Chapter 784 The Strange Medal

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't you think I didn't take any precautions? You can just wait here quietly. I will revive him right now. He shouldn't be tortured like this. He should Having a life of my own is a small compensation I can give him."

At this moment, a large amount of energy appeared in front of Bai Yunfei, and then a child quickly appeared in front of Bai Yunfei.

But this time, no one appeared in front of Bai Yunfei, and it was obvious that everyone had tacitly agreed to trouble him.

In fact, the most important thing is that they now all know that their two blows are not Bai Yunfei's opponent at all, no matter how many times they go, it will all be in vain.

at this time.The child slowly opened her eyes and thought about all this carefully. After she remembered everything, she said to Bai Yunfei with a wry smile, "Isn't there any way to change it, master?"

"It's not bad to be able to resurrect you again. You have now completely signed a contract with the space here, and you have no way to leave here, and now you have a body of your own, which is not bad. The news, and you can no longer call your previous name, because your names are all similar now, so no one will give their children such a name." Bai Yunfei gently said with a smile.

"Then what will my name be called in the future, master? Is it impossible for me to have my own name anymore?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said softly, "Don't worry, you have a brand new identity of your own, then you are Bai Huo."

Bai Huo nodded and said earnestly, "From now on, there will be only Bai Huo and no Fire Bull in the world."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said lightly, "You should hurry back now, you have only just been resurrected, and you can't do too much action yet, just recuperate obediently."

Bai Yunfei said to Lao Zhan at the side, "During the time I was away, did anyone come to see me, or did some bad things happen?"

Lao Zhan shook his head lightly and said, "There is no trouble at all now."

Bai Yunfei nodded and said, "Actually, I envy you all, that is, you don't have to work so hard, but I can't, I can't stop my steps, and I have to rely on my own ability to make our space go deeper. place."

Old Zhan smiled softly and said, "It's hard work for those who are capable. A person with extraordinary experience like you, Director, will definitely be full of all kinds of trials. Only the strongest can walk through these trials sadly." Come out, and master, you are such a person."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said softly, "Actually, you don't have to be like this. I want to hear the truth from you. Do you think it is really necessary for us to survive in this state?"

But Lao Zhan shook his head, and said somewhat incomprehensibly, "Master, although I don't know what you are thinking, isn't our current state not good? Which world do you want to go to? Which world will not be determined by one of the worlds?" Besieged, and we can fly freely in this universe without worrying about this and that, isn’t this the real pursuit.”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "I just haven't come out of the previous state. After all, the battle in a world is not really so easy to control. However, I found that it is very beneficial to me. That is, I can now control everything about myself very well, and I won’t always miss some of my abilities like before, and from now on, such things will never happen again.”

Lao Zhan looked into the distance with a slight smile, saw through the void, and saw a very strange world, and said softly, "The master has detected a very strange world now, don't you plan to take a look? "

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "I won't go to see it this time. I finally came back. I need to rest well. I don't have any intention of going to other worlds for the time being."

Old Zhan nodded slightly and said, "It seems that you are really tired this time, Director, so you can take a rest, and I will notify you when I find some interesting planets."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said softly, "I'm really bothering you, Lao Zhan."

Bai Yunfei sat down cross-legged and began to absorb himself slowly. The aura on his body also began to change constantly after gaining this time, obviously it was slowly changing.

Lao Zhan looked at Bai Yunfei who was practicing at this time with some emotion, and said softly, "Don't worry, once the master finds something interesting, I will definitely notify you first, but are these things on your body really true?" Doesn't it affect it?"

Bai Yunfei opened his eyes, shook his head slightly, and said softly, "Don't worry, these things won't affect me at all. What I'm most worried about now is to enter some uncontrollable state again."

However, Lao Zhan shook his head slightly, took out a very strange medal and handed it to Bai Yunfei, and said softly, "Master, in the next 100 years, you must practice hard and strive to become A powerhouse at the Dao level."

However, Bai Yunfei looked at it curiously. The very weird medal said, "Why did this thing suddenly appear? Can Lao Zhan explain to me what this weird medal means?"

After being slightly stunned for a moment, Lao Zhan said lightly, "Master, now you can read all her information and you will understand, but you must pay close attention to cultivation now, otherwise you will be in a terrible situation." .”

After checking for a long time, Bai Yunfei frowned and said, "Are you sure? If this is true, then I'm afraid I really need to improve my strength, otherwise There is absolutely no advantage in the game.”

Lao Zhan nodded slightly, and at the same time said curiously, "I just don't know why it was suddenly brought forward, and it was still 100 years later. Could it be that there will be some inevitable relationship problems?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said softly, "All of these things are basically out of control, so there is no need to worry about these things. Even if there is a real competition, I can still win Winners, you have to have faith in me."

(End of this chapter)

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