Chapter 793
Bai Yunfei quickly looked at the four weeks vigilantly, and after careful searching, he found the problem. He saw a very strange person crawling towards Bai Yunfei's direction.

Bai Yunfei quickly took out his weapon, and directly attacked that weird person, and was instantly killed by that person.

After Bai Yunfei killed this person again, he quickly moved the location, because this was like a fuse. With Bai Yunfei's attack, the sound of duels began to resound from the surroundings.

When Bai Yunfei entered the safe zone again, he found that there were only 10 people left around, but including him, the remaining 10 people were hidden so deep that they couldn't be found at all. Location.

Bai Yunfei slowly groped around the edge of the safe zone, but he was not in a hurry to go to the center, because the city center meant exposing his position, which meant having to fight a lot of people.

Bai Yunfei was lying on his stomach slowly in his hiding place, listening to the movement around him. Although the surroundings were quiet, Bai Yunfei knew that this was just a harbinger of a storm, and a real storm was coming.

Bai Yunfei frowned only when he heard the sound of brushing around, because all these sounds were the sound of someone throwing hidden weapons, but the specific location was not clear at all, obviously it was a hidden weapon installed.

Bai Yunfei was even more careful, because if there were traps now, it meant that the surroundings were more dangerous.

At this moment, I saw a woman waving the gun in her hand quickly.After knocking down all the hidden weapons that were shot at him, he ran in another direction without looking back.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, he was quite sure that this woman would die.

Sure enough, just as Bai Yunfei expected, the woman hadn't run far before she was thrown to the ground by a man again, and instantly stabbed the woman's heart with a dagger.

After killing the woman, the man quickly left after searching his supplies, but he left in a very strange direction, actually running towards Bai Yunfei's direction.

Just when Bai Yunfei was about to kill the man, there was a pop from the side.

A puff of white smoke instantly enveloped the man's surroundings, and the man fell to the ground in great pain and died of poisoning.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, now there are only 8 survivors left, and the remaining 7 people are obviously hiding, the person who poisoned just now is hiding the deepest, but he is the closest to Baiyun Bai Yunfei just heard her movement, So we can roughly determine his location.

Although he was able to determine his location, Bai Yun did not act rashly, because if he acted rashly now, those people around would also find out, and Bai Yunfei would inevitably end up being surrounded and beaten.

At this moment, there was a cooing sound from the surroundings. A wooden bird appeared in the center of the safety zone at some point, and this wooden bird was still flying non-stop, and there was a cooing sound when he was flying. Goo.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, obviously this wooden bird was designed to attract the enemy, and this wooden bird obviously had a certain final nature, if it didn't, the opponent would definitely not release it.

Sure enough, just as Bai Yunfei expected, the wooden bird landed on a tree, and several arrows quickly shot at the tree.

However, the injured person had expected it, and after dodging the sudden attack quickly, he performed lightness kung fu again and hid in other places.

But before he could hide, someone touched him from behind, cut his throat and died.

At the moment that person made his move, Bai Jingfei also shot quickly, and instantly shot a hidden weapon towards his side, and a man fell directly to the ground. The man looked at Bai Yunfei's direction in amazement. He didn't expect that there would be someone hiding so close to him, but he didn't notice anything.

There were bursts of voices around Bai Yunfei, and then calm again, but now there are only three survivors left. Obviously, the fierce battle just now has eliminated most of the people.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and carefully searched for the remaining two people, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't find their traces. These two people were obviously masters of disguise, and it would be easy for people not to find their traces.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, he just didn't expect that there would be two Voldemorts in the end, this is really difficult to deal with.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of swishing, and countless hidden weapons flew out from all directions quickly.

Bai Yunfei quickly found the cover. He observed carefully and found that these hidden weapons erupted from a wooden box. These hidden weapons erupted from this wooden box, but there was one place where no hidden weapons appeared. Bai Yunfei quickly He drew the bow and shot the arrow towards the empty place.

There was absolutely no possibility of Bai Yunfei's arrow being missed. There was a scream from inside, and he died directly and completely.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, directly and quickly buckled a few hidden weapons again, quietly waiting for the final qualifying, but the other person obviously had the same intention as Bai Yunfei and did not plan to come out directly.

Bai Yunfei quickly shot his hidden weapon towards what he thought was suspicious.

I saw a black shadow fly out of the jungle extremely quickly, but after landing on the ground, it didn't make any movement.

Seeing that the black shadow turned out to be a wooden figure, Bai Yunfei screamed inwardly, and quickly moved to the side to dodge to pick her up. As soon as she left, many hidden weapons appeared around her, launching indiscriminate attacks.

Bai Yunfei rushed out directly and quickly, rushed in to that area, and stood directly face to face with that man.

At this time, the safety zone had been refreshed again, appearing at the feet of the two of them, and there was no cover for the two of them, so the two could only look at each other face to face, preparing for a life-and-death struggle.

The man's expression was very embarrassing, and he quickly threw out several hidden weapons again, but what frightened him was that Bai Yunfei didn't care about those hidden weapons, but directly launched a melee attack towards him in an instant.

The man suddenly frightened and stayed where he was, and died.

(End of this chapter)

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