Chapter 842 The Shadow
Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Let's go out and get through the disaster first, otherwise they might be anxious."

Guo Tian said curiously, "Boss, don't you feel that the strange beasts outside are the same as what we encountered in the first catastrophe before? Besieged but not attacked, I'm afraid there will be some accidents."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "It's really possible, but don't worry too much. If you really encounter such a situation, just kill them directly."

Gao Yan said curiously, "I'm really curious about those black strange beasts you encountered, are they really so scary?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "It's really scary. Haven't you seen those black beasts? The black beasts they split can be said to be almost endless, and all of them have the same strength. Not afraid of life and death, not afraid of pain, there is no way at all.”

Gao Yan frowned slightly and said, "If this is the case, it would be really terrifying. The main reason is that their corpses are all the same, unless their strength is much higher than theirs, otherwise there is no way to be able to kill them in front of them." Surviving the siege is simply a disaster."

The three of them came to the center of the camp while talking, and looked at the endless strange beasts outside, all of them frowned involuntarily.

I saw that all the strange beasts outside were white tigers. Generally speaking, white tigers are the most lethal and powerful. I really didn't expect them to be trapped in the camp this time.

Guo Tian frowned slightly and said, "What's going on, where are there so many white tigers? It's really difficult to deal with, and their strength is actually the peak of the martial arts commander, which is too powerful."

Gao Yan said to Bai Yunfei in a puzzled way, "Mr. Bai, there seems to be something wrong. Didn't you notice that they don't seem to be too nervous? It's definitely not because of us that they are not nervous. Other methods have not been used."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "They must have their own trump card, otherwise they wouldn't be so worried about our ideas, and we might be able to see that so-called trump card later."

At this moment, all the white tigers outside were agitated, which was obviously a sign that they were about to launch an attack.

All these people in the camp quickly took out bows and arrows in their hands, and all shot towards the sky.

"Boss, why are they shooting arrows into the sky? Isn't this a waste of arrows?" Guo Tian said to Bai Yunfei in some puzzlement.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said softly, "You will find out later, they are definitely not wasting, and this should be their trump card."

Just like the arrows flying into the sky, they all fell from the sky quickly, but when they fell, they were all caught in flames, and they quickly slammed into the white tigers.

All the white tigers panicked, but before they could do much, those arrows were already shot at them, and flames were burning on many white tigers, and they collided wildly back and forth.

But it is a pity that it did not cause any harm to the rest of the white tigers, only a limited number of white tigers died, and all the white tigers had been aroused by fierce and fast attackers, the walls of the camp, obviously they They're all in a state of madness now.

"Boss, why don't they continue to be mean? If we play a few more waves, I'm afraid they can kill a lot of white tigers." Guo Tian said softly with his mouth curled.

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "I took a look just now, and there are not many swords behind each of them, so they will never use them unless it is absolutely necessary. Just now, it was just to scare these strange beasts. It's a pity that they didn't succeed, so they must save money now, and I'm afraid they won't release such arrows easily."

At this moment, Gao Yan suddenly found a target, pointed to the front and said, "You didn't see it, there seemed to be a black shadow flashing past there just now, could it be the black strange beast you call?"

Bai Yunfei looked in the direction Gao Yan pointed, although he didn't see the black shadow, but he saw the existence of Tiger King.

Bai Yunfei, heh heh, smiled and said, "Although I didn't see the black shadow, I did see the White Tiger King. If we solve it, I'm afraid these White Tigers will cause civil turmoil."

Guo Tian said excitedly, "Then what are you waiting for, Boss? Let's kill the White Tiger King now. As long as we kill him, the materials on his body will definitely allow us to synthesize more advanced martial arts. There are some people who can’t wait, so act quickly.”

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Don't worry, do a small experiment first, and then go, and even if you kill the White Tiger King, it won't be of any use."

Guo Tian said with disbelief, "Boss, you always say that you are doing a small experiment, but in the end you always eat alone."

Bai Yunfei smiled awkwardly and said, "What I said is true, I just wanted to do a small experiment before, but who would have thought that those experimental products would be killed by me without being beaten. It’s really not my fault.”

Gao Yan said curiously, "Mr. Bai, what kind of experiment are you going to do? Is it to see if the black shadow will come out?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "Not all, the reason why I don't plan to kill this white tiger now is because if those white tigers still come out after killing this white tiger, it's better not to kill him for the time being, but I'll take a look at it." , if the White Tiger King is not killed, what will be the result of killing the surrounding white tigers?"

Guo Tian frowned slightly at this time and said, "Boss, you want to see if there will be a black beast if you don't kill the White Tiger King? If it doesn't appear, then we won't kill the king in the future." Is it right?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "Because we don't know what's going on at all right now, so now we can only experiment one by one to see how we can get through the disaster the fastest. "

Gao Yan nodded slightly in agreement and said, "It is true that we should explore it carefully, and we can't continue to do it like this, otherwise we will fail sooner or later."

(End of this chapter)

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