all died.

And the 1 soldiers led by Longkuang on the human side were all killed in battle.

Mo Ziyan sighed slightly, and said to Bai Yunfei, "This is the only one left now, do you think Fire Bull can really defeat him?"

Bai Yunfei nodded and looked to the side, and the angry fire bull said, "Go, let's settle this unnecessary war."

Fire Bull nodded, and walked directly to the battlefield step by step, to the huge fire pit.

And all the remaining human beings have been watching all this happening, and they all silently cheered and encouraged the fire bull.

Mo Yun frowned slightly and said to Bai Yunfei, "I don't think we should put everything on this one person, we still have so many people, we can also use secret methods, so I think we should also able to win."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "You're right, we can indeed use secret techniques, but that will completely destroy their souls and let them be wiped out, which is really unfair to them. "

"But if we don't use the secret technique, we will really be completely defeated when the Fire Bull fails." Mo Yun said slightly anxiously.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said softly, "I am full of confidence in this fire bull, I believe he will be able to defeat him."

Mo Yun said coldly, "I will not put everything on one person. If he shows signs of failure, I will directly use the secret method. I hope you will not stop me."

Bai Yunfei was slightly silent, but finally nodded and said, "Yes, if it really comes to the time when he is about to fail, I won't stop you."

At this time, Huo Niu stood in front of the fire pit, and said lightly, "Now there are only two of us left, and it's time to solve our fate. Are you going to continue hiding in it and trying to survive?"

I saw an orc with flames appearing in the fire pit.

"It's all caused by you damn ants. If it weren't for you, I could still live for a long, long time, but let you damn bastards make me die now, but even if I die, I still want to die." Let you be buried with me."

Fire Bull snorted slightly and said, "Don't you know that we won the victory, we will all be resurrected again, and you will be completely wiped out, so there is no need for you to do these useless things gone."

The orc's eyes suddenly showed a gleam of flame, and then he smiled softly and said, "Do you really think I don't know? But I can say that, it represents me, and it can wipe you all out. This is what I really know." s plan."

Fire Bull shook his head slightly, and directly activated the transformation device on his body, and instantly a red armor merged into his body.

"With me by your side, all your schemes and tricks will not succeed."

The orc directly and quickly slapped the fire bull.

I saw a group of flames flying towards the fire bull quickly.

But the Fire Bull didn't panic at all, and just punched the flame directly, and wiped out the flame completely.

The fire bull quickly kicked in a series, and kicked towards the orc in an instant. After hearing a clanging sound, the orc stepped back a few steps, but did not suffer any injuries.

"I just didn't expect you, an ant, to be able to master such a powerful force, but so what, you can't hurt me at all." The orc said with disdain.

Fire Bull didn't say anything, and continued his strength there, only to see that his body began to erupt slowly, exuding a very powerful aura.

A black bull appeared in front of the fire bull, and the bull rushed towards the orc directly and quickly.

The orc's face changed, and he immediately and quickly burst out all the flames on his body, forming a flame shield, blocking in front of him.

But the black bull smashed his flame shield into pieces, and the orc was also sent flying.

The fire bull directly and quickly activated the greatest energy on his body, and rushed towards the orc who fell on the ground.

And the orc got up quickly and wrestled with the fire bull.

As the two continued to fight, the surrounding ground was battered by the two, and the surrounding environment had been destroyed by the two as if it had been bombed.

Just after the orc was taken a step back by the fire ox machine again, many cracks began to appear on his body. It was obvious that he had suffered too many attacks, and his body had already begun to crack.

Huo Niu sneered and said, "Now everything is coming to an end."

The fire bull directly gathered all the energy on her body, and quickly rushed towards the orc. Obviously, she used the method of dying together.

The orc obviously knew what he was about to face, but he roared unwillingly, "Damn it, I really..."

But before he finished speaking, the fire bull rushed directly on him, and the bodies of the two of them exploded instantly.

When everything calmed down, all the traces had been completely eliminated, and it could be said that the place had become clean, and there was no longer the appearance of the previous battle, as if nothing had happened here before, but Everyone knows what kind of cruel war has just been experienced here.

(End of this chapter)

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