Chapter 809 Ear Statue
The leading soldier nodded slightly and said, "That's right, then we're going to offend now."

All the soldiers behind took out their spears and quickly surrounded Bai Yunfei, and they slowly approached Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "I advise you to not do this, otherwise don't blame me, you're welcome."

Those soldiers didn't listen to Bai Yunfei's words, but continued to walk forward. Bai Yunfei jumped up quickly, and the hidden weapons in his hands flew out quickly, and all the soldiers fell to the ground after being hit by the hidden weapons.

The leading soldier didn't die or suffer any injuries, but the weapon in his hand had fallen to the ground, and he watched all this happen with horror on his face.

Bai Yunfei saw the soldier faintly and said, "I'm not interested in your so-called treasure at all, and I didn't get any treasure map, so if you want it, you can go find it yourself. Don't bother me, otherwise I don't mind killing people."

The soldier nodded in horror, and quickly fled away.

Bai Yunfei left here directly, and walked towards a nearby town. When he just walked into the town, he frowned speechlessly again.

Because in this town, there is actually a statue that can make people angry and crazy, but this statue has not been really activated yet, and I am afraid it will be completely activated in a short time.

"This world is really boring. How can there be such statues everywhere? It's too boring. There are killings everywhere. I'm afraid this world will be destroyed in a short time."

Old Zhan smiled slightly, and said, "Master, this is not better, so as not to let them continue to be so ignorant here, sometimes destruction is rebirth for them."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "I don't think so, because even gods can't be sure that they will be destroyed, not to mention these damned guys, they are invading people who are not from this world at all. Find your own death."

Bai Yunfei just approached the statue, but was blocked by several people guarding the statue.

A middle-aged man, holding a big knife in his hand, shouted at Bai Yunfei directly and quickly, "Don't come near here, kid. If you come here again, you will be accidentally injured by us. You can't blame anyone."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Didn't you feel anything wrong? Didn't you find the difference in this statue of yours? The existence of this statue here will have a huge impact on you, and even It can completely destroy you."

The middle-aged man snorted softly, pointed at Bai Yunfei and said, "I think you are also sent by the town next door to make trouble. You don't have such a statue, so you can destroy us anyway. This is our god statue, and we will absolutely not allow it." Anyone who destroys it."

Bai Yunfei snorted softly and said, "Have you ever seen a statue with a huge ear?"

The few people behind said triumphantly, "That's why it seems that we are our idols, so you hurry up and get out of here, we don't welcome you."

Bai Yunfei frowned, because he found that there was a trace of red light in the eyes of these people, and now they were completely controlled by this statue.

At this moment, the whole statue began to emit red light continuously, covering the whole town. Almost all the people stopped their work at hand and slowly gathered towards this side with their weapons in hand.

Bai Yunfei knew that he couldn't continue talking nonsense here, so he took out a throwing knife and shot it at the statue in an instant.

He only heard a ding, and was thrown out of the air, but when everyone was stunned, Bai Yunfei quickly approached the statue, uprooted him, and threw him into the sky.

It is estimated that this statue did not expect Bai Yunfei to do this suddenly. He saw Bai Yunfei attacking before, but he just disdained it slightly, so he continued to control the townspeople without too much defense, which gave Bai Yunfei An opportunity to take advantage of.

When the statue fell to the ground and shattered into pieces, everyone returned to normal again. They also noticed their abnormality, and they all stepped back in horror, seeing the statue that had been shattered into several pieces.

Bai Yunfei did not stay in this town, but left here without stopping, because if he wanted to eat in this town, he might have to wait for a while, and it would be better to go to other places to eat if he had this time Woolen cloth.

It only took Bai Yunfei two hours to arrive at a new town, Qili Town.

However, Qili Town is more peaceful than other towns. At least everyone's weapons are carried on their backs instead of in their hands.

Bai Yunfei directly found a hotel called Tongfu Inn, and went in directly.

A young man in white came directly in front of Bai Yunfei and said with a slight smile, "Guest officer, are you going to stay at the hotel? Or eat?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "It's destined, and give me a month."

The little brother in white smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I'll go and arrange for you right now, don't you want to eat something?"

"Serve some good food and drink some good wine." Bai Yunfei said lightly.

The little brother in white nodded slightly and quickly ran back to arrange all these things for Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei sat on a table, quietly looked at the people in the Tongfu Inn and smiled slightly.

Because he found that everyone in this inn is very extraordinary, the boy in white just now is very fast, obviously very good at lightness kung fu, and one of the women with a broom in her hand has 10 points of strength in her legs, which is obviously her legs. The kung fu is very good.

And although the shopkeeper in red was sitting there motionless, her eyes were very sharp, obviously she was a master of hidden weapons.

And the cook inside is even better. Although he tried his best to hide it, he couldn't hide the temperament of a swordsman at all.

Although Bai Yunfei had his eyes on one of the scholars, he obviously kept accounts here, but the abacus in his hand was very mellow, and it was obvious that he often used the abacus as a weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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