Chapter 854 The Magical Camp

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Your current strength is already at the peak of your own. As long as you continue to break through, you will return to your previous world, and your strength will increase as it is now. If you give up control because of your improved strength, you need to better control your own strength."

Guo Tian Gao Yan nodded slightly, and at the same time, he was also a little curious. He looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "Boss, how strong are you? Why do you know so many things?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "In the future, you will know how strong my body is. The only thing you can do now is to improve your own strength. The road ahead will not be so easy to break through."

Guo Tian Gaoyan looked at Bai Yunfei with some puzzlement, because they heard something not right from Bai Yunfei's mouth, and they all looked at Bai Yunfei with some worry.

"Don't worry, but I won't be separated from you, because it's not yet time, but you also need to make more preparations, because you don't know when we will be separated."

Guo Tian said with some reluctance, "Why is the boss doing this? Does it have to be separated?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, smiled slightly and said, "Naturally, there is no banquet that never ends, so when it is time to leave, you still have to leave. No one can change this situation."

Guo Tian sighed slightly, looked at Gao Yan, who was also disappointed on the side, and said with a wry smile, "Actually, you are right, boss. It is true that we will be separated in the future, even if we will not be separated for a while, but when we are together After this is over, I have to leave."

Gao Yan nodded in agreement, and said with some disappointment, "There is no permanent banquet in the world. In fact, we all understand this truth, but we just can't believe it."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Let's not waste time here, let's go, and continue to search for new materials."

The three left the camp again and embarked on a new journey, but they didn't know that this was the camp they saw, which saved many people.

Bai Yunfei and the three of them quickly passed through the jungle and came to a lake.

There is actually a camp in the center of this lake.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "This person really knows how to build every camp in the center of the lake. Isn't he worried about accidents?"

Guo Tian smiled slightly and said, "Don't we know if we go over and take a look? But how did they build it? They actually saw such a camp in the center. Those strange beasts probably have no way to attack."

"Maybe the strange beasts in the water can attack the ones above." Gao Yan also said with a light smile.

With a slight smile, Bai Yunfei quickly found a big tree and threw it towards the center of the camp. Then the three of them stepped on the big tree with light kung fu, and the big tree came to the center very quickly. , making it easy to jump in.

"Who are you? Why did you come to our camp?" A man in black said loudly.

Bai Yunfei looked at the man in black with a slight smile, and said, "We just want to find a place to rest, there are some strange things here, so we came here to have a look, why don't you welcome outsiders here? "

"As long as you have no malicious intentions, we certainly welcome you to come to our place and prohibit the use of all force, because if force is used here, it is easy to destroy the camp. If the camp is destroyed, everyone will die. "The man explained with a slight sigh of relief.

Guo Tian looked at the man curiously, and said, "Why are you so dark? Could it be that you were born with it?"

The man immediately said with an ugly face, "I chose the wrong martial arts, that's why I became the ghost I am now. Back then, I, Ali, was also a handsome guy who loved flowers when he saw them."

After Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, he looked at Ali and said, "Why do you say that if you are not careful, this camp will be destroyed? I think your camp is quite solid."

Ali shook his head, and said with an ugly face, "This camp is not really as strong as you see, because the entire camp cannot withstand any force, because it is floating, as long as a strong internal attack will Tell him to disintegrate directly."

Just this is the fifth catastrophe for other people in this camp, and it has come.

Guo Tian, ​​looking at the sudden changes around him, said a little puzzled, "Haven't you survived the catastrophe in May?"

Ali looked at Guo Tian and Gao Yan with some puzzlement and said, "Of course we are not there yet, why have you already passed it?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Of course we've already passed it. Don't you think we came here to take refuge here? Didn't we say that before? I came to you to take a rest, but I really didn't expect it." To catch up with you to overcome the catastrophe, how about the three of us help you?"

Ali smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry so much, they will kill each other, as long as we don't show any movement around us, they won't notice our existence, so we just need to wait here quietly." OK."

Ali directly brought Bai Yunfei and the others to the camp, the busiest place, and said loudly to the dozens of people in the camp, "Everyone hurry up and get ready, and salvage materials at any time."

Seeing that all those people were getting busy, Bai Yunfei said more curiously, "It seems that they listen to what you say casually, but have you always survived disasters like this?"

Ali nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, we have always survived disasters like this. If it weren't for this special camp, we would have died without a place to die."

"Then why did you say before that if the camp is destroyed, all of us will die without a burial?" Gao Yan asked curiously.

Ali smiled wryly and said, "That's because of the opportunistic approach. As soon as we leave this camp, the strange beasts in the water will attack us frantically. A few of us planned to attack us before." I left, but I was killed by those strange beasts just halfway through the journey."

(End of this chapter)

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