Chapter 797 Huge Eyes

Lao Mo shook his head slightly and said, "There is no way to know, but I know how to solve the problem of this small town. I just need to find something in this small town that can arouse everyone's emotions and destroy it, and it will be destroyed." Solve the trouble here completely."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "I'm afraid it's not easy."

Lao Mo smiled slightly and said, "It is indeed not easy, but it is very easy, because its location should be in a very obvious place, because it needs to affect the emotions of everyone around, so he must Its power can only be exerted in public, as long as you search carefully, you can definitely find it."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, left the tavern directly, went outside and began to search slowly and carefully, there were some special buildings around.

But the situation of the people in the whole town is getting worse and worse. There have been several people fighting with each other, but they can still control their anger for the time being without causing casualties, but if they continue to fight like this, I am afraid there is no way out. stopped.

Bai Yunfei kept walking, and finally came to a very weird building, and saw that this building turned out to be a very huge eye, and he was looking up at the sky there.

After Bai Yunfei circled the huge eye for a few times, he directly and quickly threw a hidden weapon and shot towards the huge eye.

With a clanging sound, the hidden weapon that Bai Yunfei shot actually fell to the ground, but the huge eyes did not suffer any damage.

Bai Yunfei frowned and looked at the huge eyes carefully, then smiled slightly and said, "So that's the case, no wonder there is a mysterious energy that prevents these people from fighting with bare hands, so they are so fragile."

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly pulled the huge eyes out of the ground, and threw them into the sky.

I saw that the huge eyes fell down quickly, hit the ground, and shattered into pieces.

All the people around fell to the ground and passed out, but Bai Yunfei could tell that they had completely recovered, and they wouldn't have any inexplicable impulse to fight normally.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and left the small town directly, but before he left for too long, he was surrounded by seven or eight strangely dressed people.

I saw that all of these people showed their weapons, and their weapons were double hooks.

Bai Yunfei, hehe, smiled and said, "What are you doing surrounding me? Could it be that you want me to compete with you?"

Those people sneered and said, "Don't you know how dangerous it is to come out without a weapon? You are powerless now. If you don't rob you, whoever you are, hand over all your money. We I can spare your life"

Bai Yunfei sneered, and said, "Then if you really continue to care about me like this, you will have to pay for your actions, and don't blame me if anything happens."

These people all laughed and said, "Boy, you really can't tell the difference. Don't you know that you should be in danger now, so why dare to teach us here? Do you think someone will come to help you?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, read out the hidden weapon in his hand, and said softly, "Now I will give you one last chance, leave me quickly, otherwise I will let you die right now."

One of them snorted softly and said, "It turns out that you used a hidden weapon, but if you used a hidden weapon, if you attacked suddenly just now, you might really be able to kill us, but you have already revealed it, and you think you can still kill us?" Make a difference? You are so naive."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and directly threw the hidden weapon in his hand towards those people.

Those few people all stared wide-eyed, and fell to the ground in disbelief. They didn't expect that they had already prepared themselves with all their strength, and still didn't block Bai Yunfei's hidden weapon.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and left here directly, without managing the corpses of these people.

Bai Yunfei came to a very prosperous city again, but the people in this city were the same as the people in the small town before, all wearing this weapon, and everyone's temper was very hot.

Bai Yunfei went directly to a blacksmith's shop and opened the door, and found that the blacksmith inside was brandishing a hammer and continuously forging weapons.

Before Bai Yunfei could open his mouth, a strong man walked in quickly from the outside. Seeing a big knife in his hand placed in front of the blacksmith, he said angrily, "Old guy, what kind of weapon did you hit? It has been disconnected after a few games, if you don’t give me an explanation today, I will kill you now.”

But the blacksmith said indifferently, "I am not responsible for the sold items. This is the previous rule. Don't you know it? Besides, who knows what you have been doing these days, so if you are looking for trouble If so, you have to think about the consequences."

The strong man immediately picked up the knife and quickly slashed at the blacksmith.

But the blacksmith snorted slightly, swung the hammer in his hand quickly, and instantly sent the strong man flying out.

As if nothing had happened to the blacksmith, he continued to make weapons there, and said to Bai Yunfei without looking back, "What kind of weapon are you going to buy? When buying skates, first look at some conditions next to it. If you can accept If you can’t accept it, then you can buy it here, if you can’t accept it, then you can go to other places to buy it.”

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, looked at the conditions next to him, and found that these conditions were very interesting, but the most interesting ones were the ones behind.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Of course I agree to all of your conditions, and your so-called no responsibility after purchase is also very interesting, but it doesn't have any impact on me at all, because I want to buy All of them are hidden weapons, so you can make them for me just like this flying knife."

The blacksmith turned his head and took the flying knife in his hand, observed it carefully, nodded slightly and said, "The shape of your flying knife is specially made, and it may take some effort, and you want a good one. Do you still want bad ones? If you want good ones, I’m afraid you’ll have to pay a little more money, can you afford it? If you can’t, I’ll make you some bad ones.”

(End of this chapter)

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