Chapter 857 Zhou Tianyu

The soldier chuckled and said, "Of course, don't worry, because we don't have any command or non-command here, and some are just brothers and sisters going through the disaster together, so we welcome anyone to come, just remember that we can't Once force is used, if an irreversible conflict occurs, it can be on the stage of life and death."

Bai Yunfei and the others quickly followed the soldiers into the city and said with a soft smile, "I really didn't expect that the people here are really interesting, but it's this kind of unity that makes you persist until now."

The soldier said with some admiration, "Yes, without our Lord Zhou Tianyu, I'm afraid this city would not have been preserved at all."

Gao Yan said curiously, "The leader here is Zhou Tianyu? Then can we see him?"

The soldier nodded slightly, and said with a soft smile, "Of course, there will be a celebration meeting tonight, you can participate, and then you will be able to meet our leader."

"Celebration meeting, do you often hold celebration meetings here?" Guo Tian asked curiously.

The soldier nodded slightly and smiled softly, "Of course, we hold it here every month to celebrate that we survived again, so it has become a habit. And just two days ago we just passed Catastrophe, so we need to celebrate now."

Seeing the soldiers' admiration, Bai Yunfei and Gao Yan looked at each other, nodded each other, and followed the soldiers to the temporary residence.

After those soldiers left, Gao Yan shook his head slightly, and said with some admiration, "I really didn't expect this person's methods to be so clever, and they won everyone's heart because they would never betray him." That’s the best way to do it.”

Guo Tian smiled slightly and said, "Now you should admire him, his methods are much better than yours, but I really want to meet him now, to see if he is a real one, A good man is still a hypocrite."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "What about a good person, what about a hypocrite? As long as he can ensure that everyone survives here, that is his greatest ability."

Gao Yan sighed softly and said, "Now I really feel that I was a little too arrogant before. After seeing them, I know what it means to be truly powerful."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Everyone has their own path to follow. It's not that other people's path is suitable for you. You just need to find your own path. As for the achievements of other people, it has nothing to do with you. Does it matter?"

After Gao Yan shook his body suddenly, he bowed to Bai Yunfei with some fear and said, "Thank you sir, if it wasn't for your reminder, I'm afraid I would have distracted thoughts, and there is no way to improve my strength anymore."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "It's you who can wake up in time. As long as you can wake up, it means you can continue to move forward. Just remember to walk your own path."

When the night slowly fell, all the survivors in the city came to the city hall, and Zhou Tianyu was already standing there, waiting for everyone's arrival.

"I really didn't expect it to be a small white spot. This is really surprising." Guo Tian said in a low voice.

"Keep down your voice. If you let other people hear you, I'm afraid you will cause trouble again. At that time, Mr. Be Careful will punish you again." Gao Yan rolled his eyes and said lightly.

Guo Tian rolled his eyes and said softly, "It's not so exaggerated, how could they hear it? You didn't see that they are all looking at Zhou Tianyu with adoring eyes now, and they don't pay attention to the surroundings at all. "

Bai Yunfei coughed lightly, and said lightly, "It's better to pay attention to the influence, if it is really heard by others, it will be bad, so some things can be thought about in your own mind, don't say it. Come out, walls have ears, it's no joke."

Guo Tian stuck out his tongue involuntarily, and looked at the people around him with some embarrassment, pretending to look at Zhou Tianyu very seriously.

When the banquet was over, all the people returned to their resting places, but what Bai Yunfei and the others didn't expect was that Zhou Tianyu came over in person.

"Welcome to our city, you can live here forever, this is your warmest home."

Bai Yunfei shook his head, smiled softly and said, "I'm really sorry, we can't live here for a long time, because we are the kind of people who like to take risks, so we still need to continue to take risks."

Zhou Tianyu said with a little emotion, "I really envy you for having such an adventurous spirit, but I can't. I feel that I have a great burden. I need to keep them all alive. If someone can take my place one day, then I'm also going to venture outside like you."

Guo Tian said curiously, "Are you so willing to give up your current position?"

Zhou Tianyu nodded slightly, and said with a slight smile, "If someone can replace me, of course I would, because it is very difficult to be in this position and the pressure on me is too great."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "But there are very few people who can take your place, and they haven't even appeared yet, so it seems that you are still working hard here. If you really have someone who can take your place, we will I don’t mind letting you go on an adventure outside with us.”

Zhou Tianyu smiled slightly and said, "Then look forward to this day. If there is such a day, I will definitely go on an adventure with you, but I hope that you will not dislike me when the time comes."

Gao Yan smiled slightly and said, "Of course we won't dislike someone as powerful as you. It's too late for us to welcome you. Don't dislike us then."

Zhou Tianyu smiled slightly, and said very politely, "Of course I won't. I have to deal with some things now, so I won't be here with you. You can have a good rest. You can take care of this place." Make it your home."

Looking at Zhou Tianyu who left, Guo Tian frowned slightly and said, "The answer I can be sure of now is that I am a complete hypocrite, who dares to come here to test, I really take myself too seriously, who wants to be here stay."

(End of this chapter)

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