Chapter 825 The Catastrophe Begins

The wolf king rushed towards Bai Yunfei directly and quickly, but Bai Yunfei didn't show any weakness. He directly and quickly used the flying leopard leg, and kicked the wolf king away with one leg.

Guo Tian quickly intercepted the other wolves there, buying time for Bai Yunfei.

After Bai Yunfei kicked the wolf king away, he quickly followed up and unleashed the Exploding Flame Fist.

The wolf king let out a scream, then fell to the ground, flames bursting out of his body.

Bai Yunfei quickly punched the wolf king on the waist with a wolf punch. After the wolf king let out a scream and wail, there was no sound, and all the wild wolves around him howled crazily. stand up.

Without saying a word, Bai Yunfei launched an attack towards the surrounding wild wolves, and after a while, he and Guo Tian killed all the surrounding wild wolves.

Guo Tiantian gasped and said, "I just didn't expect that this time, it's really rewarding. These things will allow us to combine many new martial arts again, and our strength will be improved again."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "Yes, our strength will increase a lot again, and there are still a lot of materials in the Wolf Valley, which should be able to synthesize a lot of weapons. By then, our strength will definitely increase. A lot."

Guo Tian smiled slightly and said, "Now I really can't wait to get new weapons and new martial arts."

After half a day of busy work, Bai Yunfei and Guo Tian put all the materials together, and there was absolutely nothing else in the Wolf Valley.

Bai Yunfei sorted out all the materials, and said with a slight smile after sorting, "Although these materials are very good, it's a pity that only one of the two of us can advance to Wolf Fist anyway, I don't really need it." , you can call Wolf Fist to advance."

Guo Tian nodded slightly, without any politeness, and went directly to the Wolf King material, and quickly upgraded his Wolf Fist.

Bai Yunfei looked at the materials around him and felt slightly embarrassed, because he wanted a weapon now, but it was hard to find the matching martial arts, so he had to think carefully.

After a short while, Bai Yunfei thought about it directly, and started his new synthesis.

After seeing a ball of white light, a mace appeared in Bai Yunfei's hand.And he also got a very good martial arts book.

Breaking stones, exclusive martial arts for heavy weapons, can break rocks and mountains very violently.

What makes Bai Yunfei even more happy is that his strength has improved again, and now he is already a strong man at the level of a military commander.

Guo Tian also ran over happily at this time, and said with some joy, "Boss, I am now a strong general at the general level. We can do some more vigorous things. We can find those things that we didn't dare to do before." I believe they can bring us more materials."

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, and said helplessly, "If you want to say that, we will be in trouble. How can you know our strength and you can get along here? Maybe you accidentally encountered some powerful people. The alien beasts are completely over."

Guo Tian frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "Boss, don't hit me like this, okay? Now I'm at the level of a general, and I can be said to be one of the best in our camp. Are we now Is your strength not enough?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "Now is not the time to talk about these things. It's better to go back to the camp, take a rest, and then we'll go to the surrounding area to check."

Guo Tian and Bai Yunfei quickly returned to the camp, but it was the two of them who frowned, because the atmosphere in the camp was somewhat serious.

Guo Tian asked one of the thin men curiously, "What's wrong with you? Why are you all so serious? Did something happen here?"

The thin man shook his head slightly, and said with an ugly face, "The general in this camp is missing."

Guo Tian was a little surprised and said, "You can be sure whether he is missing or has gone out. How could he disappear with the strength of a general?"

The thin man shook his head and said, "Not only him, but all the soldiers around him have also disappeared. Now we are the only ones left. I really don't know what happened to make them disappear collectively."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "Did they leave? Or did they disappear suddenly? What traces did they leave behind?"

All the people around shook their heads, because no one knew when they left, they only knew that they had indeed disappeared, because they had not seen them come back after waiting for a long time.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "It seems that everyone must seize the time to improve their strength now, I'm afraid their incident is not accidental."

Everyone has already realized it, so after a hasty rest, they ran outside to continue looking for materials to improve their strength.

Guo Tian frowned slightly and said to Bai Yunfei, "What's going on? Boss, why are you so serious? Do you know the reason now?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "I should know the reason now, so let's make some preparations. I'm afraid it won't be long before we face our first catastrophe."

Guo Tian was taken aback immediately, and said, "Isn't this impossible? Doesn't it mean that there is only one catastrophe in a month? It's not even a month yet, how could it happen now?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "The rules only say that disasters will occur once a month, but there is no regulation on which time the disasters will occur in this month, so it may occur at any time, and the current signs represent that difficulties are coming. "

Guo Tian frowned and said, "Could it be that just because they disappeared, the boss can guess that we are going to face difficulties now, so what should we do? We should go outside to repair and improve our strength, and then go back to here."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "Don't leave the camp now, because the outside is definitely different from before, and it's even more dangerous, so stay in the camp to see the situation before making new plans. Any recklessness."

(End of this chapter)

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