Chapter 862
In the early morning of the second day, Bai Yunfei and the three quickly stood up from their resting place.

Zhuge Tianming quickly found Bai Yunfei and they saw that his eyes were red, apparently he had slept through the night, but his spirit had changed somewhat.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "You should already know about what happened yesterday, right? Now you should also understand whether you are needed here or not, and is it worth your commemoration here?"

Zhuge Tianming sighed slightly, and said softly, "I know now that this place is really not suitable for me to live here. All of them don't take me seriously at all, they just But they are all using me. If you hadn’t reminded me, I’m afraid I would still be foolishly here to continue to advise them and fight for their survival. I never took my hard work seriously, but I took everything as the most important thing."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You've figured it out now, that's the best thing, but you still have some things to do by yourself, and your performance needs to be handled by yourself, and that is to completely divide the boundaries with them." , it’s like giving yourself an explanation.”

Zhuge Tianming nodded slightly, then looked at Bai Yunfei and the others and said, "Brother Bai, can I make a small request, that is, after I draw a line with them, can I go out with you?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Of course, but I'm afraid you need to make preparations for one thing, because if you follow us, you won't have to go through disasters once a month like you are now, but you will spend a whole day." Year after year of catastrophe, are you prepared for this?"

Zhuge Tianming nodded slightly and said, "I've already made such preparations, and I will definitely be able to pass this once-a-year disaster. The once-a-month disaster doesn't pose any challenge to me at all."

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "Okay, this is our person, go ahead, we will definitely support you, if someone dares to mess with you, don't worry, we will definitely not make it easy for them."

Guo Tian walked over, hehe smiled and said, "I'll go with you, you are only at the level of the Martial Emperor now, and there are still some things that can't be controlled. With me, they definitely have nothing to do with you." Method."

Zhuge Tianming nodded slightly, then went directly outside, rang the assembly bell, and waited for everyone to assemble.

When everyone gathered in front of him, Zhuge Tianming nodded slightly, and directly said loudly, "Thank you for your care these days, now I need to go on a journey alone, so I bid farewell to everyone here , From now on, you can choose the leader of the camp.”

Everyone was taken aback, only to see that fat man in the daytime said directly and loudly, "Chief Zhuge, you are the backbone of our place, what should we do if you leave? And you stayed here well, you Can you abandon everyone? Are you willing to watch everyone die in front of you before you turn back?"

Zhuge Tianming shook his head slightly and said, "I don't have any great skills at all. The reason why we can survive is everyone's hard work, so it's the same with me or without me."

Tian Hu walked out directly and quickly, and said darkly, "Did some brat in the camp make you angry? You tell me, I will clean up for you and them. This is our hard work, don't you?" Are you willing to abandon your efforts and leave here? Or is it the ghosts of those three people behind you, making them confuse you?"

Zhuge Tianming nodded slightly, shook his head and said softly, "Tian Hu, I know that you really want to sit on my seat, but you are afraid that you won't be able to take it, so you always let me stand in front of you. Now everything in the camp They are all very stable, and they have to develop slowly to survive, so I won't be here to hinder your business."

Tian Hu snorted coldly and said, "Zhuge Tianming, don't you think about it yourself, would you survive if it weren't for us? If you dare to leave, you are an ungrateful person."

Guo Tian couldn't stand it anymore, his aura burst out instantly, and immediately flew that Tian Huzhen out.

"What I hate the most is you ungrateful guys. He has saved so many of your lives, and he has paid off what he owed you a long time ago. Why do you still threaten others with such despicable conditions? You are the most shameless I get angry when people see you, and if you annoy me, I'll kill you all."

Tian Hu panted heavily, looked at Guo Tian with some horror, stopped saying anything, and closed his eyes directly to heal his injuries.

Zhuge Tianming shook his head slightly, and said softly, "Let's go."

The four of Bai Yunfei and the others quickly left the camp. Zhuge Tianming sighed sadly, but then he turned into a firm belief and followed behind Bai Yunfei and the three of them.

The fat man walked up to Tian Hu's side in a low voice and said, "What about the boss? Should we gather people now and steal them outside?"

Tian Hu snorted coldly and said, "Can't you see that? We are not his opponents to die at all? Now that Zhuge Tianming has left, everything is back to normal here, you go and deal with those disobedient ones." Find all the people for me, and let them be ready to be dead ghosts at any time."

At this time, everyone in the camp was cautious and did not dare to say anything, because they all knew that if they made Tian Huzai unhappy, they would really die without a place to die.

Bai Yunfei and the others found a relatively good place to sit down and rest, and threw some materials to Zhuge Tianming by the way.

Zhuge Tianming looked at the materials in front of him with some puzzlement and said, "What are you going to do? What are you giving me these materials? Don't you need breakthroughs yourself?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Their current strength is not weak at 10 points, and they can protect themselves, but some of your strength is too weak, so you need to improve it, so these materials are the most suitable for you, and we But it's a waste at all, because it can't improve much strength."

(End of this chapter)

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