Chapter 816 Confessing Your Identity
The scholar frowned slightly and said, "Although his actions just now were indeed a little weird, I didn't notice the greedy look in his eyes, shouldn't it be?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "This is just a small conjecture of mine. As for whether it is true or not, we will find out later, but now we should discuss how to get rid of these people who want treasures." Deal with it, otherwise, Qili Town will really be completely disturbed when they all announce it."

Bai Tang thought for a while and said, "I'm going to find Brown Tang now, and let him mobilize all his former friends to inquire about the news, it will be safer."

Hong Ling nodded slightly and said, "That's fine, but you must be careful not to reveal any rumors. Just tell them that some unscrupulous bandits are trying to destroy Qili Town."

Everyone began to carefully search for the hidden enemies.

Time passed slowly, and half a month slipped away in my hands.

But in the past half month, they have really found the enemy's location, and it turned out that a group of bandits gathered together.

However, there are no civilians in Qili Town at this time, and all the people have evacuated. Now there are some soldiers in it. These soldiers are all sent from around. It's the same idea as what they're doing now.

Bai Yunfei and the others quickly left Qili Town and came to the new resettlement site.

However, looking at the positions occupied by the surrounding soldiers, Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said to everyone indifferently, "Something is not right, everyone should be more careful. There may be some enemies around us who will attack us a little bit." It is unfavorable, so everyone should be more vigilant, and the soldiers around may not be able to protect them, everyone, so if there is an emergency, we must protect the safety of everyone."

Black Sugar said coldly, "These soldiers seem to be patrolling, but they are actually monitoring every move of all of us. I'm afraid that if we plan to leave here, they will definitely stop us."

Bai Tang nodded slightly in agreement and said, "Yeah, this is abominable, it's exhausting us in a disguised form, how does this damn old Zhan do things? He actually attracted so many soldiers, that's good. There is no longer any room for freedom, and you can only live under the noses of people, which is really infuriating."

Bai Yunfei drank a little wine, said with a faint smile, "Although things are indeed not good, they are not too bad. At least these ordinary people can live here in peace and stability now, without the need to If you die like that, you don’t even know how you died, what we should be most worried about now is how the few of us can get out.”

Fu Rong said with some reluctance, "To be honest, I really don't want to leave here. It's hard for everyone to find a place where they can live a stable life, but they are disturbed by these messes again. I don't know where to go to find someone like you." Such a peaceful place is really a bit too reconciled."

Dazui also nodded in the same way and said, "What I like to do most now is to use this knife in my hand to make delicious food for everyone to appreciate, instead of using this knife in my hand to take people's lives."

Bai Tang said with some emotion, "It's been many years since I've experienced such a bloody life. I really don't know if I can continue to hang out in this arena. I'm afraid I will die on the street in a short time."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "With your lightness, I'm afraid they can't catch up with you even if they want to kill you, unless you don't want to run away, so you may be killed by them. Once you run, I don't believe they can catch up with you."

Hong Ling frowned slightly and said, "Let's stop joking around here now, and think about some countermeasures. What should we do to solve the current predicament and restore everyone to their previous calm."

Bai Yunfei stretched his waist, smiled lightly and said, "Actually, there is a very simple way, which is to kill all these people. Once they are all dead, no one will dare to come here to provoke trouble again." Now, this place will become truly peaceful.”

Fu Rong rolled her eyes, and said helplessly, "What you said is easy, but how can we kill so many people? Even if we can kill 100 or 1000 people, can we bear tens of thousands of people? It can be said to be overreaching.”

But Bai Yunfei smiled mysteriously and said, "It's incredible for you, but it's very simple for me. Anyway, I don't plan to stay in this world any longer, and I just happen to solve these guys for you guys." , let you continue to live in peace, this can be regarded as thank you for your hospitality."

The scholar frowned slightly, looked at Bai Yunfei with some differences and said, "What kind of strength are you? Where do you come from? From the day you arrived at the inn, I have suspected that you are not from our place. Because your temperament is very different from ours."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I don't need to tell you about my strength, I'm afraid of hurting you, but you just need to know that I can solve your immediate predicament for you, and where I come from, to be honest , I don’t know where I belong to or come from now, because I can be said to be drifting around now, and no place is my home.”

Hong Ling frowned slightly and said, "You mean that this world is not one world, there are many worlds. Are there really any gods?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "The gods you mentioned are actually just powerful people. They are actually just like people, with life, old age, sickness and death, but their strength is strong, and their life span is very long. There is nothing wrong with it." the difference."

Fu Rong asked curiously, "If you come from a world different from ours, would your martial arts be the same as ours? But when you use hidden weapons, there is no big difference from ours. Are all worlds exactly the same? Is it?"

Bai Yunfei, hehe, smiled and said, "Each world is actually different. Some are good at food, some are good at boxing, and some are good at swordsmanship, so each has its own characteristics."

(End of this chapter)

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