Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 788 The fifth wave of attack and defense succeeded

Chapter 788 The fifth wave of attack and defense succeeded

After Long Yaoyao took back all the trophies, she couldn't wait to say to Bai Yunfei, "Boss, how did you do that just now? Why did they run right in front of us and die? Why did your arrow make them feel so angry?" What about delayed killing?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "It's just a small technique, it's very simple, if they stay where they are, they won't die, but they're running all the time, so the sight will get deeper and deeper." , directly piercing their hearts. It can also play some role in dealing with these mindless Taoist priests, but it does not have any effect in dealing with real people, so it is simply a small means that cannot be put on the table."

Long Yaoyao really didn't think so, but said enviously, "If this is given to those who are going to perform tasks, they will definitely be very willing to learn this skill, because they can't reveal his position when facing an undercover agent. If a sword can stab his heart without killing him, he will definitely be able to go undercover directly."

Bai Yunfei nodded, and said softly, "Actually, I learned this little trick from a killer, but he didn't use a bow and arrow, but a thin needle, and he didn't notice anything when he shot someone with the needle. When running, the truth will directly enter the heart, and this person will definitely die."

Long Yaoyao immediately said to Bai Yunfei with some interest, "Boss, can you teach me? I also want to learn it. If I can learn it, it will be so powerful."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "After this is over, I'll leave it to you after I go out. It's very simple, and you only need a small group of people to master it thoroughly."

At this moment, the fifth wave of attacks began again.

This time the enemy didn't have any means of hiding, but just showed up swaggeringly, and saw many white skeletons, holding white axes in their hands, walking towards this side quickly.

Bai Yunfei directly grabbed the Dragon Yaoyao who wanted to go up to fight, and said softly, "Don't be so anxious, I can go up alone. You stay at the high tower and protect the high tower carefully. You must not be caught. Sneak attack."

Long Yaoyao looked around, but didn't find any questions, and said in a puzzled way, "Boss, you are worried about someone sneaking up, but the surrounding area is empty, and there are no enemies at all, so they probably won't sneak up again, right? "

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Don't be so careless, and don't you realize that there is still something wrong here, because the surroundings are too calm, and the enemies in front are too arrogant, this is obviously to lure the tiger away from the mountain." .”

Although Long Yaoyao didn't quite believe it, she still guarded under the tower.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly took out a spear, and rushed towards the white skeletons.

These skeletons quickly raised the axes in their hands, and slashed at Bai Yunfei, but Bai Yunfei directly avoided their slashing, and swept the spear in his hand, directly smashing the piece of land in front of him. All the skeletons were swept away.

The surrounding skeletons kept approaching Bai Yunfei, but Bai Yunfei quickly smashed them one by one with the spear in his hand.

Long Yaoyao looked boredly at the bottom of the high tower and watched Bai Yunfei slaughter there, while she could only guard here slowly, she couldn't help but feel a little bored, but at this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from His 4 weeks rang.

Long Yaoyao looked around vigilantly, the sword in her hand was out of the sheath, ready to attack at any time.

At this time, many white bones suddenly appeared under his feet, and all of these bones turned into white skeletons. They quickly swung the weapons in their hands and slashed at the dragon monster.

Long Yaoyao quickly swung the sword in his hand, and saw that after the sword in his hand circled around him, all the white skeletons around him had their heads dropped to the ground.

Long Yaoyao quickly stepped on the heads of these white skeletons with both feet, directly crushing them, killing all the surrounding skeletons and dropping many things.

At this time, Bai Yunfei had already ended the battle, and the skeletons around him had all died, turning into a lot of supplies and placing them in front of him.

Bai Yunfei put away all these supplies, went back to the tower, saw that Long Yaoyao was also collecting supplies there, smiled slightly and said, "You're doing well, I thought you'd have to be beaten up by them before you could react." Come here."

Long Yaoyao rolled her eyes, looked at Bai Yunfei with some displeasure and said, "Boss, did you already know there was an ambush down there, and you didn't remind me, do you want to see me make a fool of yourself?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "You are right, I really want to see you make a move, but more precisely, I want to teach you a little lesson, so that you must always pay attention to your feet and the surrounding environment , Don’t have too many things and don’t know, you will suffer outside like this.”

Long Yaoyao nodded, and said in a taught manner, "I know, boss, I will definitely be more careful, and I will never make such a low-level mistake again, but the boss is now in the fifth wave of attacks, and there are two more waves to attack us It should have won."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "You mean to say that there are still two waves of attacks before we can win. How do you know that there are only seven waves of attacks?"

Long Yaoyao smiled slightly, and said, "This is just our past experience. Generally, when defending tower defense, the task ends after the seventh wave of attack is completed. Why is there a new change here? But I haven't noticed any changes."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, pointed to a tall sign in the distance, and said lightly, "Didn't you all notice the number on that tall sign?"

Long Yaoyao looked up, but after looking for a long time, she finally found the tall sign, but she didn't see clearly what the number on it was.

"The boss can't see what is written on it, and he didn't notice such a tall sign before."

Bai Yunfei sighed helplessly and said, "The sixth wave of attack written on it is about to start, and the remaining three waves of attack missions are over."

Long Yaoyao frowned suddenly, and said incredulously, "That tall sign actually reminded me of this, why didn't we find it all the time, and couldn't see it clearly?"

(End of this chapter)

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