Chapter 811 Hibiscus
But Furong snorted slightly and said with disdain, "Then you are wrong. I really didn't suffer when they confronted me, but it was them who suffered. Their weapons were either broken by me, or completely destroyed by me."

After Bai Yunfei looked at Fu Rong's whole body with some differences, he said with a smile, "I really didn't expect that you are born with supernatural power, and combined with your current martial arts, it really complements each other very well."

Bai Tang looked at Bai Yunfei slightly differently and said, "Brother, you are really amazing. You can actually see all our details with just one glance. It seems that you are really a master among masters."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I'm overwhelmed, I'm overwhelmed, it's just some small tricks."

Hong Ling frowned slightly, and said, "Why did an expert like you come to us? Our place is a remote place, there shouldn't be any treasures or other things, right? Why did you come here?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Didn't I already say that before? I came here just to take a rest, but I didn't expect that those damned guys would chase after you so hard and bring you A little trouble."

The chef inside was named Da Zui, and he walked out quickly, put his knife on the table, and said lightly, "Then don't worry, if those bastards really dare to come here to make trouble, I will kill them." Chop, chop, feed the dog."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, even if you give them 10 guts, they won't dare to make trouble anymore. Finally, you can have a good rest at home."

Bai Yunfei settled down here like this, eating, drinking and parading in the streets every day, it can be said that he lived a very leisurely life.

Bai Yunfei returned to the inn after shopping, but found something abnormal in the inn.

Bai Yunfei was a little curious to see a man in black and Bai Tang standing at each other's spot, but neither attacked nor spoke, just staring at each other.

"What are you two doing here? Is it interesting to stand here? If you think it's interesting, then you go outside for a while, it's quite uncomfortable to be here."

At this time, Hong Ling came over with a small fan gently, and said a little speechlessly, "What's the matter, the two of them are enemies, as long as they meet each other, they will stand and look at each other like this, and they will make big moves later. They didn’t even listen to the last time I advised them, it’s too…”

Before she could finish speaking, Bai Tang and the man in black were fighting together quickly. The two of them were very good at lightness, so the two of them were everywhere in an instant.

Fu Rong was not sweeping the floor either, but sat aside, watching the fight between the two quietly and interestingly, knocking the melon seeds next to her from time to time.

The scholar continued to settle accounts on the sidelines, and did not watch the fight between the two of them. Obviously, neither of them had much interest in him.

After watching it for a while, Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "What's the point of this fight? Both of them have the same number of exercises. What's the point? Why don't you play some new tricks?"

Fu Rong said curiously, "Brother Bai, what are the new tricks you are talking about? Do you have any new ideas? Tell me quickly, I want to see if there are any new tricks?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Give them some new seasoning, I hope they can like it."

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly picked up many stones, sneered, and quickly shot towards Baitang, and the two of them shot in the past.

Bai Tang and the man in black were taken aback immediately, and quickly performed lightness kung fu, trying to avoid the stones, but they were horrified to find that the stones seemed to have agility, and quickly hit them.

Seeing the kung fu behind Bai Tang and the man in black, their faces were covered with marks of being hit by stones, and they stood there helplessly, but they didn't dare to trouble Bai Yunfei and could only look at each other. With a snort, they each left.

At this moment, a police officer walked in swaggeringly, and after seeing the situation of the inn, he frowned and said, "What's the matter with you? Could it be that there was a fight just now? Or have you caught the inn now?" The fugitive?"

Hong Ling said curiously, "A fugitive, what kind of fugitive? Could it be that someone here has committed a crime again?"

The policeman sighed slightly and said, "Yes, a fugitive escaped from another place. A fugitive's strength is very powerful. Several policemen have already died under his sword. I really look forward to him Don't come here, otherwise, I don't know how many people will die."

Fu Rong asked curiously, "How is the strength of those arrests compared to yours?"

The policeman said with some embarrassment, "They are all elite policemen, of course they are stronger than me, so I don't expect them to arrive at our place, otherwise I will definitely die."

Fu Rong suddenly showed a smile, put her hand in front of the policeman, and said with a soft smile, "Didn't you come here just to ask us to help you? That's a good price, old rules."

The policeman shook his head in embarrassment and said, "I'm not here to ask you to help, but to remind you, you must be more careful, this fugitive has a problem with you who run inns, and it's easy to come to you I’m here to make trouble, so be careful, I’m leaving first.”

I saw that the catcher turned his head quickly and ran away.

Fu Rong frowned slightly and said, "Why is this guy so strange today? He came here just to inform. Doesn't he want to catch that fugitive? Or is he very sure that the fugitive will definitely come to trouble us?" of?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Of course he is sure, because I am afraid that the other party is coming after me again. If you don't believe me, the fugitive should show up later."

Bai Tang had already left upstairs at this time, and all the marks on his body that had been hit by stones had disappeared. Seeing everyone talking here, he asked curiously, "What are you talking about? Why are they all so big?" Are you interested in chatting here?"

Hong Ling smiled slightly and said, "There will be someone who will make trouble later, so everyone is discussing how to deal with him, but it's better if you come down, so I'll leave it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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